Chapter 685 Dead
The cabin fell silent all of a sudden, and the other passengers looked in the direction of Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang again.

Feng Shuangshuang held the cup to her mouth, looked at Chen Dong and then at the two flight attendants, "You mean..." Of course Feng Shuangshuang understood what Chen Dong meant.

"What do you mean, sir?" The stewardess looked innocent.

"Don't you understand what I mean?" Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"We really don't understand that these drinks are safe drinks professionally dispensed by our airline, and there will be absolutely no quality problems." The flight attendant also quickly explained.

"Handsome guy, what he meant was that you poisoned these two cups and wanted to poison us to death, do you understand that?" Feng Shuangshuang raised the cup in his hand to the empty brother.

"Poison!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Did these two people watch too many movies? Will someone poison the drinks on the plane?"

"Could it be that you were stimulated by something?"

"Could it be some kind of dangerous element?" Suddenly someone said so. These passengers around looked at Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang with strange eyes.

"I think you two made a mistake. There can't be any poison in these drinks." The stewardess said very politely.

"If there is poison, wouldn't I die if I drank a cup just now? Haha!"

"Ha ha!"

"It's really boring. It's a sudden thing to scare people for no reason."

The other passengers in the cabin started discussing one after another. In short, in their eyes, Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang were two abnormal people.

"It's easy to prove that the water is not poisonous. You two know about these two drinks." Feng Shuangshuang said with a smile, she is not an ordinary girl, she is a killer.

"But these drinks are distributed to passengers, we flight attendants can't drink them." Said the flight attendant.

"I'll go! These two people are really sick. They actually forced the flight attendants to drink."

"Is this intentional to find fault?"

Hearing Feng Shuangshuang say this, the discussion in the cabin seemed a little excited again.

"What's wrong? Don't you dare?" Feng Shuangshuang sneered, her eyes became murderous. On the one hand, she now absolutely believes in Chen Dong's judgment, and on the other hand, she can basically tell that there are many experts on this plane. .And the targets of these people were themselves and Chen Dong.

"It's not that we didn't dare, but we are flight attendants, aren't you forcing us?" The stewardess and stewardess said with aggrieved faces.

"That's right, it's better than you guys! Drink it!" Feng Shuangshuang's temper came, and he didn't care if it was an airplane?She handed the cup in her hand to the stewardess with cold eyes.

"This is too outrageous, hurry up and report to the captain!"

"Yes! I think these two people are making trouble on purpose!"

Some passengers yelled as if they couldn't stand it any longer.

"Didn't you notice? Except for these two flight attendants, you haven't seen any other flight attendants for a long time." At this moment, Chen Dong raised the corner of his mouth and said in a flat voice.He had to admit that these people were well disguised, even fooling Feng Shuangshuang's eyes, and he only discovered the abnormality when the two killers were pouring drinks.

"That's right! It's true what he said! Except for these two flight attendants, where are the other flight attendants?"

"That's right, I didn't see any other stewardesses!"

At this time, the faces of the stewardess and brother Kong had already begun to change.

"This is a well-planned assassination operation with a clear purpose! The operation is secretive and professional, and as expected, it should be someone from the Dragon Head Club." Chen Dong looked at the two with a smile.

"Dragon Head Meeting! Don't they already know?" Feng Shuangshuang's expression also changed!
"Since you didn't know that there were other people participating in this operation in Donghai City, you know that Long Tianlong doesn't trust you." Chen Dong said flatly.

At this moment, the two "flight attendants" nodded to each other, "Action!"

But seeing these two people taking out two pistols from the cart with extreme agility!

"Huh!" But just before the two of them took out their pistols and had no time to point them at Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang, the two of them only felt a black shadow flash before their eyes, and then they lost consciousness and fell down weakly.

"Huh!" Chen Dong returned to his seat almost instantly as if nothing had happened.But there were two more delicate pistols in his hands.

"Ah!" At this time, the other passengers in the cabin realized that it was a gun, and then there were bursts of screams in the cabin.

All the passengers hid in the corners of the nose and tail of the plane, and no one dared to get too close to Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang.

"Do it!" At this moment, two figures suddenly flashed out of the crowd hiding on both sides of the nose and tail, and these two people also held pistols in their hands and raised them towards Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang!Those two just now were killers disguised as flight attendants, and these two were obviously killers disguised as passengers.

"Ah!" And as the two killers took out their pistols again, there was another scream in the cabin, everyone crouched down with their heads in their hands, and no one dared to move for fear of being the target of being shot.

The current situation seems to be extremely unfavorable for Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang. Now there are only the two of them in the middle of the cabin, and the goal is too obvious.And the two of them faced threats from both directions of the nose and tail!
"Hmph!" At this moment, the two killers pulled the trigger almost simultaneously!

"Bang! Bang!" Two gunshots came!

"Dead is dead!"

These passengers on the plane are ordinary passengers. When have you seen such a scene?This is even more thrilling and frightening than the ones in the movies.When they encounter this kind of scene while watching a movie, they may be very addicted, but when they actually encounter this kind of situation, almost all of them are frightened. Yes, the one who is afraid of death is himself!

After a brief scream, the entire cabin became silent and quiet at the beginning.No one dared to make a sound or even gasp loudly.

"Boom! Boom!" Soon there were two muffled sounds, and two people fell down in response.

Only then did a courageous passenger dare to raise his head cautiously. In the eyes of these passengers, Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang must surely die, and there was no way they could survive such a short distance.

But when the passenger raised his head, his face changed suddenly.

"This! How is this possible!"

And as he yelled out, other passengers also raised their heads.


"They turned out to be dead!"

But the two people who fell on the ground were not Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang, but the two killers who shot!
(End of this chapter)

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