Special masters on campus

Chapter 731 Crazy!You are crazy!

Chapter 731 Crazy!You are crazy!
"What? There are two more golden elixirs?" Long Tianlong's face changed, obviously he would not have thought that Chen Dong would say that.

"Boy, you will be scared crazy, right?" But then Long Tianlong smiled, and returned to the expression of looking down on everything again.A cultivator at the golden elixir stage can only have one golden elixir, this is the consensus of the cultivation world for thousands of years.No matter how strong a cultivator is, it is impossible to have two golden pills, let alone three golden pills at the same time!
Long Tianlong began to laugh at himself a little bit, was he so careful after being hurt by Chen Dong once?

"Even if you have a hundred golden elixirs, it will only be in your next life!" Long Tianlong's eyes turned cold, and his claws burning with black fire suddenly fell towards the top of Chen Dong's head.

He has run out of patience!
And this time was also when he was most defenseless, because he felt that Chen Dong only had the strength of his mouth left.

It's just that what Long Tianlong doesn't know is, don't be unguarded in front of Chen Dong, no matter when!
"It's now! Break the golden core for me! Break it again!" Chen Dong's eyes were cold and murderous!
"Boom! Boom!" In an instant, the remaining two golden elixirs in Chen Dong's dantian erupted with two dazzling golden lights at the same time!

"Boom! Boom!" The two golden elixirs exploded at the same time, and endless pure yang zhenqi gushed out!
And almost at the same time, two dazzling golden balls of light suddenly rose from behind him!
"Six Suns Xuantian! Six Suns Xuantian!" The Six Suns Xuantian formed instantly from all the true energy in the two golden elixirs!

For a moment, the golden light suddenly occupied the entire pit, covering it with black flames.

"What!" Long Tianlong's face changed dramatically!Because he felt the threat of death!

But seeing this Long Tianlong turned around abruptly, he saw two golden balls of the same size as before in front of him!

"How is this possible!" Long Tianlong believed in his own judgment. With Chen Dong's current situation, it was impossible to send out Liuyang Xuantian of this level, let alone two!

"Could it be!" Long Tianlong's face turned cold, "Could it be that he really has three golden elixirs!"

However, all this happened too quickly, just when Long Tianlong turned around, the two golden light balls in front of him suddenly burst into even more dazzling light.The two golden balls of light did not collide directly with Long Tianlong, but collided directly in front of Long Tianlong!
"Boom! Boom!" In an instant, a golden beam of light shot up into the sky. No matter the size or the dazzling degree of the beam of light, it was far incomparable from the previous one!

This time, the large pit with a radius of [-] meters was completely shrouded in dazzling golden light, and the baked sand on the ground was vaporized in an instant!The golden beam of light shot straight up to a thousand meters above the sky!

"Is it over?" Chen Dong also closed his eyes, he felt very tired, never felt tired before.He had thought countless times that he might die, but never in this way.

I am a cultivator at the early stage of Golden Core, and I am backed by an old monster who is equivalent to the combat power of the late Golden Core, so it is not a loss.It's just that there are still many things I haven't done, and there are still many people I haven't had time to protect.

At this moment, Chen Dong closed his eyes, only to feel that he was surrounded by a warm golden ocean. This feeling was so intoxicating that people were reluctant to open their eyes.

"Master and wife, I have no ability to help you defend against powerful enemies, and I have not found a junior sister. My father, mother, and son are not filial, and I have not been able to inherit your ambition to become the guardians of the cultivation world. And those lovely girls, it seems that you are I misunderstood the person, maybe I, Chen Dong, don't have the blessing to enjoy it..."

Chen Dong's whole body was floating in mid-air, surrounded by a group of dazzling golden light.

At the same time, Long Tianlong was much more embarrassed.At the moment when the two Liuyang Xuantian light balls collided just now, Long Tianlong stretched out his left hand and blocked him with a ball of black flames.

But this time the power of the two light spheres colliding together is obviously far beyond the power of the explosion at that moment just now.Before Long Tianlong had time to react, he was knocked out by a force that would destroy the world!And the black fire that was standing in front of him dissipated in an instant!

"Damn! Crazy! You are a lunatic!" This time Long Tianlong was a little nervous, and his figure kept retreating against the endless golden waves of the full-strength resisters.How could he have thought that Chen Dong really had two golden elixirs, and he actually detonated two golden elixirs at the same time!
"Boom!" There was a roaring sound, and Long Tianlong's figure slammed on the ground fiercely, making a big hole in the ground!

And soon the golden light that soared into the sky just now gradually disappeared.

Within a radius of several kilometers, a strange scene was formed on the ground. It should have been a desert full of yellow sand, but there was not a single gravel on the ground near here.Instead, there is a crystallized hard ground, which is formed by melting sandstone and cooling.

It can be seen how terrifying the temperature just now is, any living thing here will be reduced to ashes even if it gets too close.

"Ah!" And at this moment, a figure on the ground suddenly rushed into the air!It was none other than Long Tianlong who was caught off guard just now and was blasted into the ground by two six-yang Xuantian.

"Ah, hateful!" Long Tianlong's complexion sank, and finally he could no longer control the anger in his heart. This was the first time in so many years that he had suffered such a serious injury, and he was so embarrassed!The most important thing is that the other party is just a junior in the early stage of Jindan!

At this moment, the clothes on Long Tianlong's distressed body have been basically burned away, his unkempt face is covered in blood, and the two huge wounds on his chest are shocking, and even the beating internal organs can be seen inside!
And looking at his left hand, when the two "Six Suns Xuantian" collided in front of him just now, he could only use his left hand to block it as quickly as possible.

And he had far underestimated the power of the impact of the two Liuyang Xuantians. At this moment, there was no flesh and blood on his left hand, only five black fingers left!
Although these injuries were not fatal to him, they still hurt his vitality. Even if he was at the peak of the mid-stage Golden Core and possessed the combat power of the late Golden Core, it would not take a day and a half to recover.

In particular, the fire that hurt him like this is not an ordinary fire, but the pure yang true fire that just restrained him!

"Go to hell, go to hell!" Long Tianlong was completely enraged, but seeing his cold eyes, he approached Chen Dong who was lying on the ground step by step.

"Don't worry, even if you die, I will make your corpse into a puppet, and enjoy the burning of hell fire every day! I want you to be immortal!" Long Tianlong's hatred for Chen Dong can be described as monstrous. once!He can't stand it!
And at this moment, Long Tianlong stopped in front of Chen Dong.

(End of this chapter)

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