Special masters on campus

Chapter 648 One step late?

Chapter 648 A step late?
Accompanied by a loud noise, the ground was directly crushed by Chen Dong's foot, revealing an entrance.

This time, everyone including the proprietress was stunned.

"Hmph!" Chen Dong believed that his perception just now was absolutely correct, and the aura fluctuations came from this room.So since there is no doubt about other places in the room, the only possibility is the underground.

"I..." The landlady's face was so pale, where is the coquettish attitude just now?He opened his mouth for a long time but couldn't speak.

"Since you don't speak, you agree." Chen Dong smiled, and then looked at the chefs in the back kitchen, "When I come out later, if any of you are not in the same place, it will be the same as this ground!"

"This..." These chefs in the back kitchen have never seen such a scene in their life, what kind of person can step on the ground with one foot!I saw that these overly frightened chefs were all standing in place with their legs trembling, and none of them dared to move a bit!
"Now it's time for us to go down and have a better understanding." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched and he looked at the proprietress of the restaurant in his arms.

"Ah!" But before the proprietress of the restaurant could react at all, Chen Dong had already jumped into the entrance with her in his arms.

"Boom!" Chen Dong hugged the proprietress and landed on the ground.

It was pitch black all around, not to mention any aura fluctuations, not even a human figure.

But this is not a difficult task for Chen Dong.

"Huh!" A flame lit up, illuminating the surroundings.

"You!" And when the proprietress of the restaurant saw a flame appear out of thin air from Chen Dong's palm, she seemed to be frightened stupid.

"I really didn't expect such a big article in a small restaurant." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched.

With the light of the fire illuminating the surroundings, Chen Dong saw that the two of them were in an underground corridor, and the end of the corridor was pitch black and it was impossible to see where it led.

"I think you need to explain, is this also your lounge?" Chen Dong looked at the panic-stricken restaurant proprietress in his arms.

"No, I don't know what this place is! I really don't know." The proprietress said with a pale face.

"Hmph, if I'm not wrong, you are from Dongying, right?" Chen Dong smiled.

"Dong... Dongying? No!" The proprietress said hurriedly, clutching her chest.

"And you are not only a Dongying native but also a Japanese killer!" Chen Dong smiled.

"You..." When Chen Dong said the word "killer", the proprietress' expression changed significantly.

"Whether you are or not is not important now!" Chen Dong smiled, hugged the proprietress and rushed towards the end of the corridor!

"Boom!" The iron door at the end of the corridor was kicked open by Chen Dong, revealing a downward step.

"Huh!" Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Dong entered the steps with his wife in his arms.

The entire staircase descends continuously in a spiral shape, and finally comes to an empty basement.

The size of the basement is not small enough to be as big as a football field, but at the moment the basement is empty.

"It should be here, but now there is no spiritual fluctuation. Could it be that they noticed it in advance?" Chen Dong looked around the basement with cold eyes but found nothing.

"Your people have all run away, and now you are the only one left." Chen Dong looked at the proprietress of the restaurant.

"My good brother, my sister really doesn't know what you are talking about?" The proprietress shook her head quickly and said.

"Don't you know?" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and he raised his hand.

"Huh!" And the moment Chen Dong raised his hand, he saw the cow-red jacket on the proprietress's body burst into flames!
"Ah!" The proprietress screamed in fright and slapped the flames on her body desperately.

"No matter what happens here, I can't be heard by others." Chen Dong said in a cold voice.

"I really don't know. I rented this house too. I really don't know what this place is!" The proprietress fell to the ground and kept rolling.

Chen Dong has already sensed that this basement has no entrance to other places, and the only explanation is that the people inside have already moved away before he came here!
"Damn it, it's a step late! But at least it proves that this is indeed one of the strongholds of those Japanese killers!" Chen Dong stared coldly at the proprietress who fell on the ground and kept rolling.

In just a moment, most of the dress on the proprietress's body was burned off, revealing a large piece of snow-white skin.

"If you don't tell me, then it's not your clothes that were burned? If you turn into ashes, no one will find you." Chen Dong walked to the lady boss and said, looking at the lady boss who was in a mess.

Chen Dong had to admit that a woman with the figure and age of the proprietress was indeed very attractive, especially now that most of the clothes had been burned, which made every man unable to help being tempted.

"My good brother, even if you burn me, I really don't know." The proprietress said pitifully, clutching her chest.

"Really? Then you are not afraid that I will eat you before I kill you?" Chen Dong waved his hand with a smile.

"Hoo hoo!" The only remaining clothes on the proprietress were instantly reduced to ashes!
"Ah!" The proprietress screamed in fright, and it took a while to realize that she was fine but the clothes on her body had turned into black powder.

"You... You want to eat my sister's 1 wishes. This is really exciting. My sister's age is really too much!" The proprietress raised her head and looked at Chen Dong with a docile expression.

"It seems that I am unnecessary." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched. The proprietress was able to charm herself at this time, she must have practiced charm, but she is not a practitioner, and charm is also very low-level.

"My sister has been distracted by you now, otherwise the two of us are here? It will definitely be super exciting!" The proprietress looked at Chen Dong and smiled affectionately.

"What an idiot!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold. If it wasn't for the beauty of Chu Shanshan, Situ Xiadan and Feng Bingbing beside him, he might really be unable to control her way.

Chen Dong smiled, turned around and walked upstairs. This is where Donghai City can't kill people for no reason.And you can't get too many useful clues from this kind of thing.At least I now know that there is a problem with this restaurant, and those Japanese killers will probably never return to this stronghold.

"Hey! I said handsome brother, you..." The proprietress stood up all of a sudden.

"Sorry, I'm not interested today." Chen Dong walked up the steps without looking back.

Seeing Chen Dong walking up, the proprietress seemed to be relieved all of a sudden, with a meaningful smile on her face.

"Chen Dong, you can't escape our grasp..."

(End of this chapter)

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