Special masters on campus

Chapter 718 Kneel down!

Chapter 718 Kneel down!

"Get out!" A cold but extremely shocking snort came.


"Bang bang!"

In an instant, seeing these killers who were rushing towards Chen Dong aggressively, they all flew backwards like kites with broken strings!

"Boom! Boom!"


With a muffled sound and a miserable cry, the eighteen Qi Hai stage killers all flew upside down like heavenly maidens scattered flowers, and then fell heavily to the ground!

"Get out!" And almost at the same time, almost everyone heard a roll like a thunder from the fourth basement floor, the third basement floor, and the lobby on the first floor!

"Ah!" Almost everyone felt a severe pain in their head and couldn't stand still.How could these killers at the Qi refining stage or even at the internal strength realm resist Chen Dong, a strong man at the Jindan stage?Even a cold snort is enough to make them lose their ability to resist.

"In the end what happened!"

"What the hell happened down here!"

These killers all looked towards the direction of the ground with horror on their faces. They couldn't understand what kind of strong man could make them unable to stand still with a cold snort!
At this time, the dragon head will be in the underground secret room.

Just as Long Tianxing was about to reach out to hook Feng Bingbing's chin again, he felt a sudden thunderbolt coming from his ear!

His outstretched fingers trembled almost like a conditioned reflex.

"Huh! The voice is quite loud!" Long Tianxing forced a smile and turned around.

But just when he turned around, his face changed, it became pale and without a trace of blood.

"This..." Long Tianxing opened his mouth but was speechless.

At this moment, the dozen or so killers of the Sea of ​​Qi Stage were all lying on the ground, rolling and screaming, and some of them even bled from their seven orifices and fell into a coma.

"What's the matter? Get up for me! So many people are afraid of him alone?" Long Tianxing stared like a cow, he didn't understand what happened!Chen Dong just said the word "scroll". Could it be that his subordinates really scram?



But how can any of these killers stand up?Among them, the one with the highest state is the late stage of Qi Sea, how can he resist the coercion of Chen Dong, a Jindan powerhouse?
And if it wasn't for the fear of hurting Feng Bingbing, Long Tianxing would have already fallen.

"This!" Long Tianxing finally panicked, what kind of cultivation is needed to knock down so many masters of the Sea of ​​Qi Stage in such a short period of time!At least he thinks he doesn't have this strength!
"You... how did you do it?" Long Tianxing hugged Feng Bingbing tightly and took a step back.

"As I said, the Gold and Silver Saints are nothing more than a pile of scrap metal in my eyes. And these goods are at best a pile of scum." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up, and he took another step closer to Long Tianxing.The closer the distance, the greater the chance that Chen Dong could save someone without Feng Bingbing being hurt.The most important thing for Chen Dong now is not to rescue the person, but to ensure that Feng Bingbing is not injured at the same time.

"Impossible! This is impossible! You are obviously at the late stage of Sea of ​​Qi..." At this moment, Long Tianxing suddenly became speechless, and his pupils shrank suddenly, because Chen Dong was a Sea of ​​Qi in his memory before. Later repairs.And just now he had laughed at Feng Bingbing for thinking that Chen Dong was in the Golden Core Stage, that was a dream!But now he suddenly realized that he couldn't see Chen Dong's cultivation!

"I can't see through my cultivation base... I can't see through it! Could it be!" At this time, Long Tianxing opened his eyes suddenly as if he suddenly thought of something.

In the realm of self-cultivation, if you can't see the opponent's cultivation level, there are only three possibilities. One is that the opponent has no cultivation level and is not a cultivator. Chen Dong was a late-stage Qihai cultivator before, so this is obviously impossible.The second possibility is that the opponent has a magic weapon that can hide his cultivation or has taken a pill that hides his cultivation.The third possibility is that the other party is a cultivator above the golden core stage, and I can't see through the other party's cultivation base!

"Impossible! This is impossible! Less than a month ago, he was still at the late stage of Sea of ​​Qi. How could he be promoted to the power of the golden core stage in such a short period of time! I have practiced for decades, and all the cultivation resources and cultivation methods are the best. Waiting for me is just a fake alchemy period! How could he, Chen Dong, a brat and an unknown casual cultivator, be promoted to Jindan!" Long Tianxing kept shaking his head, he couldn't convince himself!He couldn't believe that Chen Dong was now a great power in the Golden Core Stage!

"Haha!" Seeing that it was Long Tianxing, he laughed again, "I understand! You got some kind of magic weapon or elixir that can hide your cultivation from your master! You are so stupid when you think I am Can't you see your little trick!" Long Tianxing said with a sneer.

"Yes! It must be like this! He got the magic weapon or elixir from that old immortal Yang Tianding! It must be like this!" Long Tianxing kept repeating his words.

"It's fine if you insist on thinking this way." Chen Dong took another step forward with a smile.

"Stop! If you take a step forward, I'll break this woman's neck!" Long Tianxing tightened Feng Bingbing's neck violently.

"Woo!" Feng Bingbing snorted in pain, his face turned red all of a sudden.

Chen Dong stopped suddenly. Although he wanted to pinch Long Tianxing's neck right now, he had to ensure Feng Bingbing's safety.

"Hmph! Boy! Even if you really become stronger, so what! As long as this bitch is in my hands, I'll see what you can do to me!" Long Tianxing said with a ferocious smile.Although he still didn't believe that Chen Dong was really Jindanqi, these screaming killers made him have to be cautious.His purpose was to kill Chen Dong, but he didn't care what method he used!
"Hehe, is it possible that the vice president of the dignified Dragon Head Club has been reduced to using only a woman as a shield?" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Haha! Boy, I know you want to piss me off! But it's a pity that you are wrong! I'm not a decent family, so I won't be pissed off by you!" Long Tianxing laughed wildly, as long as he can achieve his goal, he will do whatever it takes.

"It seems that you saw through it." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"Hmph! Chen Dong, do you really think you are so smart? Let me tell you, what I hate the most is seeing your expression that doesn't take anyone seriously! Today, as long as this woman is in my hands, I will Do what you are told to do!" Long Tianxing said with a vicious expression.

"Oh? Are you so sure?" Chen Dong narrowed his eyes.

"Boy! Don't look at me like that! I will order you to kneel down now! Kneel down in front of me now!" Long Tianxing laughed wildly and pointed at Chen Dong.

(End of this chapter)

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