Special masters on campus

Chapter 730 What If I Still Have 2 Pieces?

Chapter 730 What If I Still Have Two?


The world is changing color at this moment!

In a desert in the northwest of China, a golden light soared into the sky!Just like a golden pillar, it goes straight into the sky!This dazzling golden beam of light can even be seen tens of kilometers away!

It's like a god coming down to the mortal world, like a little sun bursting in someone's house!
And at that moment just now, although Long Tianlong realized that Chen Dong had chosen to self-destruct the golden core, using all the true energy in the entire golden core to activate Liuyang Xuantian.But I don't know if it was too late to dodge or I didn't bother to dodge at all, but I just stood there and didn't move!
"Boom!" A golden core exploded, even if it was a golden core in the early stage of the golden core, the power of the golden core bursting out is terrifying!It is enough to threaten any mid-stage Jindan strongman, and even the late Jindan strongman must not temporarily avoid the edge.

The most important thing is that the distance between the two of them was too close just now, and Liuyang Xuantian's golden ball of light was between them.After obtaining the true energy of the whole golden elixir, the golden ball of light that was only the size of a watermelon suddenly became as thick as a water tank in an instant!
One can imagine how terrifying it would be to see such a small sun erupting in front of him!
Self-preservation of the golden core is something that any cultivator would never dare to think about.Because only the cultivators of the golden elixir period can understand how difficult it is to condense the golden elixir, and some people even spend their entire lives enduring all the pain that ordinary people can't imagine to condense the golden elixir.

Therefore, many cultivators at the golden core stage are unwilling to protect their golden cores even before they die, and the pain of self-destructing their golden cores is unimaginable to ordinary people!

"Hoo hoo!" Gusts of strong wind blew across the desert, bringing waves of terrifying heat waves.

Everything disappeared, and the deep pit where the two of them were just now was blown up again into a huge deep pit with a square of [-] meters and a depth of ten meters.

The black hole in this deep pit is like a crater bombed by a meteorite, like a huge abscess on the desert.

In this case, according to common sense, it is impossible for any living things to survive.But at this moment, a person suddenly stood up in the dark pit.

That's right, it's one person.

"Explode the golden core, and then use the true energy in the whole golden core to launch your strongest blow." This person is unkempt, but it can still be seen from the scar on his face that this person is Long Tianlong.

The blow just now was obviously stronger than all of Chen Dong's previous attacks. Before that, Chen Dong's Liuyang Xuantian couldn't hurt even half a hair of Long Tianlong.But this time, it can be clearly seen that Long Tianlong is in a mess, and there is a scorched wound on his chest.

Obviously, Chen Dong's crazy blow just now had already hurt Long Tianlong!This is something that has never happened in a hundred years!
"If you can hurt me, you won't be wronged if you die." Long Tianlong still had that lifeless face.

At this time, on the other side of the deep pit, a scorched figure leaned against the pit wall.

It was none other than Chen Dong.

But obviously, Chen Dong's injury was far more serious than Long Tianlong's.At this moment, Chen Dong's whole body was covered with battered wounds, and his blood was no longer red but black.The scariest thing is his dantian, a hideous wound is shocking!This is the result of Chen Dong's self-explosive golden elixir extracting all the true energy in the golden elixir.

And if Chen Dong didn't condense all the true energy in Liuyang Xuantian at the moment when the golden core was broken, I'm afraid it would not be as simple as a single wound now.If the golden core is allowed to explode in the body, Chen Dong will be blown into pieces of meat!

It can be said that even if Chen Dong is not dead, he has completely lost his fighting power and only has the strength to breathe.

And at this moment, the figure of Long Tianlong reappeared in Chen Dong's field of vision.

I saw the embarrassed Long Tianlong walking towards Chen Dong from the other side of the pit, and looked at Chen Dong indifferently.

"It really surprised me that you were able to hurt me. So what strength do you have now?" Long Tianlong sneered, Chen Dong's blow just now was indeed beyond her imagination, but he believed that it was impossible for Chen Dong to return the blow now. Have any strength to fight back.

But at this moment, Chen Dong, who was leaning against the wall of the pit with injuries all over his body and didn't even have the strength to stand up, smiled again.

"Hehe..." Chen Dong smiled so calmly, as if he was the one who had the advantage now.

"Huh?" Long Tianlong's face changed slightly, he couldn't understand why Chen Dong was still smiling when he was in such a dangerous situation, even when he was about to die.

"Does this kid have any other tricks?" Long Tianlong himself didn't realize that after the blow just now, he no longer completely ignored Chen Dong's attack power as before.At least now the facts have proved that Chen Dong still has the strength to hurt him.

"Hmph, what ability do you have even the golden core has exploded?" Long Tianlong sneered, not caring about Chen Dong's strangeness but continued to approach Chen Dong, and now he can extract the pure yang fire from Chen Dong's body earlier. It's what Long Tianlong really cares about.

And as Long Tianlong kept approaching, Chen Dong's chance of surviving became smaller and smaller. Once Long Tianlong came to him again, he would definitely die!Chen Dong knew this better than anyone else.

And he had to watch the Pure Yang True Fire being drawn out of his body. Compared with the pain of being torn apart, what Chen Dong couldn't stand was the shame!

It's not in Chen Dong's character to just give up like this!

"Want me to die? That depends on whether you have paid enough!" Chen Dong smiled again, and his blood-stained face looked so tragic.

At this time, Long Tianlong was less than ten meters away from Chen Dong. At least in his opinion, Chen Dong was already a prey to be slaughtered and could only wait for himself to be skinned and gutted!
"It's over. Although it's more troublesome than I imagined, it turns out that you are still too weak..." Long Tianlong showed a sneer on his scarred face, and then slowly raised his left hand.

"Huh!" Five black fire snakes appeared ferociously again, and then came towards the top of Chen Dong's head.

Once Long Tianlong's hand fell on Chen Dong's head again, Chen Dong would definitely die.

But at this moment, Chen Dong suddenly smiled, looked at Long Tianlong and said, "Do you think you won?"

"Isn't it? The facts have been proven, do you think so?" Long Tianlong said indifferently.

"Do you think I don't even have a chance to turn things around?" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"You can only hurt me if you even explode the golden core. If you want to make a comeback, you must have a golden core that can make you explode." Long Tianlong looked disdainful, and he admitted that Chen Dong was indeed far beyond He didn't expect it, but he believed that Chen Dong's life would end at this point.

"Is there another golden pill?" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"What if I still have two?"

(End of this chapter)

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