Special masters on campus

Chapter 684 Don't Be My Opponent

Chapter 684 Don't Be My Opponent

"You! Don't think I'm afraid of you! There's a place for you to beg me!" Feng Shuangshuang saw her "hidden weapon" being caught so casually by Chen Dong and stomped her feet angrily.As she got in touch with Chen Dong for longer, she felt more and more how ridiculous it was that she wanted to kill this man.

"Passengers and friends, please note that flight ZXXX from Donghai City to Urumqi City is about to take off..." At this moment, the airport announcement sounded.

"Wait for me!" Feng Shuangshuang saw that Chen Dong was walking towards the boarding gate by himself and hastily chased after him.

Neither Chen Dong nor Feng Shuangshuang noticed that after the two of them walked into the boarding gate, a man in a black suit and sunglasses came out from behind a marble pillar.

"Call the headquarters, the information has been confirmed, Chilian Yaoji, whose real name is Feng Shuangshuang betrayed the Dragon Head Conference! I am preparing to board the plane with the target person, and the destination may be the Dragon Head Conference headquarters." The man in sunglasses whispered into his collar .

"Get rid of it! At all costs!" A gloomy voice quickly responded.

"Understood! At any cost!"

The plane to Urumqi has already taken off for half an hour.Because it was an evening flight, there were not many people on the plane.

Chen Dong sat on the seat with his eyes tightly closed. He had just broken through to the early stage of Jindan, and he had a battle with Chisong Laodao in the middle stage of Jindan.Although Chen Dong himself was not injured and got a high-grade spiritual weapon for nothing, Chen Dong had another important matter that was temporarily delayed.

"The realm has broken through to the golden core stage, and the sixth level of the Nine Suns Treasure should be comprehensible, but I don't know what kind of skills or other abilities the sixth level of the Nine Suns Treasure will be?" Chen Dong closed his eyes and settled down. Practice the key points of "Nine Suns Treasure" that you have memorized in your heart.

Chen Dong knew that going deep into the Dragon Headquarters headquarters this time would be a very dangerous "journey". Not to mention that the Dragon Headquarters headquarters must be well-defended and there are many experts, that is, the dragon who Chen Dong has never heard of. Long Tianlong, Chen Dong, the president of the capital, was also basically ignorant.Once this person's cultivation base is above the middle stage of Jindan, the chances of him rescuing Feng Bingbing and getting out unscathed are very small.

"That's why you must comprehend the sixth stage of the "Nine Suns Collection" before arriving at the headquarters of the Dragon Summit, so that you can gain more bargaining chips for yourself!" Chen Dong thought to himself.

"The Book of Nine Suns is one of the top skills in the cultivation world, but only those who are born with a pure Yang body and cultivate the power of pure Yang can practice it. From the fourth level of comprehension, I have mastered the Nine Suns God Fist, which can make myself It exploded with combat power far beyond its own realm. The fifth level is Nine Suns Body Protection, which is the opposite of Nine Suns Divine Fist, which is absolute defense. So what is this sixth level?"

"Four hours! I only have four hours! Absolutely don't waste it!" Chen Dongning tried his best to comprehend.

Finally, a few illusory characters gradually appeared in Chen Dong's mind, "The origin of fire'the emperor of fire..." The sixth stage of the "Nine Suns Treasure" has begun to gradually become clear!

"I have comprehended the root of fire, and condensed a trace of pure yang true fire. It can be said that this pure yang true fire represents myself. I am the incarnation of the flames in this world, and the emperor of all flames in this world! Is it so? !" Chen Dongxin shines!
Seeing Chen Dongchong closing his eyes and resting his mind as soon as he boarded the plane, Feng Shuangshuang, who was sitting next to Chen Dong, looked unhappy.To say that she, Feng Shuangshuang, could be regarded as the most beautiful beauty in terms of figure and face, but this boy named Chen Dong just had no interest in him!
"Is my sister so much worse than me? I really don't believe that there is still a man who can withstand the temptation of me, Feng Shuangshuang!" Feng Shuangshuang bit her lip and squinted her eyes, looking at the person who was sitting next to her on the side of the aisle. Chen Dong.

"Hey! It's been an hour. Since you got on the plane, you have closed your eyes and said nothing. Am I that annoying?" Feng Shuangshuang said to Chen Dong.

"It's okay." Chen Dong still didn't open his eyes.

"It's okay... You are a man who has no sentimentality at all. I really don't know why my sister is so devoted to you." Feng Shuangshuang snorted.

"Why? It's very simple, it means that I have enough affection for her." Chen Dong smiled but still closed his eyes and pondered.

"You!" Feng Shuangshuang was at a loss for words for a moment, "I understand what you mean, that is, I am not your type, even if I stand naked in front of you, you will be tempted."



People in other seats on the plane looked at Feng Shuangshuang and Chen Dong.

"What are you looking at, have you ever seen young couples quarreling? Really!" Feng Shuangshuang stared coldly.

"Ah!" Although Feng Shuangshuang's realm has fallen, she is still a cultivator in the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi. A look in her eyes is enough to make these ordinary people fearful. Who would look blindly? All these passengers lowered their heads and dared not discuss any more.

"Hey, don't we just say a word along the way? How can I be considered your half-sister-in-law?" Feng Shuangshuang said with her lips pouted. At this time, she really doesn't look like a killer, but really looks like a savage Sister-in-law.

"Sure, what do you want to say?" Chen Dong said with his eyes still closed.

"Let's just talk about your past. What did you do before? Given your strength, you should at least be well-known in the cultivation world, and you are still so young, there should be rumors about you. But why before that? I've never heard of your name?" This was a question that Feng Shuangshuang had kept in her heart for a long time, a young master like Chen Dong should be very famous, but she had never heard the word Chen Dong before.

"Does a master have to be very famous?" Chen Dong smiled. If he told Feng Shuangshuang that it took less than two months from the Qi refining stage to the Golden Core stage, I don't know how she would react.

"Yes, masters must be very famous. They must have defeated many opponents, and their reputation will naturally spread." Feng Shuangshuang said, she would give everything for revenge and to become stronger, and she naturally admired the strong.

"What if those people are all dead?" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"They're all dead? What do you mean?" Feng Shuangshuang didn't react for a while.

"The opponents are dead, so naturally no one will spread the word." Chen Dong said flatly.

"You...you mean..." Feng Shuangshuang's face turned pale, she understood what Chen Dong said.

"So it's best not to become my opponent." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"Two, what would you like to drink?" At this moment, two stewardesses, one male and one female, pushed a drink cart to their side.

"Have a cup of coffee." Feng Shuangshuang hadn't reacted from what happened just now.

"What would you like to drink, sir?" At this time, the tall stewardess said to Chen Dong.

"A glass of boiled water." Chen Dong said calmly with his eyes still closed.

"Okay." Soon a cup of coffee and a cup of water were handed to Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang.

Feng Shuangshuang took the coffee and prepared to drink it.

"If you still don't want to die, don't drink it." Chen Dong opened his eyes suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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