Special masters on campus

Chapter 734 What I Hate the Most Is Your Smile!

Chapter 734 What I Hate the Most Is Your Smile!

"Ah!" A shrill scream came from the desert.

But seeing Long Tianlong flying backwards continuously, and at the same time his eyes were closed tightly, blood and tears flowed from the corners of both eyes!It was the sun-like golden light that pierced his eyes just now!
"What happened! Who can tell me what happened!" Long Tianlong roared unwillingly.

Originally, he had already completely defeated Chen Dong, and he could seize the Pure Yang True Fire immediately.For this reason, not only did he lose his own brother, but he was also seriously injured.But just when he thought this farce could finally come to an end, something he couldn't understand happened unexpectedly!
Even he couldn't resist this huge force, and the golden light just now was even more overbearing, he almost lost his eyes just by looking at it!

He was unwilling to end it like this, and he couldn't figure out why it all happened!
"No! Impossible! Chen Dong, you are dreaming! Unless I die, I will never let you go from here or out!"

Long Tianlong's angry roar was still echoing deep in the desert.

And at the same time, thousands of meters away from Long Tianlong.

Chen Dong closed his eyes tightly, and his whole body slowly floated into the air, completely in an ethereal state.

But at this moment, his whole body was shrouded in a thick golden light, as if a god descended from the mortal world.

And around his body is endless dazzling golden light that is slowly revolving around him.

"Om!" At this moment, Chen Dong's originally ruptured dantian suddenly flashed golden light!

"Hoo hoo!" In an instant, the golden light that was slowly revolving around Chen Dong accelerated rapidly, and finally rushed towards Chen Dong crazily!

"Ah!" Chen Dong suddenly opened his eyes, and the surrounding golden light poured into Chen Dong's dantian at the same time.

"Hoo hoo!" In an instant, countless golden torrents poured in from the sky.The final destination of countless golden torrents is Chen Dong's dantian!

At this moment, Chen Dong's dantian was enveloped by infinite golden light.At the very center of the dantian, there seemed to be a vortex full of infinite attraction. The golden light pouring from Chen Dong's body into Chen Dong's dantian all spun rapidly and rushed towards the center of the dantian.

At this moment, at the center of Chen Dong's dantian, the shards of Tianhuo Xuanbing and Pure Yang True Fire began to rotate with each other continuously, and the speed of rotation became faster and faster, and finally they were almost completely combined.

And the golden rays of light pouring in from around continuously poured into it, forming a small but extremely dazzling golden spot in the middle of the dantian.But as time went by and the golden waves poured in, the spot became brighter and bigger, and soon exceeded the size of an ordinary golden elixir.

But the golden ball of light didn't seem to stop, and it kept getting bigger and brighter!
"Huh! Huh!" This situation lasted for an unknown amount of time, and finally the golden light surrounding Chen Dong finally gradually weakened.

In the end, the last ray of golden light merged into Chen Dong's dantian.

And Chen Dong still closed his eyes tightly, floating in mid-air.

At this time, an hour has passed since the sudden change just now.

A few kilometers away from Chen Dong, Long Tianlong sat cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by black scorched earth.

He was recovering from his wounds, and being sent flying so far by the golden light just now made his injuries worse. Even if he was extremely strong, he had to stop for a while to heal his injuries.

And in the situation just now, even if he wanted to continue to kill Chen Dong, he couldn't do it. The golden light just now was not only weird but also extremely powerful, and even Long Tianlong couldn't fight it all the time.

Everything seems to have returned to calm, except for the black scorched earth left on the desert and the melted ground, there seems to be no difference.It's like being hit by a meteorite, which is rare but not unheard of.

At this moment, Long Tianlong, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes!
"Is it over? It's time to end!" Long Tianlong squinted his eyes and stood up slowly, only to see a terrifying murderous look in his eyes, looking in one direction.

It was the direction Chen Dong was in!

"Chen Dong, I said, you can't escape from my grasp!" But seeing Long Tianxing's figure instantly turned into a phantom.

Almost just a few breaths later, Long Tianlong's figure reappeared, but he had already arrived in front of Chen Dong.

But at this moment, Chen Dong was suspended in mid-air with his eyes closed, as if he hadn't woken up yet.

Long Tianlong stared fixedly at Chen Dong, for some reason he always felt that there was something about Chen Dong that he couldn't see through.And this feeling made him extremely uneasy!If this feeling of uneasiness was placed on an opponent who was stronger than himself, Long Tianlong would not think there was any problem, but the problem now was that Chen Dong's strength was obviously inferior to his own, so he would feel uneasy and even a little scared!
"No! There is absolutely no chance for this kid to continue to grow, otherwise there will be endless troubles in the future!" Long Tianlong approached Chen Dong with cold eyes.

"Huh!" With a sound, two groups of black flames burned from the palms of Long Tianlong's hands.Apparently, after an hour of healing, his left hand has basically recovered. This is the horror of a strong Jindan stage, whose resilience is far beyond that of ordinary practitioners.

"It's over now!" Long Tianlong patted Chen Dong's heart and dantian with his hands indifferently!
But just when his palms were about to hit Chen Dong's two vital parts, Chen Dong's eyes, which had been closed all the time, suddenly opened!
"It's time to end!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up slightly.

"What!" Long Tianlong was slightly taken aback, and he couldn't help but thump in his heart.

"Huh! It seems that your life is very hard, but since you are not dead yet, let me send you for the last time!" Long Tianlong quickly returned to normal with a cold smile on his face.

"You can try..." Chen Dong didn't dodge or resist, but still had a smile on his face.

"You know! What I hate the most is your kind of smile! I will never see this kind of smile again! Because you will no longer exist in this world!" Long Tianlong's spirit could no longer bear it, but seeing his Both palms landed on Chen Dong's body at the same time.

One is in the heart, and the other is in the dantian!

These two places are the most critical life gates for a cultivator!No matter what realm a cultivator is most afraid of, his two life gates will be hit by his opponent, otherwise he will either die or be injured.

And when he saw that his two powerful palms hit Chen Dong's two vital gates firmly, Long Tianlong finally felt relieved.

"Haha! Haha! Chen Dong, you are not my opponent after all!" Long Tianlong laughed crazily as if he had been suppressed for a long time.

"Really? I don't think so." At this moment, Chen Dong's voice came again!
(End of this chapter)

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