Chapter 736
"Roar!" Long Tianlong didn't finish his sentence, but saw the black clouds stirring in the sky, and a huge head emerged from the black clouds.

This head is as huge as a locomotive, and its two huge eyes are like two scarlet lanterns. It is indeed somewhat similar to the legendary real dragon, but it has no horns!

"There is no horn. It seems that I really guessed it. At best, it is a remnant of the prehistoric times, and a shameless evil dragon." Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"Hmph! Even if it's a flood dragon, it's more than enough to swallow you!" Long Tianlong also had a look of disdain. Chen Dong was right, this behemoth was indeed a flood dragon, not a real dragon.He found this flood dragon by accident and tried his best to subdue it.The reason why he cultivated here is naturally inseparable from this fire-attribute dragon. It can be said that it is precisely because of this evil dragon that Long Tianlong has become an extremely powerful evil fire monk.

"Swallow him!" At this moment, Long Tianlong's figure suddenly retreated rapidly, pointing at Chen Dong with both hands!

There was a deafening roar in the sky, like a thunderbolt from the blue.But seeing this evil dragon seemed to be able to understand what Chen Dong said, it was as angry as Long Tianlong!
"Roar!" But seeing this evil dragon roared again, and then its huge body rushed towards Chen Dong below!
"Haha! Enjoy the feeling of being chewed alive! You will never forget it!" Long Tianlong sneered, and then stepped back, as if even he was somewhat afraid of this ancient relic.

At this moment, the changes in Chen Dong's dantian are still going on, the golden light in the middle of the dantian is getting brighter and brighter, but at the same time, Chen Dong still can't move his body!
"Damn it!" Even Long Tianlong, who has the strength of Jindan late stage, is afraid of this prehistoric evil dragon, which means that his strength is definitely extremely strong.If you don't even fight back without moving, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"Hmph! What's the matter? Aren't you very arrogant before? Why are you peeing your pants because of being scared?" Long Tianlong sneered when he saw Chen Dong still standing there motionless. It's flooded.Once this evil dragon attacks with all its strength, even a strong man in the late stage of Jindan will not be able to restrain and fight at all, and can only run for his life.Back then, it was only because I had a kind of spirit grass that this evil dragon liked so much that I half subdued it.The reason why he said he was half subdued was because he knew that even today he would not be able to fully command this prehistoric remnant.

This kind of thing shouldn't exist in this world!

"If you still survive this time, my surname is not Long!" Long Tianlong's eyes were cold and his face was ferocious.

"Boom!" And all this happened so fast, almost in the next second, but seeing the evil dragon in the sky like a hill, it opened its huge mouth and bit down towards Chen Dong!
"Boom!" The power was so great that even the ground where Chen Dong was located was blasted into a huge hole tens of meters in square!The huge black body of the flood dragon is entrenched in the big pit, and it actually fills up the entire big pit!
Unsurprisingly, Chen Dong, who couldn't even move, was swallowed into Jiaolong's belly in one gulp.

"Haha! Have fun! Even if you don't have the pure yang fire, it would be a great pleasure to completely kill you!" Long Tianlong finally couldn't restrain his heart from laughing ecstatically when he saw this scene.Originally, he didn't want to use this ancient evil dragon. After all, once this thing was discovered by the righteous way, he would be besieged by the whole righteous way.In addition, this evil dragon is not completely under his control, once Chen Dong devours the pure yang true fire in Chen Dong's body, it will naturally become a tonic for the evil dragon, and he will not be able to get it.

But the situation just now made Long Tianlong a little scared. If he didn't show his last hole card, he would change sooner or later!
"I was seriously injured this time, and the noise is not likely to attract the attention of the surrounding cultivation forces. I must retreat and heal my injuries immediately!" After all, Long Tianlong has been a strong man for a long time, and he recovered quickly after a short period of joy. Calm down, this is also the main reason why he, an evil fire monk, can survive to this day.

"Okay, we should go." Long Tianlong floated in front of the evil dragon and said in a low voice. Although he couldn't completely control the evil dragon, this kind of simple discussion is generally speaking. This evil dragon will understand.

After Long Tianlong said this, he turned around and prepared to leave and go back to the underground retreat to retreat and heal his wounds. He thought that the evil dragon would follow.But this evil dragon lay motionless in the deep pit as if it didn't hear his words at all.

"Huh?" Long Tianlong frowned, turned around quickly, and looked at the evil dragon.

"Could it be that this beast didn't understand?" Although this kind of ancient prehistoric remnant has intelligence, it's not that smart. Long Tianlong thought that this evil dragon didn't understand what he meant.

"We must leave immediately, otherwise you will be surrounded and killed by righteous cultivators!" Long Tianlong used his divine sense to send a message to the evil dragon this time. He was seriously injured in the siege, so he should understand the meaning of this sentence.

But what surprised Long Tianlong's medical treatment was that the evil dragon still lay there motionless as if he hadn't heard his words.

"Damn! Do you want to die here?" Long Tianlong's eyes turned cold, and he flew over the head of the flood dragon in an instant.

The eyes of this flood dragon were even bigger than his head, but at this moment, the two huge eyes of this flood dragon seemed lifeless.

"Damn it!" Long Tianlong's face was extremely ugly. If this evil dragon is exposed, his identity as an evil fire monk will also be exposed, and he will be chased and killed by righteous practitioners in the entire cultivation world!

"Could it be that this evil dragon has devoured the pure yang true fire and needs to be slowly refined, maybe it may really transform into a real dragon?" Long Tianlong suddenly thought of this, because he really couldn't think of other reasons.

"It should be like this? Unless..." But immediately Long Tianlong's face changed again, because he suddenly thought of another reason.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Even if I was not injured by the blow just now, I would have been either killed or injured. It is impossible for Chen Dong to escape, let alone kill this ancient evil dragon!" Thinking of this, the dragon Tianlong's face was cold and deep in his hand, ready to touch the head of Ejiao.

Once this evil dragon is really dead, it means that the possibility I just said is true!Although even Long Tianlong himself doesn't believe in his own ideas.

But seeing Long Tianlong's hand trembling slightly, he slowly put it on the head of this ancient evil dragon.

And almost at the same moment when his hand was put down, Long Tianlong's face changed suddenly!
(End of this chapter)

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