Special masters on campus

Chapter 717 Get out!

Chapter 717 Get out!
The dragon head will be in the underground secret room.

The atmosphere was extremely tense at the moment.

In the secret room, Long Tianxing controls Feng Bingbing, and beside Long Tianxing, there are eighteen top experts of the Dragon Head Club.

At the door of the secret room, Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang stood together.

This seems to be a scene of great disparity in strength.

"What did you say?" Long Tianxing's expression changed at this moment.

"I just want you to know what day it is today, just as a reminder from an old friend." Chen Dong smiled.

"You..." Long Tianxing's chest heaved violently for a while, and Chen Dong still didn't take himself seriously as before.What he hates the most is Chen Dong's understated tone!

"Vice President, he means that today is your memorial day, let you remember what date it is!" At this moment, an assassin walked up to Long Tianxing and said in a low voice.

"Shut up! Get out!" Long Tianxing's face turned green when he heard that!Could he not know the meaning of what Chen Dong said just now?But what is the face of the vice-chairman of the dignified dragon head meeting when you say it so directly?

"Yes, yes! But the vice president's meaning is just this and that..." The assassin seemed to be aggrieved.

"Get out of here! Otherwise, I'll kill you now!" Long Tianxing's face turned green with anger, why did he have such a group of pig-like subordinates.The key point is that these pigs think they are very smart!
"I'm going! I'm going to go!" The killer was so frightened that he retreated to the farthest side.

"Waste! They are all pig-like waste!" Long Tianxing's face was ashen, his eyes were red, and he almost vomited blood in anger.

"Pigs are actually very smart. If the pigs are raised stupidly, then the pig raisers themselves are stupid." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"You!" Long Tianxing stared at Chen Dong fiercely. The current situation completely exceeded his expectations, but his affection for Chen Dong not only did not decrease at all, but became even heavier.

"Haha! Chen Dong! Don't think I don't know how you survived!" At this moment, Long Tianxing hugged Feng Bingbing's neck tightly and said with a sneer.

"Oh? Tell me how I survived?" Chen Dong said with a smile, now that Feng Bingbing is in Long Tianxing's hands, he can't act rashly, he must seize the opportunity to kill with one blow!

"Hmph! We all saw it just now. The reason why you are still alive is nothing more than a deal with the two saints of gold and silver. It seems that you have given them more benefits, so they tore up Let go of your contract with me!" Long Tianxing said with a sneer, this is the only possibility he can think of.

"That's right! I remembered that we saw on the surveillance screen just now that this kid was going to make a deal with the two saints of gold and silver. The two saints of gold and silver were going to break the contract! So the vice president smashed the screen in a fit of anger Already!"

"That's right!"

"What the hell! I was so scared, I thought this kid was so powerful that he could defeat the two saints of gold and silver!"

"He can bribe the Second Sage of Gold and Silver to spare his life, but even if he sells himself in the Dragon Cave, he can't buy his life!"

At this time, these killers who originally tensed up and thought that Chen Dong was a peerless and powerful late Jindan breathed a sigh of relief.

"I did make a deal with those two scumbags." Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"Look! Brothers, this kid has admitted it himself, give me some energy and then back off, I'll kill him first!" Long Tianxing also felt relieved, he was really scared by Chen Dongkeng.Although it was unlikely that Chen Dong was a Jindan stage strongman, he still didn't dare to be so sure. Now that Chen Dong himself had admitted it, he was finally relieved.

"Yes! Vice President!"

"I will let him know the fate of offending our Dragon Leader!"

"Ha ha……"

The killers of the Dragon Shouhui were scared like that by Chen Dong just now, and now they are eager to save face from Chen Dong.

"Hmph! Chen Dong, you are only at the late Qi Sea stage. And you face at least five people with the same cultivation level as you, and the others are also at the Qi Sea stage. I can't see that you still have It is possible to leave here alive!" Long Tianxing said with a sneer.

At the same time, the dozen or so masters around Long Tianxing also quickly stepped forward to surround Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang.But in this way, there was no obstacle in front of Long Tianxing, only the distance between two people and Chen Dong was less than ten meters.

"We did make a deal, we exchanged the life of one of them for the life of another, do you believe it?" Chen Dong said calmly, taking a step forward.


"Exchanging one person's life for another's? What do you mean?"

All the killers around frowned. I don't know why this young man always makes them unable to see through their eyes, and even makes them have an inexplicable fear in their hearts!

"What a bunch of pigs." Feng Shuangshuang said disdainfully, "Just kill them one by one and release the other, it's as simple as that."

"Hiss..." As soon as Feng Shuangshuang said this, the whole scene fell silent.

These killers looked at me and I looked at you, and laughed at the same time after a while.

"Ha ha!"

"Killing me!"

"Could they have been frightened crazy? Only the two of them can kill one of the two saints of gold and silver, and let the other go?"

"Don't piss and take pictures of yourself! They are two absolutely strong mid-stage Jindan!"

"Hmph! You bought a life with money and don't even know what your last name is?"

Obviously, in the eyes of these people, it is a joke that Chen Dong can kill one of the gold and silver saints in the middle stage of Jindan and one of them is wounded!

"Arrogance! Chen Dong! You are still so arrogant when you are about to die! Then I will let you go to the underworld to be arrogant! Someone come to me, remember to leave him a sigh of relief!" Long Tianxing said in a cold voice.

"Woooo!" Feng Bingbing quickly shook her head to signal Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang to leave quickly and leave her alone.

"Haha! Don't worry! I'll let both of them stay with you. Do it!" Long Tianxing made a move to lift Feng Bingbing's chin.

"Put down your claws." And at this moment, a cold voice came.

"Huh?" Long Tianxing was taken aback.

"What did you say!" Long Tianxing looked at Chen Dong with a livid face, in front of his subordinates.

"Put down the paw." Chen Dong took another step forward.

"You're courting death! You're going crazy with me when you come to me alive! Fuck me!" Long Tianxing waved his hand and looked at Feng Bingbing again, ready to lift her chin.


"go to hell!"

But seeing these dozen killers rushing towards Chen Dong at the same time!

"Chen Dong!" Feng Shuangshuang became nervous all of a sudden, she knew the strength of these 18 people, all of them were strong in the sea of ​​qi stage, and their combined strength should not be underestimated!

But Chen Dong raised the corner of his mouth, "Get lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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