Special masters on campus

Chapter 635 Sister

Chapter 635 Sister
The northern suburbs of Donghai City.

Chen Dong put his hand on the shoulder of the girl in front.

The two stopped immediately.

Chen Dong stared at the figure in front of him solemnly, and saw that the girl was wearing a gray women's tracksuit with a hat on her head. From the back, she looked very much like his junior sister Lin Wan.

"Who are you? What is your purpose?" Chen Dong said in a low voice, his junior sister Lin Wan has always been a problem in his heart. , Now that the life and death of master and wife are uncertain, it is even more of my responsibility to find my younger sister and find out what happened.

"You shouldn't have come to Donghai." This was the first time Chen Dong heard this girl speak, not as cold as imagined, but like a girl next door.

"Whether I should come to Donghai is my own business, and it's not up to others to tell me." Chen Dong raised his mouth.

"I have no other purpose here, just to tell you that I want to leave Donghai alive." The girl said calmly.

"Oh? Are you threatening me?" Chen Dong smiled, because he hadn't seen his junior sister Lin Wan for many years, and her voice was already blurred, and even her appearance was only seen from the photos of.So Chen Dong couldn't tell whether this girl was Lin Wan just by the voice alone.

"I'm just reminding you that there is no other intention." The girl said.

"Really? Are we familiar? Why did you remind a stranger for no reason?" Chen Dong said with a smile.


"You are Lin Wan!" Before she finished speaking, Chen Dong spoke first.

But seeing the girl's figure visibly tremble, but she didn't speak.

"I'm Chen Dong, your senior brother, you should remember me." Chen Dong said solemnly, judging from the girl's reaction, she might be Lin Wan!
"Do you know that master and wife are being chased and killed, and they have been thinking about you!" Chen Dong continued.

The girl's figure flickered again, obviously Chen Dong's words hurt her heart.

"I'm sorry, you misidentified the person." The girl said.

"Aren't you mistaken? I'll see if I look at it!" But seeing Chen Dong's pupils shrank suddenly, the hand on her shoulder was pulled back violently!As long as Chen Dong sees her face, everything will be revealed!
However, just as Chen Dong's hand became stronger and the girl's body turned half a point, she saw the girl clap her hands down suddenly.

"Bang!" A burst of white smoke instantly enveloped her whole body, and at the same time, she shrank her shoulders like a loach and slid out of Chen Dong's hand!

"Not good!" Chen Dong thumped in his heart, but because of the thick white smoke in front of him, Chen Dong couldn't see anything at all, and this person completely concealed his cultivation level, and Chen Dong couldn't perceive it for a while. her position!
"Damn it! Let me go!" Chen Dong's eyes were cold, and a golden light flashed all over his body!

"Phew!" In an instant, the dense smoke that had filled dozens of meters around dissipated under this golden light.

But where is the shadow of that girl?
"It's because I underestimate the enemy!" Chen Dong frowned. If he had just done it directly, he might have seen her true face.

But judging from what this girl said just now and her reaction when she heard that she was called Lin Wan, there is a 90.00% chance that she is her junior sister Lin Wan!

"Junior Sister, since you can come to remind me of the danger, why can't you meet me? If you have anything to say, tell me directly in person." Chen Dong looked around.

"Then it is basically certain now that the Dongying female killer who attacked Liu Yashu that day was the junior sister. But why did the junior sister suddenly drop out of school and become a Japanese killer!" Chen Dong thought to himself.

"It seems that if you want to find out all this, you have to start with the couple restaurant in Ximen!" Chen Dong had previously suspected that the couple restaurant in Ximen had something to do with those Japanese killers. He put it down temporarily.At this moment, "Lin Wan" appeared again, and Chen Dong naturally wouldn't let it go.

"These Japanese killers also came for the shards of celestial fire and mysterious ice in Liu Yashu's body. Who is behind them? Why did they know that Liu Yashu's body was planted with shards of celestial fire and mysterious ice!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold. He had to figure it out when it came to Lin Wan and Liu Yashu, two women who were extremely important to him!

"Chen Dong!" At this moment, a voice came from behind Chen Dong.

It turned out that Feng Bingbing followed after seeing Chen Dong leave suddenly, but her cultivation level was far lower than Chen Dong's, so she arrived now.

Because Feng Bingbing spent a lot of energy in chasing Chen Dong at full speed all the way, standing beside Chen Dong, her chest heaved rapidly.

"Husband, what happened? Are you okay?" Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong anxiously. The incident happened so suddenly that she had no time to react.

"I'm fine, I just saw an acquaintance." Chen Dong stretched out his hand to hold Feng Bingbing's white and smooth hand, and a fused pure yang energy was sent into her body.

A blush flashed across Feng Bingbing's face, but the infuriating energy consumed a lot due to the long chase just now was replenished, and his breathing calmed down.

"Acquaintance? What acquaintance?" Feng Bingbing calmed down and said to Chen Dong.

"Do you still remember what I told you before that the purpose of my coming to Donghai City was to find someone?" Chen Dong looked at Feng Bingbing and said.

"Your junior sister?" Feng Bingbing's eyes flashed.

"Yes, I suspect that the person I saw is her. But her current identity is the Japanese killer!" Chen Dong said calmly.

"Dongpu killer!" Feng Bingbing's eyes turned cold.

"And their goal is the shard of Skyfire Black Ice in Liu Yashu's body." Chen Dong said.

"What!" Feng Bingbing's expression became more dignified.

"So I need you to do something for me." Chen Dong looked at Feng Bingbing.

"Husband, tell me." Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong.

"In the past few days, you have to secretly observe the couple's restaurant outside the west gate of Tunghai University, which may be related to these Japanese killers." Chen Dong said.

"Understood!" Feng Bingbing nodded. As a killer, she didn't have much words, but she was Chen Dong's most trustworthy.

"Once you find something, notify me immediately and don't act rashly. The opponent is not weak." Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"Are you worried about me?" Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong.

Chen Dong didn't speak but embraced Feng Bingbing in his arms.

"Bingbing wronged you..." Chen Dong whispered in Feng Bingbing's ear.

"As long as I can stay by my husband's side, I will not be wronged..." Feng Bingbing had a happy smile on his face, Chen Dong's words were enough.

And when Chen Dong and Feng Bingbing left, they didn't notice that a figure flashed behind a huge rock not far away and was watching them.

If Chen Dong saw this person, he would definitely find that his appearance was almost exactly the same as Feng Bingbing.

"Sister, are you really in love with this man..."

(End of this chapter)

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