Special masters on campus

Chapter 710 Do you want to go back on it?

Chapter 710 Do you want to go back on it?

"I'm not interested in this deal..." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"What! You're not interested!" Jin Shengzi was taken aback for a moment. He originally thought that since Chen Dong cared so much about this woman's life, he would definitely agree to exchange with him.Unexpectedly, Chen Dong said that he was not interested with a face of indifference!
Feng Shuangshuang also showed a look of disappointment on her face. In fact, she didn't blame Chen Dong. After all, she was here to kill Chen Dong.

"Hey! How could he save me? It's too late for him to kill me. Maybe I was of some use to him before, but now I don't have any..." Feng Shuangshuang said with difficulty.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Jin Shengzi yelled with a ferocious face. As a master senior who has been famous for many years, he has been tricked and played by an unknown junior repeatedly. How can he swallow this? Tone?
"Hmph! I'll know if I really kill you!" Jin Shengzi sneered, since Chen Dong didn't care about Feng Shuangshuang's life, then killing this woman who claimed to be the killer of the Dragon Shouhui would not cause any loss to him, and he could Solve the hatred in his heart!

Feng Shuangshuang raised her head and looked at Chen Dong for the last time. At this moment, she seemed to suddenly understand everything.She didn't blame Chen Dong, if Chen Dong wanted to kill her, she would have died several times in Donghai City.At the last moment of her life, there seemed to be a ray of light in her heart.In the past, she had been living in hatred, ignoring the only relative by her side, her own sister.Even because I was temporarily blinded by hatred, I put my sister in danger!

"Sister, you must be fine! Otherwise, even if I die, I won't forgive myself!" Two lines of tears flowed from the corners of Feng Shuangshuang's eyes. This was the first time she shed tears of her true feelings in so many years.

"Chen Dong, if you can't save my sister, if you can't give her happiness, I will never let you go!" Finally, Feng Shuangshuang looked at Chen Dong again. After a few days of getting along with each other briefly, she knew that her sister's choice was right!

"No matter who you are, if you are a member of the Dragon Shouhui, you deserve to die even more! Just use your humble life to pay homage to my younger brother!" At this time, Jin Shengzi had obviously lost his patience, his eyes turned cold, and he was about to kill someone!
Feng Shuangshuang also closed her eyes, two lines of tears rolled down her cheeks, she knew she was doomed this time.

"Sister, if there is an afterlife, we will still be sisters..."

"Wait a minute." At this very moment, Chen Dong suddenly said.

Feng Shuangshuang opened her eyes suddenly, and looked at Chen Dong. She thought that Chen Dong didn't care about her life at all.

"Haha! Chen Dong, Chen Dong, you are still revealing, now you should admit that this woman is very important to you!" Jin Shengzi roared wildly.

"No no! You are wrong." However, Chen Dong shrugged with a slight smile.

"What? Wrong again? Do you think I can't see your reaction just now?" Jin Shengzi was taken aback for a moment and then sneered.

"I really don't want you to kill her." Chen Dong nodded.

"Hmph! Since you don't want me to kill her, you can honestly do as I said just now! Both of us make a compromise, and in the end life and death are at stake! Otherwise, we would rather die than die!" Jin Shengzi said in a dark voice.

"The reason why I don't want you to kill her is not how important she is to me. I just want to kill her with my own hands. Anyone who wants to kill me will die. This is my principle. It's as simple as that." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"You!" Jin Shengzi's face changed, and now he found that he couldn't see through this young junior more and more.He is ruthless in doing things, but his mind is like a ghost, killing people invisible!It would be terrible if he was allowed to grow again in time!

"But I thought about it. It's still possible to exchange a useless corpse for a living person. So I changed my mind and the transaction was concluded." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Okay!" Jin Shengzi narrowed his eyes, no matter what Chen Dong thought, as long as Chen Dong agreed to exchange, he would have a way to get back his junior brother's body and injure Chen Dong severely!

"When someone walks up to the body of the junior brother, I will snatch the body first and attack the woman at the same time. Then Chen Dong will definitely go to save the woman, so that he will show his weakness!" Jin Shengzi was thinking in his heart, not only did he want to snatch the younger brother back The dead body wants to avenge his junior brother!Jin Shengzi would have no face if he didn't take revenge for this revenge!

But what Jin Shengzi didn't notice was that Chen Dong was looking at Feng Shuangshuang at the moment, and even blinked at Feng Shuangshuang.

Feng Shuangshuang was taken aback for a moment. Originally, she thought she would die, but Chen Dong suddenly agreed to exchange her.But after all, the two sisters Feng Shuangshuang and Feng Bingbing are both talented and intelligent girls, otherwise they would not become cultivators.At this time, Chen Dong winked at her again, which made her react immediately.Chen Dong wanted to save her at this time and needed his own cooperation.

At this moment, Feng Shuangshuang also blinked at Chen Dong.But Jin Shengzi, who was secretly planning all this, didn't notice.

Chen Dong smiled, he knew that this girl Feng Shuangshuang was not only not stupid, but also very smart, even smarter than her elder sister.Now that she has reacted, the chances of success are much higher.

"Then I'll count one, two, three, and I'll let you go. You want to back off! If I find out that you dare to play tricks with me, I will make this woman die a miserable death!" Jin Shengzi said in a dark voice.

"Don't worry, the death of this woman in my hands will be worse than that of Luo in your hands!" Chen Dong smiled.

"Hmph!" Jin Shengzi snorted coldly, thinking that the two of you will die soon.

"One! Two! Three! Back off!" Jin Shengzi stared at Chen Dong coldly.

"Let him go..." Chen Dong smiled slightly, and took a step back.

Seeing Chen Dong retreating, Jin Shengzi also let go of his hand.

Feng Shuangshuang touched her neck, which had been squeezed into black and purple, with both hands, and took a step in Chen Dong's direction.

The eyes of the two met each other, and they understood each other's thoughts.

Chen Dong and Jin Shengzi's speeds were about the same, no one could be much faster than the other in such a short distance.

There was only one reason why Chen Dong was so confident. Yin Shengzi was a dead person, while Feng Shuangshuang was a living person.Based on this alone, Jin Shengzi is already at a disadvantage!
At this time Feng Shuangshuang took another step towards Chen Dong.

But at this moment, the Golden Son suddenly shouted, "Take a step back!"

Feng Shuangshuang's figure trembled. He, a cultivator of the Sea of ​​Qi stage, even had difficulty breathing under the pressure of a strong man of the Golden Core stage!

"Why do you want to go back on your word?" Chen Dong looked at Jin Shengzi and said.

Once Jin Shengzi repents, Feng Shuangshuang's situation will become very dangerous, and she has no chance of surviving in front of Jin Shengzi!
(End of this chapter)

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