Special masters on campus

Chapter 680 Farewell

Chapter 680 Farewell

"Haha! Chen Dong, you have to die too! You must be buried with me!" The red flames on Chisong Laodao's body soared into the sky!

This is his last madness, he wants to blow himself up!
The power of self-explosion at the Golden Core level is absolutely devastating. Even if his cultivation level has fallen to the early Golden Core level, once he explodes within ten kilometers, all living beings will be wiped out!
At this time, Chen Dong was only less than ten meters away from Chisong Old Road!Although Chen Dong's defense is extremely strong, but at such a short distance, even if Chen Dong survives, he will be seriously injured!

"No, no, no, you can't let him blew himself up!" Chen Dong thought to himself, once the Chisong old man blew himself up, not only would he be threatened, but such a big movement might attract other powerful people.Now that I have Tianhuo Xuanbing and Chunyang Zhenhuo on my body, either will cause a bloodbath in the cultivation world!
"Chisong, you have to think about it, once you choose to blew yourself up, you will never be reborn forever, and your soul will be scattered from now on!" Chen Dong said as he quickly retreated towards the depths of the sea.

"Haha! The soul is gone? Can't be reborn forever? So what! As long as I can let you follow me, I don't care haha! What about Chen Dong, do you know that you are afraid now? Please beg me not to blow myself up! Haha! "The Chisong old man laughed wildly. The reason why he has such deep resentment towards Chen Dong, and even burns his cultivation to self-destruction is because of his unwillingness!

He Chisong Laodao has traversed the cultivation world for a hundred years, and as one of the nine elders of the Taiyi Sect in the middle stage of Jindan, everyone in the entire cultivation world should respect him three points.But today he was defeated by an unknown junior, and he was completely defeated!The mission of the sect failed, the apprentice was abolished, and even his talisman was taken away by this junior!How could he be reconciled, how could he swallow this breath!

"Do you think you can kill me even if you self-destruct at the early stage of Golden Core?" Chen Dong stared at Chisong Laodao and said in a cold voice.At the same time, he is also doing his best to refine the Chisong Sword, which will become his trump card!Today's life or death depends on this high-grade spirit sword!

"Haha! You will know soon whether you will be killed or not!" The Chisong old man let out a wild laugh, and he raised his hand wrapped in flames.

"Not good!" Chen Dong narrowed his eyes, he knew that Chisong had no way out now, he would definitely blow himself up!
"Bury it with the old man!" But seeing that the eyes of this old Chisong Taoist were already burning, but seeing that he raised his arm and was about to slap his Tianling Gai!Chen Dong knew that once he was allowed to succeed, he would blew himself up, and in that case, he would definitely die!
"You are really pitiful, you don't even have a chance to blew yourself up!" Just in the blink of an eye, Chen Dong stopped suddenly!

And at this moment, the raised hand of the Chisong old man has quickly fallen to his heavenly spirit!

"Behead me!" But seeing Chen Dong standing in the air, the two fingers of his left hand turned into sword fingers and pointed towards the old Chisong Taoist fiercely!

"噗!" Accompanied by a whistling sound, a sudden golden light flashed in front of Chen Dong, illuminating everything around him into gold!
At this moment, the old Chisong Taoist has reached the last moment of madness when the lights are exhausted, and his hands are about to slap on his own spirit.

"Haha! Die! Chen Dong, you have to die too... Ugh!" But before the old Taoist Chisong finished speaking, he was startled and lowered his head in disbelief.

I saw a long sword shining with golden light piercing through his heart vein at this moment!

"This is... this is the old man's... the old man's Chisong sword!" Chisong said almost word by word, he couldn't believe and couldn't accept that he died under his natal magic weapon Chisong sword in the end!

And all of this is thanks to Chen Dong!
"Ah! Chen Dong!"

"Farewell!" Chen Dong raised his sword and pointed at the corner of his mouth!
"噗!" But I saw a white flame on the Chisong Sword burning violently!

Pure Yang is really hot!

"Hoo hoo!" In an instant, a white light flashed, and the red pine was wiped out in ashes!

The dignified cultivator who has been famous for a hundred years in the mid-stage Golden Core, the Ninth Elder of Taiyi Sect, the orthodox giant in the comprehension world, Chisongzi disappeared from this world!

"Buzz!" Chen Dong returned the Chisong sword with one hand in an instant.

"From today onwards, you will change your name." Chen Dong muttered to himself while looking at the spirit sword in his hand.

"Forged with ten thousand years of fine wood, refined with pure Yang fire, you can simply call you Yangmu sword!" Chen Dong smiled slightly.

Looking at the place where the Chisong old man was reduced to ashes just now, Chen Dong couldn't help but shook his head and sighed. Today was really reversed several times, and he almost died several times.But in the end luck was on Chen Dong's side.

"Famous family? Righteous way? When faced with irresistible interests, whether it is the right way or a cultivator, every cultivator is the most terrifying beast! Chisongzi, you deserve to die!" Chen Dong looked towards the shore with cold eyes.

At this moment, it was pitch black all around, and the dim moonlight in the sky was submerged in darkness before it even shone.

"We must go back immediately. Bingbing is still trapped in the headquarters of the Dragon Head Association, and there is no delay!" He was planning to go to the headquarters of the Dragon Head Association to save people, but he was delayed by Chisong for so long, which made him more and more frustrated. Don't worry about Feng Bingbing anymore.

"And I don't know if there will be any troubles with Feng Shuangshuang. I still have to rely on her to take me to the Dragon Headquarters headquarters." Thinking of this, Chen Dong's eyes flashed, and his figure moved towards the direction of Donghai City on the shore. go.

At the same time, on the east coast tens of kilometers away.

Feng Shuangshuang sat in the car and looked towards the sea.

At this moment, the sea was pitch black, and compared with the sea, the light in Donghai City in the distance seemed so insignificant.

It has been nearly two hours since Chen Dong and Chisong Laodao flew into the depths of the East China Sea.When it first opened, Feng Shuangshuang could still see bursts of roaring sounds coming from the sea, and golden light and red fire flashed in the depths of the sea from time to time.But has there been no movement and light for a long time now?

"Chen Dong, are you dead?" Feng Shuangshuang looked at the dark sea and said to herself, no matter what purpose Chen Dong led Chisong Laodao to the depths of the sea, it would be like saving her life .Because with his cultivation base, it is impossible to withstand the impact of the battle between the two strong Jindan stage.

"I came to kill you, but in the end you saved my life. I don't know what I should say to you." Feng Shuangshuang smiled.

"Finally broke through the acupoints, no matter who Chen Dong or Chi Song live or die, I must leave me immediately!" Feng Shuangshuang pushed open the door and got out of the car.It turned out that after two hours of shocking, she finally broke through the meridian, but in fact, the reason why he was able to break through the meridian was because Chen Dong didn't want to kill her.

"Chen Dong, don't worry, I will remember you no matter what." Feng Shuangshuang sighed and prepared to head towards Donghai City.

But just as she took a step, a hand suddenly pressed on her shoulder.

"I said, I will come back to pick you up."

(End of this chapter)

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