Special masters on campus

Chapter 673 Top Grade Spiritual Sword!

Chapter 673 Top Grade Spiritual Sword!

Above the sea surface, the light that originally soared into the sky gradually dimmed.

"Clatter clatter!" The endless sea water fell from the sky, causing a burst of loud noise.

"What a fast speed!" The Chisong old man stood in mid-air and kept changing his gaze, sensing Chen Dong's aura.

"Are you looking for me?" And at this moment, a cold voice came from behind him!
"Not good!" Chisong old man's complexion changed and he slapped his palm behind him!
And almost at the same time, Chen Dong's fist also slammed towards Chisong Old Daoist!
"Boom!" The sea was once again full of waves.

"How could it be!" But this time, because Chen Dong took the lead, the Chisong old man fought back in a hurry, so he suffered a lot.

But seeing this Chisong old man flying upside down towards the sea!

"I'll kill you while you're sick!" Of course, Chen Dong wouldn't let go of such a good opportunity, but seeing his body move, he chased after the old Chisong who was flying down!

And just when Chen Dong saw that he was about to hit the Chisong old man again, a sneer appeared on the Chisong old man's face!
"Young Chen Dong, you have indeed exceeded my expectations, but you are still too tender after all!"

"Not good!" Chen Dong's heart skipped a beat.

"Chop the Chisong Sword!"

"噗!" Following the Chisong old man's roar, Chen Dong only felt a serious crisis in his heart!
A long sword burning with red flames appeared behind Chen Dong out of thin air, without giving Chen Dong any chance to react, and slashed at Chen Dong's back!
"go to hell!"


But seeing a flash of golden light on the sea, the swords of Chen Dong and Chisong Laodao submerged into the sea in an instant!
"Hmph! Chen Dong, I admit that you are really strong, but after all you are not too young in front of the old man!" The Chisong old man sneered and slowly fell down, standing on the tumbling sea with both feet.

"The old man's Chisong sword is one of the nine great immortal swords of the Taiyi sect, a high-grade spiritual weapon, how can you resist a mere junior who has just advanced to the early stage of Jindan!" Chisong old man stared at the sea with cold eyes.

Naturally, he has experienced much more battles in the cultivation world than Chen Dong. Although it is a bit disgraceful to kill a junior like Chen Dong with his own schemes, it is nothing compared to getting the Pure Yang True Fire!
At this time, under the sea surface, Chen Dong was sinking rapidly.

Outside of Chen Dong's body, nine golden lights flashed continuously, and in front of Chen Dong's body, a red long sword was still burning with flames in the sea, and went straight to Chen Dong's heart!
"噗噗!" But seeing the golden light protecting Chen Dong's body being chopped off continuously, there was only the last golden light protecting the body left in the blink of an eye.At this time, the flaming long sword was less than an inch away from Chen Dong's heart!

"Good sword!" Chen Dong's face was solemn. He could tell at a glance that this sword was not extraordinary. Not only could it burn in water, but it could actually cut through his eight-way nine-yang protective body qi, and almost killed his last protective sword. The true energy of the body is also cut!

In the world of comprehension, only high-level cultivators can have magic weapons, and magic weapons above this kind of spiritual weapon are even rarer, and only old monsters like Chisongzi can have them.

"What if I can take this sword for my own use?" Chen Dong's eyes lit up. Since Chen Dong stepped into the world of self-cultivation, he has never owned a decent sword.Although it is said that the fragments of Tianhuo Xuanbing are Tianbao-level cultivation magic weapons, after all, they cannot be shown to others casually, otherwise they will definitely cause murder.

But Chen Dong also knew that a magic weapon of this level must have been sacrificed for a long time by the owner and had even been connected with the magic weapon's owner's consciousness, so it was very difficult to seize it for his own use.

"Just returning the sword to that Chisong old Taoist is too cheap for him! Even if it can't be refined, it must be destroyed!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and he made up his mind.

"Pure Yang True Fire!"

But seeing a group of white flames appearing between Chen Dong's brows, the white flames seemed to be stronger than before, obviously because Chen Dong had been promoted to the Golden Core Stage.

"Refine it for me!" Chen Dong grabbed the flaming long sword in front of him directly!

"Huh!" And the mass of white flames at the center of Chen Dong's eyebrows rushed towards the flaming long sword at the same time!This pure yang true fire is the purest flame in the world, and ordinary water can't extinguish it naturally!
"Om!" A golden light flashed in the pitch-black sea, but Chen Dong clasped his palms tightly to clamp the Chisong sword, so that the sword could not move forward a little bit.At this time, Chisong Sword's sword edge was only one centimeter away from Chen Dong's heart, and Chen Dong's last body-protecting qi would be broken a little bit further!If that's the case, even if Chen Dong is a cultivator at the golden core stage, if his heart is broken by a magic weapon of this level, he will undoubtedly die!
And at the same time that Chen Dong blocked the Chisong Sword with both hands, he saw that small white flame had already landed on the Chisong Sword's sword body that was burning with red flames.

This red flame is definitely not ordinary, otherwise it would have been extinguished by the sea water long ago.But even if this scarlet flame is not extraordinary, once it meets the pure Yang True Fire, the emperor of all flames in the world can only bow his head and surrender!

But seeing that the white Pure Yang True Fire seemed so insignificant as soon as it landed on the burning sword body, it disappeared into the red flame.

"Buzz!" But in the next second, the flame that was still burning was suddenly extinguished!In other words, it was absorbed into a small white flame on the sword body!
The flames were extinguished, revealing the body of the spirit sword, and it turned out that the spirit sword was actually a wooden sword, completely refined from a piece of crimson wood.

"Taiyi fine wood!" Chen Dong's eyes lit up, and he could tell at a glance that the wooden sword was made of high-quality Taiyi fine wood. No wonder he was able to break through his eight-way nine-yang body-protecting true energy with one sword!
"Hmph! Old Daoist Chisong, you originally thought that you could kill me with this spiritual sword, but you forgot that if I refine your sword, this sword will be surnamed Chen!" Chen Dong smiled. , I happened to have a guy, Chisong old man just sent it to me.

"Pure Yang True Fire for me!" Chen Dong's thought moved, after this time's promotion to Golden Core Stage, Chen Dong was able to completely control this trace of Pure Yang True Fire.

But following Chen Dong's thoughts, he saw flames burning again on the sword that had already been extinguished.Only this time the burning flame was not red but white!

At the same time, on the surface of the sea, the Chisong old Taoist was smiling, as if he had become the respected orthodox senior.Killing Chen Dong in one fell swoop not only relieved him of the hatred in his heart, but also captured the once-in-a-thousand-year Pure Yang True Fire, which would improve his cultivation again.How could he not be happy about such a good thing?
"Haha!" Thinking of this, the Chisong old man couldn't help laughing.

"With Pure Yang True Fire, this old man will become No.1 in the Taiyi Sect, and even the entire cultivation world..."

"What!" However, before the old Chisong finished speaking, his face changed suddenly!
(End of this chapter)

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