Chapter 729
Inside the deep pit, endless black flames shot up into the sky. From a distance, it looked like a thick black smoke rising suddenly from the desert.

And only when you get close, you will find that there is no black smoke but a burning black flame.

"Crackling! Crackling! Crackling!" Even the air within a radius of several kilometers was filled with a burnt smell.If there is any living creature approaching at this time, it will definitely be reduced to ashes by this terrible high temperature.

At this moment, being in the deep pit is like being in the sea of ​​hell.

At the same time as Long Tianlong came in front of him, a white flame appeared again between Chen Dong's eyebrows.

"Pure Yang True Fire!"

"Humph! Too weak..." Long Tianlong snorted coldly, raised his left hand and slapped it towards Chen Dong!
"Hoo hoo!" With Long Tianlong's slap, endless black flames rushed towards Chen Dong's face in an instant!It's like a black torrent, unstoppable!

"Boom!" But Chen Dong's figure was blown away by this torrent of black flames like a kite with a broken thread!
"Boom!" Chen Dong's body hit the rock wall behind him heavily.

"Crack! Crack!" The Gobi rock layer formed under the desert for hundreds of millions of years began to crack continuously.

"Cough cough!" Chen Dong coughed violently, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and the pure Yang True Fire between his eyebrows became weaker again.

Although he resisted the blow with all his strength just now, he was still only able to parry, and the injuries he had just recovered from had worsened again, and more importantly, the Pure Yang True Fire was almost in a dangerous situation where it could not be formed.

Chen Dong knew that this was not because the Pure Yang True Fire itself was weaker than the evil fire cultivated by Long Tianlong, but because there was a gap between his own cultivation base and Long Tianlong. , but this Long Tianlong's situation is very similar to his own.Although on the surface he is only in the middle stage of Golden Core, Chen Dong believes that his real combat power is definitely not inferior to that of a late Golden Core monster!
In the later stage of Jindan, in the ancient era of comprehension, it may be just a cultivator of average strength, but if it is placed in the present, it is definitely an existence that can shake the wind and rain in the cultivation world.

It can be said that a strong person in the late stage of Jindan can run rampant in the entire cultivation world. Whether a cultivation sect is regarded as the top power in the world of cultivation depends on whether there are strong people in the late stage of Jindan in their sect.

The late Golden Core has reached the peak of today's comprehension world, and it has never been heard that there is a stronger person beyond the late Golden Core.

In other words, what Chen Dong is facing now is one of the strongest people in the cultivation world!

And just as Chen Dong stood up, Long Tianlong's figure appeared in front of Chen Dong again, looking at Chen Dong like a god looking down on a mortal.

"What you said just now is correct. I really want to obtain the pure Yang fire completely. But since you have seen through it, then I can only trouble you a little bit." Long Tianlong raised his hand towards Chen Dongyi expressionlessly again. Grasp!
"Hoo hoo!" The wave of black flames blasted towards Chen Dong again!
And this was because Chen Dong hadn't stood still and had no time to resist!
"Boom!" There was an ear-shattering bang, but Chen Dong flew back again.


"Crack Kacha!"

This time, Chen Dong's whole body fell into the rock wall behind him, and the entire rock wall cracked and collapsed rapidly!
"The weak are not qualified to survive in this world, let alone have the strength to possess rare treasures. So you can only die!" Long Tianlong looked at Chen Dong silently, and appeared in front of Chen Dong again in a flash.

This time Chen Dong didn't even have the strength to parry, and Long Tianlong obviously lost his patience.Since the integrity of the pure yang true fire cannot be guaranteed, then simply refine Chen Dong's whole body with the evil fire of karma!
Chen Dong was leaning on the cracked rock wall, panting violently, the corner of his mouth was full of blood, but there was still no trace of panic or panic on his face.

"Do you want to kill me, Chen Dong? Even if you are really late Jindan, you will have to pay a heavy price, let alone you are not!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold. At this time, he could not hold back anything and had to fight with all his strength. Even if it's a little crazy!

Fight to the death, this is the feeling that Chen Dong hasn't had for a long time!

But at this moment, a smile suddenly appeared on Chen Dong's face.

"Huh?" Long Tianlong obviously couldn't understand that Chen Dong could still laugh when he was in such a situation.

"Do you want to show your composure?" Long Tianlong's silent figure suddenly came to Chen Dong, less than [-] centimeters away from Chen Dong, and his eyes stared at Chen Dong with no emotion.

"The next step may be a little more painful. Since you don't hand it over yourself, I can do it myself." But seeing Long Tianlong looking at Chen Dong as if he were looking at a dead person, he slowly stretched out his left hand and placed it on top of Chen Dong's head. above.

From his point of view, Chen Dong has no ability to resist now.

But Chen Dong didn't seem to be in any panic, but instead smiled. Anyone who is familiar with Chen Dong knows that once he shows such a smile, it means that the most terrifying Chen Dong is about to appear!

"Six Suns Xuantian!" Chen Dong's eyes were cold, and the pure Yang power in his body was running wildly.

"Buzz!" At the same time, a golden ball of light appeared between Chen Dong and Long Tianxing.For a moment, a golden light shot up into the sky, piercing people's eyes.

"Huh! Liuyang Xuantian? Don't you know that in my opinion, it's just fireworks played by urchins. You can only look at them, and they can't even hurt my fur?" Long Tianlong smiled slightly, as if mocking Just overwhelmed ants.

"Really?" Although Chen Dong's face was covered with blood, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Do you know? What I hate the most is your kind of laugh, which is so overwhelming!" Long Tianlong snorted coldly, five black flames suddenly appeared from the hand that was placed on Chen Dong's head, like five twisted The moving black fire snake is creepy!
"You are very similar to your dead brother!" Chen Dong said with a smile, and at the same time, one of the three golden cores in his body began to spin rapidly, and cracks even appeared on the golden core!

"Hmph, few people can provoke me, you are one of the few. But those who can provoke me have been burned to ashes by me. And you will enjoy this pleasure immediately, this is the real fire !" Long Tianlong sneered, and grabbed the top of Chen Dong's Tianling cover with five black fiery snake hands!

Once he catches Tianling Gai, not only will Chunyang True Fire be pulled away by him, but Chen Dong will also die!

"Evil can never prevail, what is the real fire, whoever smiles will know at the end!" At the same time, Chen Dong also smiled slightly!
"Boom!" One of the three golden cores in Chen Dong's body exploded at this moment!

In an instant, endless golden rays of light gushed out of Chen Dong's body crazily!

"This is! Self-explosive golden core?" Long Tianlong's face finally changed!
(End of this chapter)

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