Special masters on campus

Chapter 735 Good and Evil

Chapter 735 Good and Evil

The pupils of Long Tianlong's eyes suddenly shrank, and his face turned pale.

"What! This is impossible! I hit two palms on two vital parts! How could you have nothing wrong!"

There was a smile on Chen Dong's face, and his expression remained the same as before, as if he hadn't been attacked at all.

"There are too many impossibilities in this world, but it's a pity that you don't have the chance to see them. Because you are going to die." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"What?" Long Tianlong was stunned for a moment, but then he burst into laughter, "Haha! Haha! Even if Chen Dong is good at being beaten, I haven't been able to kill you several times in a row! But don't you know that you are always Get beaten? Do you think you can fight me based on your strength? Let alone kill me!"

"I think it's okay." Chen Dong smiled.

"You are looking for death! The evil flames are overwhelming!" Long Tianlong's eyes were wide open and bloodshot.

In an instant, endless black flames erupted from Long Tianlong's body and rushed towards Chen Dong crazily.

But Chen Dong smiled slightly, and at the same time a dazzling light burst out from his dantian!

"Boom!" In an instant, the black evil fire and the golden light collided like two torrents.

And Chen Dong and Long Tianlong stood facing each other and looked at each other.

"Chen Dong, how long do you think you can resist based on your cultivation?" Long Tianlong looked at Chen Dong with the eyes of a dead person.

"Evil can never prevail against good..." Chen Dong had a marked smile on his face, which was the smile Long Tianlong hated the most.

"Haha! Evil? Right? A joke! In this world, as long as you are strong enough, you are right! If you are weak, you have no right to live!" Long Tianlong sneered.

"Then it seems that you are indeed too weak!" Chen Dong's voice suddenly turned cold.

"What did you say?" Long Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, but then his face changed suddenly!

"Hoo hoo!" But seeing that the black evil fire, which was already in an overwhelming situation, was continuously swallowed by the golden light at this moment, the black flame became smaller and smaller!

"This!" Long Tianlong was not as sure to kill Chen Dong as before. After all, Chen Dong had exceeded his expectations many times, and this time his black fire was defeated by Chen Dong's golden light. Some flustered.

"Impossible! My strength has already reached the late stage of Golden Core! How could he be my opponent with a mere junior at the early stage of Golden Core! Stand up for me!" Long Tianlong's face was cold and he tried his best to activate the black evil fire.

But what happened next made Long Tianlong's expression even uglier, but no matter how he strengthened the attacking black evil fire, not only did not regain the upper hand, but it became smaller and smaller!

"Why! Why is this!" Long Tianlong was finally a little scared. He didn't understand why Chen Dong was only at the early stage of the Golden Core and had detonated his own Golden Core just now, but now he was able to resist his full attack!

"Impossible! It is impossible for me, Long Tianlong, to lose to you!" But seeing the ferocious expression on Long Tianlong's face, the face with a scar turned into a shocking one!
"It's been a long time since no one has been able to force me to use this move. You should be glad you died!" Long Tianlong sneered, and slapped the ground with one hand!
"Boom! Crack!" In an instant, the ground began to tremble violently, and a crack suddenly appeared and continued to expand!

"Crack, click!" The crack on the ground kept getting bigger, and finally it was as shocking as a huge wound on the ground!
And Chen Dong didn't move but watched all this quietly. It wasn't that he didn't want to preemptive strikes but that he couldn't move now!At this moment, his whole body is completely controlled by the two great treasures in his dantian, and the golden light that resists Long Tianlong's black fire is naturally emitted by these two great treasures.

"Why do you think I've stayed in such a place where nothing shit happens for so many years? Is it because I'm afraid of those so-called righteous cultivators?" Long Tianlong said with a sneer.

"Isn't it?" Chen Dong said lightly.

"Joke! What a big joke! As for the real reason, you will see right away!" Long Tianlong laughed wildly, and said with a ferocious face.

"My big baby, it's time for you to come out and get angry secretly!" But at this moment, Long Tianlong slapped the hand on the ground and lifted it up!
"Boom! Boom!" With the completion of his series of actions, the already cracked ground trembled more violently, and the cracks on the ground further expanded!
"Roar!" And at this moment, a deep animal roar came from the depths of the ground, and it kept getting louder.Obviously, there is some huge monster under the ground that is constantly rushing towards the ground!

"Come on! Come on! My big baby! Let the world tremble for you!" Long Tianlong's face was full of enthusiasm, as if the thing rushing out of the ground at this moment was his baby.

"Boom!" At this moment, the ground beside Long Tianlong suddenly exploded, shaking the ground within a few kilometers!

"Roar!" But seeing a huge black monster rushing out of the ground!
"Roar!" The huge monster roared up to the sky, and the sky and the earth changed color in an instant!Not only did the ground shake violently, but even the sky that was originally clear was suddenly covered with dark clouds!The sky seemed to turn into black all of a sudden!
Chen Dong raised his head and looked towards the sky, only to see a dragon-like thing constantly swimming among the dense dark clouds in the sky.This time it is not a black dragon condensed by Long Tianlong with evil fire, but it seems to be a real black dragon!

"Is it a real dragon?" Chen Dong frowned slightly. He had never seen a real dragon, even in the ancient cultivation era.

"Haha! What? Do you know you are afraid now? But before you die, you can see the real dragon and you should rest in peace!" Long Tianlong laughed wildly. Originally, he would not reveal this secret, but now he cares about everything. No more!He must kill Chen Dong at all costs, otherwise this incident will become the greatest shame in his life, and it will also become a demonic obstacle on his future cultivation path.

"If it was a real dragon, would you still be hiding in this place?" Chen Dong suddenly smiled. Although this huge monster in the sky is not an ordinary thing, it should definitely not be a real dragon.Otherwise, Long Tianlong would have already become the number one powerhouse in the cultivation world, so why hide in the depths of this desolate desert?
"You!" Long Tianlong was at a loss for words for a while, and his murderous intent towards Chen Dong became stronger in his heart. For so many years, no one could really provoke him, except this Chen Dong!
"I don't think it's a real dragon, but it looks like an evil dragon like you who avoids the right way and dares not show up, so it can only hide here as a turtle? But the difference between a dragon and a dragon is too far!" Chen Dong disdainful smile.

"You!" Long Tianlong almost vomited blood from anger!

"I want you dead! I want you dead! Swallow him!"

(End of this chapter)

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