Special masters on campus

Chapter 712 The Golden Son Is Scared!

Chapter 712 The Golden Son Is Scared!

"Boom!" A loud noise accompanied by a dazzling golden light resounded in the fifth underground floor!

"Boom! Boom!" Not only the entire five underground floors, but even the rocky mountain where the Dragon Headquarters headquarters is located violently shook!
At this moment, in the huge secret room on the other side of the iron gate.

Long Tianxing was frowning and thinking about countermeasures. If the Gold and Silver Saints did not kill Chen Dong for him according to the contract, he could only rely on the strength of the Dragon Shouhui itself.Long Tianxing still knew Chen Dong's strength. Although he was confident of defeating Chen Dong, there was still a risk that he was seriously injured and his cultivation had not yet fully recovered to the peak.

And just now he had seen through the monitor that Chen Dong used the pure yang real fire to injure Yin Shengzi in one fell swoop.Even the powerhouses in the middle stage of Jindan were injured by Chunyang True Fire, which made Long Tianxing have to be cautious.Since he returned from a serious injury in Donghai City last time, he has been coveting the Pure Yang True Fire on Chen Dong, but he is also very afraid of the power of the Pure Yang True Fire.

And Long Tianxing has always been a cautious person and never fights uncertain battles.

"Do you want to invite elder brother to leave the customs in advance?" Long Tianxing asked
"Boom!" At this moment, the entire secret room suddenly shook violently. You must know that the underground buildings of the Dragon Headquarters headquarters are all made of reinforced concrete, and most of the underground parts are made of several times the steel material!It is designed according to the earthquake resistance level 9 earthquake.

Even a magnitude [-] earthquake cannot shake down this underground castle.When did it happen that the whole building could vibrate so violently?
"What happened?" Long Tianxing asked with a gloomy face.

"Okay...it seems to be coming from the hall on the fifth floor!"

"This kind of powerful attack must have been issued by the gold and silver duo, two masters of the Jindan period!"

"It's too powerful, we may not be able to withstand this move if we are tied together!"

In the secret room, more than a dozen black-clothed killers started talking about it. These cultivators were born with awe of the strong.In the world of comprehension, as long as you are strong, you will win the respect of everyone.

"Bullshit! What is it like! What I need is for you to find out what happened!" At this moment, Long Tianxing shouted loudly. These so-called elites are not even qualified to be cannon fodder dogs at this time!
"But..." These killers all became submissive.

"But what did you say!" Long Tianxing suddenly turned around and looked at his subordinates with cold eyes.

"Vice President, you completely destroyed the monitor just now, and now we are doing all we can to repair it..." At this time, the dwarf Deacon Bai said in a low voice.

"Huh!" Long Tianxing's face was ugly. Just now, Jin Shengzi told him to shut up and get out in the face of his subordinates, which made him lose all face, so he couldn't hold back for a while and shattered the big monitor screen.As a result, the people who came to the secret room during this period of time were blind to the situation outside the iron gate.

"Then what are you still doing in a daze? Let me fix it!" Long Tianxing roared angrily.


"Yes! Vice President!"

The elite killers of the Dragon Head Association quickly replied in unison, no one dares to offend their vice president who has a fake alchemy at this time!

At this time, Feng Bingbing, who was tied to a chair with his mouth gagged, stared at the huge special iron gate with tear-stained eyes.Outside this iron gate, there is the man she loves and her only relative.This seems to be such a short distance, but it is so far away for her.

"Haha! Smelly bastard, do you think your man can still survive? I think you can feel the power of that blow just now. It must be issued by a strong Jindan stage! I'm afraid that little boy of yours Now it has been blasted into a pile of mud!" Long Tian walked to Feng Bingbing's side and knelt down to look at Feng Bingbing and said viciously.

"Woooo!" Feng Bingbing's eyes were red and bloodshot. She dared not imagine nor believed that the man she loved would die!

"Chen Dong won't die! My husband won't die!" Feng Bingbing kept shaking her head, although she knew that what Long Tianxing said was right, the blow just now was definitely only issued by a strong man above the golden core stage !

"Shake your head? You don't believe it? Oh yes, there is another possibility! The blow just now was sent by Chen Dong!" Long Tianxing said in a strange tone.

"But don't dream haha! Chen Dong is at most at the late stage of Sea of ​​Qi, even if he can break through again in such a short period of time, he is at most at the level of a fake alchemy stage! He can send out such a A powerful blow? You're dreaming haha!" Long Tianxing just met Chen Dong through video surveillance, so he couldn't see Chen Dong's cultivation, so in his impression, Chen Dong was still the cultivator in the late stage of Sea of ​​Qi .

"Ha ha!"

"Golden Core Stage? Everyone has become Golden Core Stage, so aren't we also Golden Core Stage?"

"Dreaming! We got accurate information before that Chen Dong is the strength of Qi Hai in the later stage!"

"So the blow just now must have been issued by the two seniors, the Gold and Silver Saints."

"What do you guys think would happen to a cultivator in the late stage of Sea of ​​Qi if these two seniors jointly attacked?"

"Become a puddle of meat! Haha!"

The masters of the dragon head meeting in the secret room let out disdainful laughter.

"Hmph! Chen Dong, I never thought you could survive! Unless you are at the middle stage of Golden Core! But that's just Feng Bingbing's dream!"

"Fix the monitor with all your strength! I want to see how ugly Chen Dong's death is!" Long Tianxing stood up and said coldly.

"Yes! Vice President!"

"Haha! This is the fate of daring to be an enemy of our Longshouhui!"

At this time, what the high-level officials of the Dragon Head Meeting did not know was that they were behind the iron gate, in the five-story underground hall.

"Boom!" A burst of golden light flashed, and behind Jin Shengzi, a golden ball of light appeared like a small sun.

"Ah!" But hearing a scream, the Golden Son was directly blasted behind by the golden ball of light!

"Boom! Crack!" Jin Shengzi slammed heavily on the ground made of steel, and a big hole was blasted out of the ground made of pure steel!Although Jin Shengzi had the body protection of King Kong Indestructibility, a bloody wound was blasted out on his back, and the golden blood splashed all over the ground!
"It seems that from today onwards in the world of comprehension, there will no longer be the title of the Second Sage of Gold and Silver!" At this moment, Chen Dong's figure came towards the Son of Gold again!

"Damn! Why is he so strong! Why can he hurt me! I can't die! I absolutely can't die!" Jin Shengzi endured the excruciating pain. Although the blow was not fatal to him, it made him suffer a lot. internal injury.More importantly, psychologically, he is already timid and has begun to be a little jealous of this young man named Chen Dong!
But just when Chen Dong came to him again, the golden saint tried his best to go towards the silver holy son's body, grabbed the silver holy son's body and fled quickly to the other side of the hall!

He has no intention of fighting anymore!

 I just finished writing these two chapters, the days of being a baby daddy are really happy and hard...

(End of this chapter)

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