Special masters on campus

Chapter 674 Who Has More True Qi?

Chapter 674 Who Has More True Qi?
"Ah!" The Chisong old man groaned miserably on the tumbling sea, his figure almost fell from the air into the sea.

"What happened? Why does my consciousness hurt so much!" I saw the Chisong old man forcibly stabilized his body, holding his head with his hands, his face twisted.

"No! It's my Chisong sword! My perception of Chisong sword is getting weaker and weaker! Damn how could this happen!" The old Taoist Chisong's face became extremely ugly.

"Could it be that Chen Dong's junior is not only alive, but also wants to take the old man's Chisong sword!" Chisong Lao said with an unbelievable expression on his face.You must know that this Chisong sword is named after him and it is his talisman, which is connected with his own soul and blood. Once it is captured and refined, he himself will suffer serious backlash, and even fall into the realm!
"Young Chen Dong, you are too arrogant! This old Chisong sword has been refining for a hundred years, and it is connected with the old man's soul blood. In fact, you, a junior at the early stage of Jindan, can refine it!" Sit down cross-legged.

"Get out of here, old man!" With the roar of the Chisong old man, he saw two groups of red flames spewing out from his eyes!

"Boom!" The temperature within a radius of one kilometer suddenly rose to a terrifying level, and large areas of seawater were directly evaporated and vaporized by this terrifying temperature.In a blink of an eye, white water vapor rose from the sea.

Fortunately, this scene happened on the surface of the deep sea, otherwise ordinary people would definitely panic when they saw this scene.

At this moment, under the sea, Chen Dong clasped the Chisong sword with his palms together, and was trying to refine the spirit sword with pure yang fire.But this Chisong Sword is one of the Taiyi Sect's nine major town school spirit swords, a high-grade spiritual weapon, plus it has been refined by Chisong Taoist for a hundred years and is connected with Chen Dong's soul and blood. How easy is it to refine it?

After refining for a while, Chen Dong only broke through the outermost layer of defense of the Chisong Sword, but the refining was far from successful.Chen Dong needs to break through all the spiritual defenses on this sword that belong to Chisong Laodao before he can refine it for his own use.

And at this moment, the Chisong sword, which was already wrapped in white flames, suddenly trembled, and a mass of red fire burned from the hilt again, and quickly spread towards the sword body!

"Om!" And the entire sword seemed to be controlled by some kind of force and moved towards Chen Dong again!

"Boom!" Cracks began to appear in Chen Dong's last protective zhenqi layer, and the cracks continued to spread from small to large!
"Damn it!" Chen Dong wasn't worried that he would be drowned by the seawater without the protective qi. He was already a strong man in the golden core stage, but the seawater still couldn't drown her.But once the last zhenqi is broken, Chen Dong can no longer use the Nine Suns Body Protector in a short period of time. If he is stabbed by the Chisong Sword, the consequences will be very serious.

"Hoohoo!" At this time, the sea water continued to roll and produced countless white bubbles, and the red flame on the hilt of the sword spread faster and faster, and soon suppressed the white flame to a small part of the sword tip. up!

On the surface of the sea, the Chisong old man sat cross-legged in the air, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth again.

"Junior Chen Dong just because you want to refine the old man's natal magic weapon, you are looking for death!" In the cultivation world, it is generally very difficult to refine other people's natal magic weapon, and it often needs to be higher than the opponent's realm. It is possible to do it only after going out of several realms.But now Chen Dong's realm is not only not as high as the Chisong old Taoist, but it is the first realm than the Chisong old Taoist. According to common sense, Chen Dong's true energy cannot be as much as the Chisong old Taoist, that's why the Chisong old Taoist is so confident.

"Haha! Chen Dong, a junior, I want to see how long you, a junior who has just been promoted to the Golden Core stage and is still not stable, can carry on with this old man?" Chisong Senior Daoist sneered.In his opinion, if he was Chen Dong, he would run for his life with all his strength while he still had his true energy, instead of wasting his true energy here in vain trying to refine his natal magic weapon.

"Chen Dong, when your true energy is exhausted, you won't even have a chance to escape haha!"

At this moment, under the surface of the sea, Chen Dong's expression was solemn.This Chisong old man is indeed worthy of being an old monster who has been famous for many years, and his cultivation is so strong that he can be regarded as a top-level powerhouse.

At this time, the red flame on the Chisong sword had already occupied most of the sword body, and the white flame was suppressed on a small part of the sword tip.It seems that the white flame will soon be swallowed by the red flame.But if you look carefully, whenever the red flame wants to advance further, it will be absorbed by the white flame!Therefore, the two flames representing Chen Dong and Chisong Laodao respectively formed a situation of persistence.

Both Chen Dong and Chisong Laodao understood in their hearts that the next step is to see who can last longer and whose true energy is thicker!
And if the old Chisong knew that there were three golden pills in Chen Dong's dantian, one piece of celestial fire ice shards and three other celestial fire ice shards, I don't know if he would be so confident in comparing with Chen Dong. How angry!
And the corner of Chen Dong's mouth raised. If he was the old Taoist Chisong, he would definitely not want to drain his true energy, but would attack with all his strength. Then he might still have a slight chance of winning.

"Those who don't know are innocent, and those who don't know have no fear!"

In this way, the two powerhouses of the Jindan stage formed a stalemate in order to compete for the Chisong Lingjian.

At the beginning, it seemed that Chisong Old Daoist had the upper hand. He was a mid-Gold Core cultivation base and had the advantage of soul blood connection with Chisong Sword.So although Chen Dong had the Pure Yang True Fire to suppress Chisong Laodao's Chi Huo, it was still compressed to a small area at the tip of the sword, and the situation looked precarious.

But as time went by, the face of Chisong Old Daoist, who was originally confident, became more and more ugly.Because he found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't completely clear Chen Dong's true energy.And not only that, he found that his true energy was continuously flowing away!But Chen Dong didn't seem to lose his true energy at all, it was as inexhaustible as true energy!
"How is it possible! How is this possible? Chen Dong is just a junior who has just been promoted to Jindan and his realm is not stable! How can his true energy be compared with this old man!" Chisong old man couldn't believe what happened now .

And soon half an hour passed.

Tens of meters below the surface of the sea, two kinds of flames flickered on a long sword.Usually red flames are usually white flames.Originally, the white flame was almost completely swallowed by the red flame, but now the white flame has formed a rivalry with the red pine flame!
"Om!" At this moment, the corner of Chen Dong's mouth raised, and the Chisong sword was held in his hands, and he slowly pulled it out!
"No one has ever been stupid enough to compare with Chen Dong who has the most qi!"

"噗!" But as Chen Dong pulled out his hands, the Chisong sword kept moving away from Chen Dong's body!
(End of this chapter)

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