Special masters on campus

Chapter 716 What's the date today?

Chapter 716 What's the date today?
Under the Dragon Headquarters headquarters.

"Boom!" The huge iron door slowly opened.

Inside the iron gate, in the secret room.

Surrounding Long Tianxing was a circle of Dragon Head Killers.Those killers who can stay with Long Tianxing in the secret room are undoubtedly the most elite forces of the Dragon Head Meeting.Among the eighteen killers, the weakest ones are also in the early stage of the sea of ​​qi, and several of them have reached the late stage of the sea of ​​qi.

And this included an old acquaintance of Chen Dong, who was also the dwarf Deacon Bai who had a feud with Chen Dong to kill his brother.

"Chen Dong! You should die this time! Younger brother, I failed to avenge you personally because of my incompetence, but today the person who killed you is dead and you can rest in peace..." Deacon Bai said inwardly with a gloomy face.

And among these top killers.Long Tianxing held Feng Bingbing, whose whole body was tied up and his mouth was gagged, in his arms, with a crazy expression on his face.

"Don't worry about my baby, wait a little longer, you will see Chen Dong's death soon! Hehe..." No one could understand how much Long Tianxing hated Chen Dong in his heart, and he was going crazy!

"Woooo!" Feng Bingbing shook her head in resistance, she didn't believe that Chen Dong would die!

"Haha! Don't you believe it? Do you really think that Chen Dong will become a Jindan mid-stage powerhouse and can defeat the two Jindan mid-stage powerhouses? Don't worry, I'll let you see the truth right away!" Long Tianxing looked crazy. It's a strange smile, he likes to see Feng Bingbing's expression of pain, so that he will feel very refreshed!
"Boom!" At this moment, the huge and heavy iron door finally opened completely.


"how can that be!"

And when the killers surrounding Long Tianxing saw the two people standing outside the iron gate, they almost all had the same expression.

Dumbfounded, unbelievable!
At this moment, Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang were standing outside the door, looking into the door.

In the end what happened!Didn't it mean that the two sages who hold gold and silver are the top powerhouses in the mid-term of Jindan?Why are Chen Dong and Chi Lian still alive!

And now that the gold and silver saints have disappeared, it means that there is only one possibility!
Chen Dong, or rather Chen Dong and Chi Lian, defeated the Jindan stage powerhouse, the two sages of gold and silver!
Then what is the strength of Chen Dong, whom the vice president hates so much?Could it be that his strength is still above the middle stage of Golden Core, is it because he is a late-stage Golden Core cultivator?
Being able to defeat the combination of the two strong mid-stage Golden Cores, these killers can only think that Chen Dong is a late-stage Golden Core!
Seeing the reaction of these subordinates in front, Long Tianxing narrowed his eyes. Now he was blocked by the people in front and hadn't seen Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang.

"What's the matter? Did you die too badly? Look at you guys who are worthless! You're still killers!" Long Tianxing snorted coldly.These subordinates are masters in the eyes of others, but they are just a group of more powerful dogs in his eyes.

"No..." At this time, a killer said submissively.

"What? No? No, tell me!" Long Tianxing's face changed, and he said in a dark voice.

"No...not dead..."

"What! Didn't die!" Long Tianxing was stunned for a moment, but then sneered, "It seems that the two gentlemen, Jin and Yin, are quite good at handling things. They know how much I hate this Xin Chen, so they saved a life. It's better this way , I will make his death more memorable!"

"Baby, it's good for you, you can witness how your beloved man died!" Long Tianxing looked down at Feng Bingbing with a weird smile.

"No..." Someone said again at this time.

"What? Isn't it? Then what's the matter!" Long Tianxing was furious, he was really fed up with his subordinates who are not as good as pigs and dogs.

"No... I didn't see the two sages of gold and silver..." Someone replied staggeringly, and only the legendary Jindan late stage can scare these killers who have killed countless people so much!

"Didn't see the gold and silver? What do you mean? Then who did you see?" Long Tianxing's face changed suddenly, and he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Chen...Chen..." The killers who were standing in front of Long Tianxing began to retreat involuntarily.

"Chen Dong." At this moment, Long Tianxing's disgusting and familiar voice came.

This is Chen Dong's voice!
"Chen! Chen Dong!" Long Tianxing's face turned pale.

"Impossible! How could this be possible! The Gold and Silver Sages are both mid-Gold Core experts! And Chen Dong is just a cultivator at the late Qi Sea stage. This is impossible! Chen Dong can't possibly be alive!" Long Tian Xing shook his head in disbelief, he knew the strength of the two sages of gold and silver, and even his elder brother respected them three points, how could Chen Dong be their opponent!He wouldn't believe it even if he was killed!

"Are you talking about those two people just now? The two saints of gold and silver, I think it is more appropriate to call them broken copper and iron." Chen Dong smiled.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! I don't believe that Chen Dong can still talk to me alive!" Long Tianxing roared angrily. This time, he thought that if he invited the two mid-stage Jindan experts, even if Chen Dong had his master Yang Tian There is no doubt that you will die if you support your back!But how could he have thought that Yang Tianding didn't show up, but Chen Dong could still survive!


"It's the vice president!" After all, these killers are the top killers of the Dragon Head Club. After a brief panic, they all calmed down and began to dodge a gap to the sides.

That Long Tianxing stared at the front until the crowd completely moved away, revealing Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang beside Chen Dong.

"How could this happen!" Long Tianxing's figure flickered, and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood on the spot.

Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang were still alive, in his opinion, there was only one possibility.Chen Dong must have made some kind of deal with the two saints of gold and silver just now.It may be that Chen Dong paid a higher price to buy off the gold and silver, so that the two broke their contract and left!
"Hmph! What kind of bullshit is the second sage of gold and silver! You don't even have such a little credit! Don't worry! Since you dare to break the contract, I will make your reputation stink in the entire cultivation world!" Long Tianxing's target said in a cold heart, really don't know What would he look like if he knew that the gold and silver saints were dead and the other injured.

"Sister!" When Feng Shuangshuang saw Feng Bingbing, who was controlled by Long Tianxing, his expression suddenly became agitated, and he was about to rush up, but was stopped by Chen Dong.

"Haha! Chi Lian! You still know that this is your sister, don't forget that she was fascinated by you, which saved me a lot of effort! Haha!" Long Tianxing held back his heart Angrily sneered.

"You! Long Tianxing, you are despicable and shameless!" Feng Shuangshuang's eyes were cold, and now she wished she could directly go up to fight Long Tianxing!
"Haha! I'm despicable and shameless? Is this the first time you know I'm despicable and shameless?" Long Tianxing laughed even more arrogantly.

"Woooo!" At this moment, Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang and kept shaking her head. She didn't want to see these two people who were most important to her life take risks for her.

"What's the date today?" At this moment, Chen Dong said with a smile.

"What's the number? Chen Dong, aren't you crazy?" Everyone, including Long Tianxing, was taken aback.

"I just want your subordinates to remember your memorial day." Chen Dong's voice turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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