Special masters on campus

Chapter 636 Someone Pricked Me!

Chapter 636 Someone Pricked Me!

Chen Dong didn't know that the killer of the Dragon Shouhui had come to Donghai City ahead of the members of the Taiyi Sect.And had been watching him secretly since the day he got back to school.And he would never have thought that the person who would come to the Dragon Head Club this time was not the president of the Dragon Head Club he had expected!
Chen Dong and Feng Bingbing returned to Tunghai University, and according to their plan, Feng Bingbing went to the Ximen Lovers Restaurant to find clues about the hidden Japanese killers.And Chen Dong returned to the dormitory and seized all the time to practice.Now he already has the power of three pieces of Heavenly Fire and Black Ice in his body, but Chen Dong still has the ability to use this power for his own use, which needs to be realized slowly by Chen Dong.

Back to the dormitory where he hadn't been back for a long time, Chen Dong sat cross-legged on the bed.He knew that a more terrifying opponent would come soon!As long as I don't have enough strength to protect the shards of Tianhuo Xuanbing, then it will not be Li Jianye who will die next time but himself.

At the same time that Chen Dong returned to his dormitory to practice, Feng Bingbing came to Ximen's restaurant for lovers.

Feng Bingbing was wearing a white hollow dress and a pair of white high heels. In addition, her height of nearly 1.7 meters attracted the attention of many people as soon as she entered the restaurant.

Many of the boys who came with their girlfriends were scolded by their girlfriends because they peeked at Feng Bingbing.

"Haha! I said that in this kind of restaurant, you will definitely meet single beauties!" And at this moment, a few boys with wretched expressions walked over from the other side of the restaurant.

The leader has a fashionable Korean hairstyle, a fashionable men's T-shirt, earrings on his ears, and a famous brand, so he can tell that he is a rich man himself.

"Boss is wise, it seems that the rest of us should learn more about how to pick up girls from the boss!"

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't expect that we could meet such a beautiful girl today. Boss is really wise and powerful, and has a great plan!" The three boys following behind the man with the stud earrings kept flattering.

"You guys are optimistic, my brother will show you today what it means to pick up girls and flirt with girls, learn a little bit!" The man with the earrings looked at Feng Bingbing who was sitting by the window, his eyes were shining, and he kept swallowing, He can guarantee that although he has played with many women, the woman in front of him is definitely the best he has ever seen in his life!
"The boss is mighty!" Although the boys behind him also had bright eyes, they only had to look at it.

But seeing the man with ear studs walking to Feng Bingbing's seat with a smile on his face.

"My classmate is alone, and I happen to be alone, why don't I invite you?" The earring man said with a smile.

But Feng Bingbing's eyes still looked out of the window, so he didn't understand what he meant.

"Ahem..." The man with the stud earrings looked embarrassed, thinking that I like this aloof and immoral style!I can't do it anymore, and girls can't solve it with money!
"I know girls will definitely be shy when they meet for the first time. It's okay. If you feel shy, I'll take care of the whole restaurant! What do you think of the two of us eating?" The man with earrings said confidently. But he has conquered many girls after all trials.

"Boss is domineering!"

"What kind of bearing do you have to say such domineering words!"

Those servants were sitting on the seats next to them, flattering them all the time.

"Hmph! As long as you have money, all kinds of girls will kneel at your knees!" The man with the earrings looked proud.

"Beauty, if you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence." The man with earrings smiled, and was about to sit down beside Feng Bingbing.

"You will regret it if you sit down." Feng Bingbing said in a cold voice at this time, except facing Chen Dong, she was still the cold female killer "Bingfeng Yaoji".

"What?" The earring man was taken aback for a moment, but then smiled, "Regret? How could I regret sitting next to a beauty like you!"

The man with the stud earrings sat beside Feng Bingbing with a smile on his face.

"Ah!" As soon as he sat down, his whole face changed suddenly, and he let out a scream like a pig being slaughtered, and his whole body bounced up all of a sudden!
"Ha ha!"

"What a shame!"

"With your non-mainstream look, you still look like a beauty of this level!"

The funny behavior of the man with earrings caused a burst of laughter in the restaurant.


"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

The younger brothers of the man with the earrings hurried over and helped the man with the earrings who was lying on the ground up.

"Damn! Somebody pricked me!" The man with the stud earrings held his chrysanthemum in ecstasy.

"Is the little beauty getting impatient? Do you know who our boss is?" The three followers surrounded Feng Bingbing's seat arrogantly.

"If you are sensible, let's have a meal with our boss, and then make an appointment or something!"

"Don't worry about dating our boss and sleeping in the presidential suite of a five-star hotel at night! Haha!"

The three boys looked at Feng Bingbing with smirks and said.

"Aren't you bullying people?" At this moment, a boy couldn't stand up and shouted.

"You're crazy! Do you know who that boy is?" But this boy was grabbed by his classmates.

"This girl's temper is a bit too hot, and this person's father is a real estate tycoon in our Donghai City. The girls he has played with are less than a hundred and dozens!"

"So..." Sure enough, the boy didn't dare to stand up when he heard the identity and background of the man with the earrings.

"Haha! Now you know who I am! As long as I am willing, I will buy this whole restaurant, and I won't blink my eyes. Beauty, I don't know if you will reward me this time?" I saw the man with earrings With a sneer, he walked to Feng Bingbing's side again.

And Feng Bingbing still didn't speak but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Ah! It's so beautiful!" This smile melted the heart of the man with stud earrings. He found that the difference between the girls he had played with before and the girl in front of him was like weeds and roses!
"Beauty, as long as you follow me, I can satisfy you no matter what you want! You will become one of the richest women in Donghai City!" The man with earrings swallowed, as if he had forgotten the pain just now. He moved to Feng Bingbing's side and sat down.


But this time it was almost the same as the reaction just now, only to see the man with the earrings let out a heart-piercing scream and bounced out again!

"Ha ha!"

There was another burst of laughter throughout the restaurant.

"Fucking shameless! What are you waiting for to clean her up!" The man with the earrings screamed lying on the ground with no hands.

"Little girls, you can't blame the brothers!" The three boys sneered and rushed towards Feng Bingbing at the same time.

"Shame on you!" Feng Bingbing snorted coldly and raised his right hand abruptly.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Three crisp sounds came almost simultaneously.

"Ah! Ah!" Three screams came almost simultaneously, and the three boys had already been slapped to the ground.

"Get lost!" Feng Bingbing said calmly.

"Trash! Stand up and fuck me together!" When did the man with the stud earrings suffer from such a disadvantage? If word of this gets out, he will still be a fool in the future!All four of them stood up one after another and rushed towards Feng Bingbing again!
"Bang bang!" But as soon as the four got up together, they flew upside down at the same time and landed heavily on the ground.

"Sis, when did you become so merciful?" At the same time, a charming voice came.

Feng Bingbing suddenly raised her head, only to see a perfect figure standing in front of her.

"younger sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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