Special masters on campus

Chapter 711 Lu Yang Xuantian Reappears!

Chapter 711 Liuyang Xuantian Reappears!

The five-story underground hall of the Dragon Head Club.

Because Jin Shengzi suddenly asked Feng Shuangshuang to retreat, the atmosphere became tense again for a while.

Chen Dong knew that once Jin Shengzi broke his face and repented, then Feng Shuangshuang might be in danger, and it would be difficult for him to explain to Feng Bingbing.

"Hmph! I think you forgot the rules of the game. I mean, every time you take a step back, this woman can only take a step forward! Otherwise, wouldn't it be that I let her go for nothing? Do you think I'm stupid?" Jin Shengzi said with a sneer .

Chen Dong smiled, and almost didn't laugh out loud. He originally thought that Jin Shengzi had figured out what he wanted to repent, but he didn't expect that this was what he cared about.He really likes Jin Shengzi's catchphrase "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"It seems that I was wrong, you are a very smart person." Chen Dong said angrily, as if Jin Shengzi had seen through his plan.

"Now that you know, you should follow the rules honestly, otherwise I am sure that this woman will die now!" Jin Shengzi said with a sneer. He had been deceived by Chen Dong's tricks before, so this time he dared not underestimate the enemy.He easily "sees through" Chen Dong's little trick just now.

"Hmph! I was too careless a few times before, that's why I was calculated by this junior. Now it seems that as long as I don't underestimate the enemy and fall for this kid's tricks, this kid is no big deal!" Jin Shengzi secretly thought, although Chen Dong not only wounded He even killed his junior brother, but in the eyes of Jin Shengzi, Chen Dong's strength was not that strong, because he had won the strategy several times before.

"Okay! Since this is the case, let's have a fair exchange." Chen Dong smiled slightly, and at the same time took a step back.

"Hmph! Let's go." Jin Shengzi said coldly.

"Yes! Senior." Feng Shuangshuang obediently took a step forward.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Dong took another step back, and Feng Shuangshuang followed closely.

"Hmph! You two will die soon!" Jin Shengzi watched Feng Shuangshuang keep approaching his junior brother's body, and Chen Dong obediently stepped back, sneering in his heart.He thinks that he is far superior to Chen Dong in terms of strength and mind.

And when Feng Shuangshuang was five steps away from Yin Shengzi's body, Chen Dong looked at Feng Shuangshuang and suddenly smiled.

Feng Shuangshuang smiled knowingly, and suddenly rushed towards Chen Dong with all her strength!

At the same time, Chen Dong no longer retreated, but rushed towards Feng Shuangshuang even faster.

"Not good!" The Jin Shengzi was still waiting for Feng Shuangshuang to get close to his junior brother's body before doing anything, because this would not only snatch the body back but also hurt Chen Dong.But he didn't expect that Chen Dong wasn't ready to have a fair exchange with him!

"Damn it!" The Jin Shengzi yelled angrily and rushed towards Feng Shuangshuang!

At this time, Feng Shuangshuang had already arrived at the body of Yin Shengzi!And because Chen Dong started at the same time as Feng Shuangshuang, he also came to Yin Shengzi's side at this moment.

But because the Jin Shengzi started a little slower, he was still one step away from Feng Shuangshuang.

"Go to hell!" Jin Shengzi's face was ashen, he was fooled again and by the partnership of these two juniors!How could he swallow this bad breath?

"Huh!" But Jin Shengzi punched Feng Shuangshuang.Even if the middle-stage Jindan strongman is some distance away from Feng Shuangshuang, this punch is enough to seriously injure Feng Shuangshuang, a cultivator of the Sea of ​​Qi stage!
And at this critical moment, Chen Dong grabbed Feng Shuangshuang's arm and pulled it in his direction!
"Huh!" Feng Shuangshuang felt her body lighten up and flew towards Chen Dong's arms uncontrollably.

The strong wind blew Feng Shuangshuang's long hair into disorder, Feng Shuangshuang's staring boss looked at Chen Dong in disbelief.She never thought that one day she would be pulled into the arms of a man like this. This feeling was so strange, it was something she had never felt in her life.

Time seemed to stop at this moment, Feng Shuangshuang could feel her new chest jumping violently, but she couldn't hear any sound in her ears, only her own breathing.

At this moment, Chen Dong looked at Feng Shuangshuang with his signature smile.

"Huh!" Chen Dong pulled Feng Shuangshuang behind his body, and he turned around to block Feng Shuangshuang.

"No! Chen Dong is dangerous!" At this moment, Feng Shuangshuang screamed as if suddenly remembering something.

"Haha! Junior Chen Dong, go and die!" And at this time behind Chen Dong, the Golden Son saw that Chen Dong exposed his back to himself for Feng Shuangshuang!This gave him a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill Chen Dong with one move, how could he miss it!
And all this happened so fast, Chen Dong had just pulled Feng Shuangshuang behind him, it was already impossible to dodge at this moment!If Chen Dong's back was firmly hit by Jin Shengzi with all his strength, Chen Dong would either be killed or injured.

"No!" Feng Shuangshuang shook her head crazily. She wanted to rush behind Chen Dong to defend him, but Chen Dong grabbed her hands tightly and couldn't move!
But Chen Dong still had a smile on his face as if he wasn't worried at all.

"The time is just right!" And in the blink of an eye, Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and he waved his left hand!
"Phew!" And almost when Jin Shengzi's fist was about to hit Chen Dong's back, a white flame suddenly ignited between him and Chen Dong.

That Jin Shengzi's face changed, because he immediately felt that the position of the flame was wrong!

I saw that the flame was burning from the body of the Silver Son!Almost in an instant, the entire body of Yin Shengzi was completely wrapped in white flames!
It turned out that just now when Chen Dong stepped on Yin Shengzi's corpse, he had secretly put a trace of Pure Yang True Fire on his body, just for this moment!This Golden Son originally thought that he would not be tricked by Chen Dong again, but in the end he still jumped into the hole that Chen Dong had dug long ago!
"No! Junior brother!" Jin Shengzi was almost instinctively distracted when he saw his junior brother's body being burned by the pure Yang fire again, and his whole body's movements also froze for a moment.

And just this slight stagnation and distraction is deadly enough for a strong man in the golden core stage!

But seeing Chen Dong let go of Feng Shuangshuang's hand, and then his figure suddenly dodged to one side!

"Boom!" Jin Shengzi's punch came to nothing!

"Not good!" Jin Shengzi felt a sudden chill in his heart, he knew that he had violated a big taboo just now.

"It seems that there is no need to continue this transaction!" At this time, Chen Dong had already appeared behind Jin Shengzi, and a dazzling light burst out from his palms.

"Six Yang Xuantian!"

(End of this chapter)

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