Special masters on campus

Chapter 649 The Enemy Is Coming

Chapter 649 The Enemy Is Coming
Tunghai University Ximen Lovers Restaurant.

Chen Dong walked out of the basement with cold eyes.

The chefs in the back kitchen were all standing there obediently and no one dared to move.When they saw Chen Dong coming out of the basement entrance, all the people lowered their heads as if seeing a monster.

It's no wonder they were so frightened, if it wasn't for the monster, how could it have such a powerful force to smash the ground with one foot, it's reinforced concrete!
Chen Dong didn't speak but walked straight forward through the back kitchen.

"It's nothing to do with you." This was what Chen Dong said before leaving the back kitchen.

"Ah..." It wasn't until Chen Dong said these words that the chefs finally relaxed, and some of them even sat on the ground directly.The look in that young man's eyes just now was terrifying!

"Miss Boss! Where's Madam Boss?" At this time, someone suddenly called out.

"This person can't kill the proprietress!"

"Call the police!"

The whole back kitchen was in chaos, and some people took out their mobile phones and prepared to call the police.

"You all go out!" At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the proprietress' lounge.

"It's the lady boss!"

"Boss, are you okay?"

The whole back kitchen suddenly fell silent.

"I'm fine, you all go out first! Close the door and no one can enter the back kitchen!" The proprietress' voice came again.

"Oh." These chefs walked outside one after another in a daze. What happened today is enough for them to digest for a few days.

After a while, the back kitchen door opened again, and the proprietress of the restaurant came out from inside. The only difference was that her clothes had been changed into a black lace dress.

"This one……"

"What happened inside just now? Why did the proprietress change her clothes?"

The chefs waiting outside the back kitchen started talking after seeing the proprietress came out again, but she changed into another outfit.

"What are you still doing in a daze, why don't you go to work!" At this time, the proprietress scolded.


"Working, working..."

These terrified chefs came back to their senses and entered the back kitchen one after another.

"It's dangerous! It's just a little short! Fortunately, when I saw Mieko Ozawa just now, I notified the deputy team leader in advance to transfer. But this man named Chen Dong is very sensitive. I really don't know how he feels... ..." The proprietress looked in Chen Dong's direction and smiled slightly.

At this time, Chen Dong had already returned to his seat.

"Chen Dong, you are back, the dishes are ready." Tian Meihui said when she saw Chen Dong come back and looked at Chen Dong.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Let's eat." Chen Dong smiled.

"Okay." Tian Meihui nodded.

"Where did you go, Chen Dong?" Tian Meihui asked after taking a bite of the dish.

"What's wrong?" Chen Dong frowned slightly and looked at Tian Meihui.

"No...it's nothing...I just asked casually, you've been away for a long time just now..." Tian Meihui bowed her head and said with a jump in her heart.

"Damn it! I don't know if the vice team leader and the others have been exposed! No, I can't ask any more questions, or my identity will be exposed!"

"Oh. It's nothing. I met an acquaintance just now. I wanted to see him but he walked away, probably because he didn't want to see me." Chen Dong smiled.

"Oh..." Tian Meihui nodded, "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked so many questions."

"It's nothing, by the way, how does your body feel now?" Chen Dong smiled and changed the subject.

"My body is much better, Chen Dong, you are really amazing, I really feel completely recovered after the treatment that day!" Tian Meihui's emotions suddenly became agitated, but soon she lowered her head with a flushed face.

"It's okay. If you feel unwell in the future, you can still come to me. I don't treat ordinary people." Chen Dong raised his mouth.

"That's really troublesome..." Tian Meihui nodded quickly and said, just as humble and polite as ordinary Japanese girls.

"No trouble... no trouble..." Chen Dong thought that even a little trouble is worth it.

The two chatted with each other one sentence at a time, and soon more than an hour passed, and the two of them basically finished eating.

After eating, Chen Dong and Tian Meihui walked out of the restaurant. It was already eight o'clock in the evening.The lanterns at the west gate of Tunghai University were first lit up, and the flow of people gradually increased.

I don't know why the two people who had a good chat just now became awkward after they walked out of the restaurant.

Soon the two of them walked to the school gate.

"Student Tian Meihui, let me take you back to the dormitory." Chen Dong looked at Tian Meihui and said, although it is now certain that the Japanese killers have left, Chen Dong still can't guarantee 100% safety.If he got involved with Tian Meihui in order to investigate the Dongying killer, then Chen Dong would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"It's okay, I've already arrived at the campus, I know there are a lot of things to do, I'll just go back to the dormitory by myself." Tian Meihui said in a low voice, clasping her hands together.

"Okay then." Chen Dong nodded. Since the girl has already said so, he can't force it. After all, he has already entered the campus. Walking with her will definitely attract a lot of people's attention, so he still has to Considering the reputation of other girls.

"Goodbye Chen Dong." Tian Meihui bowed to Chen Dong, then turned around and walked towards the campus.

And just as Tian Meihui stepped into the campus, a black car suddenly stopped in front of Tian Meihui.


"Ah!" The frightened Tian Meihui screamed all of a sudden, covering her eyes with her hands and not daring to move.This sudden scene also attracted the passing students to look at Tian Meihui.

And almost at the same time, I saw the door of the black car open suddenly and a hand stretched out from the car, dragging Tian Meihui into the car while Tian Meihui was still in place!
"Not good!" Chen Dong's complexion changed and he rushed towards the black car.



But the other party obviously came prepared. Almost when Chen Dong was about to come to the front of the car, the two cars accelerated and rushed out.And Chen Dong just grabbed a wagon!
"Damn it!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and at this moment a boy came out of the campus on a bicycle.

"Huh!" Chen Dong came to such a boy in an instant and lifted him into the air with one wave of his hand.

"Hey! Ah!" The boy was completely stunned, why he flew up all of a sudden!
"Let me borrow your car!" Before he finished speaking, Chen Dong chased him out on his bicycle!

"I'll go! Is this a bicycle or Hot Wheels!"

"Nimma, are you sure this is not a motorcycle?"

Chen Dong disappeared in an instant, and the students passing by were all stunned.

"Where's my car? Has anyone seen my car?" At this moment, the boy who was invited to the sky by Chen Dong looked left and right to find his bicycle.

At this time, Chen Dong had already arrived at the main road of Donghai City, 50 meters away from the black car in front!
(End of this chapter)

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