Special masters on campus

Chapter 681 Who dares to touch my Chen Dong's woman, die!

Chapter 681 Who dares to touch my Chen Dong's woman, die!
"I said, I will come back to pick you up..."

Just when Feng Shuangshuang was about to leave the beach and return to the urban area of ​​Donghai City, a voice she was very familiar with rang in her ears.

The voice was close and masculine, right next to her ear.

Feng Shuangshuang's heart skipped a beat, her eyes widened.

"Chen...Chen Dong?" Feng Shuangshuang couldn't believe her ears, was it really Chen Dong?If Chen Dong really returns safely alone, it means Chisong has been wiped out by Chen Dong!And that old Chisong Taoist is one of the nine masters of the Tai Yi Sect, a mid-Gold Core powerhouse!Not to mention her, even Long Tianlong, the president of the Dragon Head Association, would give this Chisong three points of face!

Chen Dong actually obliterated the boss in the middle stage of Jindan!How can this be!

"Impossible! It shouldn't be! Even if Chen Dong breaks through to the Golden Core stage, it's only at the early Golden Core stage, and Chisong is an old monster who has stayed in the Golden Core stage for many years!" Feng Shuangshuang is still trying to convince herself, Tell yourself that this is impossible, you must be hallucinating.

"Who else told you this kind of thing besides me?" Chen Dong looked at Feng Shuangshuang's back and said with a smile, he knew Feng Shuangshuang would have such a reaction.In other words, no one can believe that a cultivator who has just broken through to the early stage of Golden Core can defeat and completely obliterate a strong person in the middle stage of Golden Core.

"It's really you!" Feng Shuangshuang suddenly turned around and saw Chen Dong standing in front of her intact.

"How do you..."

"Why didn't I die, right?" Chen Dong looked at Feng Shuangshuang with a smile and said.

"You...you killed Chisongzi?" Feng Shuangshuang asked tentatively.

"From now on, there will be no such person as Chisongzi in this world. Does it matter who killed him?" Chen Dong raised his mouth.

"It turned out to be true!" Feng Shuangshuang was deeply shocked at the moment, she stared at Chen Dong with her eyes wide open.Originally, in her opinion, this boy was just a little special, and she was even curious about how her cold-hearted elder sister fell in love with this boy.But ever since she took over the identity of her older sister, this boy named Chen Dong has shocked her time and time again. Not only did she escape the assassination plan carefully arranged by her, but she also made her fall into a cultivation base. At this time, she had experienced everything before. The first time in the mission was also a fiasco.

Next, Chen Dong was promoted to the early stage of Golden Core and was unscathed under the full attack of the strong in the middle stage of Golden Core!Originally, she thought that Chen Dong would not care about her own life or death, but he lured the powerful enemy away and saved her life in a disguised form.

And now what shocked her even more was that he actually killed the absolute strong man in the middle stage of Jindan!You must know that a strong person in the middle stage of Jindan can destroy a medium-sized cultivation sect by himself!But such a top powerhouse died in the hands of Chen Dong, a 20-year-old young man!

"Chen Dong, who are you..." Feng Shuangshuang felt more and more that Chen Dong was like a mystery, and she would never be able to figure it out.

"Who am I? Don't you know? I'm a stronger and more special man, and I can be considered your brother-in-law." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Brother-in-law..." Feng Shuangshuang was slightly taken aback.

"You should know what I want you to do." Chen Dong's expression suddenly became serious.

"You want to!" Feng Shuangshuang's expression changed and she suddenly understood what Chen Dong wanted to do!
"That's right! Lead me the way, let's go to the Dragon Headquarters headquarters!" Chen Dong nodded.

"Don't you know? For a place like the Dragon Head Club, its headquarters must be Longtan and Tiger's Den, with masters like clouds, and Long Tianlong's cultivation is only above Chipine and not below him!" Feng Shuangshuang said. After so many years, I have never seen anyone who dared to break into the Dragon Headquarters headquarters alone, let alone save people!
"I want to save people, you know that." Chen Dong said.

"I know you want to save someone. That's my sister. I will also try to save someone. I can speak well in front of Long Tianlong, and even get punished for her..." Feng Shuangshuang said hastily.

"Do you think they will let go of a killer who failed in a mission and betrayed them? You should be very clear about the consequences of being a professional killer." Chen Dong said in a flat voice.

"This..." Feng Shuangshuang was taken aback for a moment. Yes, as a professional killer, she knew that Longshouhui would not let her sister go easily.

"Lead the way, Bingbing may be in danger every second of delay!" Chen Dong stretched out a hand to Feng Shuangshuang.

"Chen Dong, I just want to ask you one question. Are you sure you can kill Long Tianlong? His realm is higher than that of red pine nuts!" Feng Shuangshuang's voice also turned cold. No one hoped that Long Tianlong would die more than her.

"Chisong's realm is also higher than mine, and now he is dead." Chen Dong said.

"But Long Tianlong's strength is higher than that of Chisongzi, and there are many killers in the Dragon Head Club. I want to kill Long Tianlong and save my sister more than you, but I can't die in vain!" Feng Shuangshuang said a little excitedly .

"The people I want to kill are all dead. Is this sure enough?" Chen Dong looked at Feng Shuangshuang and said, he had to admit that Feng Bingbing, a younger sister, was even calmer than Feng Bingbing, and she was more suitable to be a professional killer.

"All the people you want to kill are dead? Chen Dong, I realize that I think highly of you. Don't you think you are naive when you say this? Can you be more rational?" Feng Shuangshuang suddenly sneered.

"A man should not be rational when his woman's life is threatened." Chen Dong said calmly.

"You..." Feng Shuangshuang was taken aback for a moment, obviously she didn't expect Chen Dong to answer her like this.

"A man shouldn't be rational when his woman's life is threatened..." Feng Shuangshuang muttered to herself, she had never heard such words from other men.

"You have a thousand reasons to tell me that I shouldn't go to the Dragon Head Meeting now, but I have a reason to tell me that I must go!" Chen Dong looked at Feng Shuangshuang and said.

"What reason?" Feng Shuangshuang looked up at Chen Dong.

"Whoever dares to touch a single hair of my Chen Dong's woman, die!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and an invisible murderous aura erupted from his body!

Feng Shuangshuang stared at Chen Dong in a daze. Before that, she thought that all men were virtuous, and women were just a piece of clothing in their eyes, and they would throw them away at will after playing with them enough.Not to mention risking her life for a woman who knows that there is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den ahead!
But the man named Chen Dong made her doubt her own opinion.

"I understand. I can take you to the Dragon Headquarters headquarters, but you have to promise me one request." Feng Shuangshuang looked at Chen Dong and said.

(End of this chapter)

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