Chapter 715

"What... what killed Long Tianxing!" The leader of the bearded killer took a step back unconsciously.

The smile on Chen Dong's face just now was simply the smile of death in his eyes!He has never been afraid of anything since he grew up, but this time he was terrified from the bottom of his heart!
Who is this young man!They can be wiped out in such a blink of an eye!

"Plop!" But seeing the panic on the leader's face, he took a few steps back and finally sat down on the ground.He didn't even have the courage to do it!The murderous aura emanating from Chen Dong alone was enough to make him dare not move.

Chen Dong smiled and walked to the entrance to the next floor.

"If you want to die, stay here and be buried with the Longshouhui. If you don't want to die, I advise you to leave as soon as possible..." Chen Dong said coldly, and then he entered the next floor.

And until Chen Dong's figure completely disappeared, no one dared to take a step forward!
"Is this still a special person?"

"This person's strength is too strong, I think he's even stronger than the vice president!"

"But I can't see his realm!"

"There's only one possibility!" said the leader of the bearded killer who was sitting slumped on the ground in a daze.

All the killers who could still stand for a while looked at him.

"A strong man in the golden core stage! He is a strong man in the golden core stage!" The killer kept shaking his head, even he couldn't believe his guess!

A moment later, the fifth floor of the Dragon Headquarters headquarters.

At this moment, the empty hall is in a mess, and the ground is full of blasted iron slag fragments.

Feng Shuangshuang knelt on one knee in the middle of the hall with her hands on the cold ground.Everything just happened so fast that she didn't even realize what happened.

She only remembered that when she saw that she was about to be hit by Jin Shengzi just now, Chen Dong grabbed him and blocked herself with her body!Afterwards, she only felt that her body fell to the ground with a flicker of light before her eyes, and she didn't even see clearly what happened.

"Chen Dong!" Feng Shuangshuang suddenly raised her head at this moment, her expression extremely flustered.She knew that once Chen Dong was hit firmly by Jin Shengzi, even if he survived, he would be seriously injured!

But when she raised her head, she found that there was no one in the hall.

"Chen Dong can't!" Feng Shuangshuang stood up suddenly with a face change.After all, the golden saint son is a strong man in the middle stage of golden core, and an old monster who has been famous for many years!If Chen Dong was hit by Jin Shengzi just now in order to save himself, it is very likely that the disaster will be worse than luck!
"Chen Dong! Where are you? Don't scare me!" Feng Shuangshuang kept looking around, even she herself didn't realize that such a cold-blooded killer became so nervous about a man.This is something that has never happened before.

Feng Shuangshuang's voice echoed in the hall, but no one responded to her.

"Chen Dong! Why are you so stupid! Why did you save me! I came here to kill you! Why did you save me! Huh!" Feng Shuangshuang was a girl after all, but seeing her squatting on the ground, she could no longer suppress her tears Live flow down.

"Crying so sad, do you think I'm dead?" Just then a familiar voice came from behind her.

"Chen Dong!" Feng Shuangshuang stood up quickly, only to see Chen Dong standing behind her with a smile on his face.

"Chen Dong, are you okay? Just now..." Feng Shuangshuang hastily wiped away a few tears. She had never shed tears since her parents died, let alone shed tears because of a man.

"If something happens to me, can you still see me?" Chen Dong smiled, "It's the first time I've seen a cold-blooded female killer cry so sadly. Could it be because of me?"

"Cut! Who's crying? Can I cry? I'll cry for a stinky man? Dream!" Feng Shuangshuang hastily turned around. I feel very embarrassed.

"Then it looks like I'm being self-indulgent." Chen Dong smiled, but at this moment, Chen Dong's face turned pale, and a trace of blood oozes from the corner of his mouth.

"Men really don't have a good thing..." Feng Shuangshuang turned around quickly, and before she finished speaking, she saw Chen Dong vomiting blood.

"Chen Dong, you!" Feng Shuangshuang hurried over to help Chen Dong's arm.

"It's just a mouthful of blood, it's nothing serious." Chen Dong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.It turned out that with his current cultivation base, he could only use Liuyang Xuantian once in a short period of time, but just now he forcibly used Liuyang Xuantian once again in order to repel the golden sage Chen Dong.This caused the qi and blood in his body to tumbling violently, and he suffered serious internal injuries.And that's why he chose to let Jin Shengzi go instead of continuing to entangle with him.

As long as Jin Shengzi doesn't dare to come back in a short time, Chen Dong's goal will be achieved, and the most important thing now is to save Feng Bingbing.

"It's no big deal if you vomit blood! Do you want to heal your wounds first?" Feng Shuangshuang said with a worried face.

"There is no time, we must rescue people immediately!" Chen Dong looked at the huge black iron gate with cold eyes.Feng Bingbing should be behind the door at this moment!

After such a delay by the two saints of gold and silver, Feng Bingbing's situation may be even more dangerous now.Once that Long Tianxing becomes angry and dies, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"But your injury..." Feng Shuangshuang said quickly, Chen Dong couldn't help vomiting blood, which meant that Chen Dong's injury was not serious.In fact, up to now, she still doesn't know how Chen Dong did it. With his cultivation base at the early stage of Golden Core, facing the two strong mid-stage Golden Cores is still an old monster who has been famous for many years.It was able to make the opponent escape with one death and one injury!If this matter gets out, it will cause an uproar in the cultivation world!
"I can't die." Chen Dong said lightly and then walked towards the big iron gate.

And at this moment, in the secret room on the other side of the iron gate.

"Vice President! The monitor has been repaired!" A Dragon Head Club killer came to Long Tianxing and said.

"A bunch of trash! It takes so long to repair a monitor!" Long Tianxing stood up with a gloomy face and walked to the monitor screen.

"Turn on the screen!" Now Long Tianxing was very disturbed, he didn't know if the gold and silver saints really planned to break the contract, or had successfully killed Chen Dong.


The big screen on the wall lit up again.

But the fifth floor was in a mess, but there was no one there.

"No one?" Long Tianxing frowned.

"Could it be that the boy surnamed Chen has been killed by the two seniors of the Gold and Silver Saints?" Someone said at this time.

"It should be like this! A cultivator in the late stage of Qihai has no chance of surviving against the two strong Jindan stage!"

"Open the door." Long Tianxing said in a cold voice at this moment.

"Yes! Vice President!" A killer nodded and pressed a switch button.

"Crack! Crack!" The huge three-meter-thick iron gate slowly opened with heavy roars.

(End of this chapter)

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