Special masters on campus

Chapter 737 The Strongest Golden Core

Chapter 737 The Strongest Golden Core

Long Tianlong put his hand on the huge, ugly and ferocious head of the evil dragon with a cold expression.

"What!" Long Tianlong opened his eyes suddenly!
Because he felt that this evil dragon had no life, it was dead!

"How is this possible! How is this possible!" Long Tianlong opened his eyes in disbelief!

This evil dragon is an ancient evil species, not to mention a cultivator at the early stage of golden core, even ten of them can't hurt the slightest bit of fur!But now this evil dragon is dead!

Long Tianlong kept shaking his head, he didn't dare to imagine what kind of terrifying power could kill this prehistoric giant beast, and he killed it with one blow!
And at the same time that Long Tianlong was shocked, he saw that the huge evil dragon changed again.

I saw that the evil dragon, which was originally huge and completely filled the tens of meters of the pit, was constantly disappearing, and the speed of shrinking was getting faster and faster!It was as if the flesh and blood had been sucked dry by something, shrinking like a deflated balloon.

"No! This dragon belongs to me! No one is allowed to move!" Long Tianlong's face became tense. The reason why he has been able to cultivate the evil fire to the peak of the middle stage of the golden core and has the combat power of the late golden core is all because of this ancient dragon. Evil Jiao.Without this evil dragon, his cultivation would stagnate, and even gradually weaken!
"No! This is mine!" But seeing that Long Tianlong's face was ferocious, he grabbed the head of the evil dragon with his hands and wanted to extract the true energy from the evil dragon's body. Even if the evil dragon died, it still belonged to him. The corpse of Long Tianlong!

"Buzz!" But the moment he clapped his hands on Jiaolong's head, he felt like he was struck by lightning, and he flew upside down.

"Thump!" Even though Long Tianlong was strong, he took seven or eight steps back before regaining his footing.

"Why on earth! No! I'm not reconciled!" And how could Long Tianlong be reconciled?But seeing black flames ignited on his hands again, he rushed towards the dragon's head again!



But this time the result was the same as before, Long Tianlong was sent flying again!

"Ah! Damn it!" Long Tianlong barely stood still, staring at the corpse of the evil Jiao.

At this time, the body of the evil dragon has shrunk by half!And it's still shrinking rapidly, and it won't take long for it to disappear completely at this rate!
"No! Chen Dong! Don't even think about it! I want you to die!" Long Tianlong was about to lose his mind at this moment. It doesn't matter if his younger brother is gone. Then there is no second one in this world!

"Ah!" But seeing this Long Tianlong's body move and charged again, followed by the corpse of the evil dragon.

"Boom! Boom!" The surrounding unrecognizable ground was once again blasted by black flames.Huge cracks were constantly being opened on the ground, hideous like hell.

But although Long Tianlong's attack power is extremely strong, he just can't get close to the corpse of the evil dragon. Every time he gets close, he will be knocked away by a force that even he can't resist.However, Long Tianlong, who had already lost his mind due to anger, continued to attack without giving up.

And at the same time that Long Tianlong was madly attacking the corpse of the evil dragon.

In the body of this ancient evil dragon.

At this moment, Chen Dong's eyes were closed and he was completely in a state of emptiness. At this moment, his consciousness was completely concentrated in his dantian.

Now the change in Chen Dong's dantian has reached the most critical moment.

At this moment, the original golden light in Chen Dong's dantian has disappeared, or to be precise, it has all gathered to the very center of Chen Dong's dantian.Right now, the center of Chen Dong's dantian seems to be shining brightly like a sun!

A new golden core is condensed!Although the number is not as many as the previous three golden elixirs, this brand new golden elixir is far greater than the sum of the previous three golden elixirs, and it is even more incomparable to the golden elixirs of ordinary golden elixir stage practitioners.

But what Chen Dong didn't know was that even the golden pills of late-stage golden pills were far less bright than his big one!
It turned out that in order to severely injure Long Tianlong, Chen Dong launched the enhanced version of "Six Yang Xuantian" three times in a row by detonating three golden cores.He thought that he was bound to die, but he didn't want to get a blessing in disguise.

"Nine Suns Treasure" emphasizes not to break but not to build, and to build after breaking, which is why Chen Dong often breaks through and promotes at the most critical juncture.

Although Chen Dong had three golden elixirs before, which was three times stronger than ordinary early monks, he was still unable to further improve the pure yang true fire, nor could he fully use the power in the sky fire and black ice.

But now Tianhuo Xuanbing and Chunyang Zhenhuo, either of which can cause a bloodbath in the entire cultivation world, are actually combined in Chen Dong's dantian!Form a brand new golden core!

It can be said that this is the strongest golden pill since the beginning of the era of cultivation!It's just that Chen Dong himself doesn't know yet!The future cultivation world will definitely belong to his cultivation era!

And it would take a long time for this strongest golden elixir to condense. If you think about it, how could such a heaven-defying thing be formed in such a short period of time?But why did this qualitative transformation be completed in such a short period of time?
This is also thanks to Long Tianlong, who has been taken advantage of and thinks he can crush Chen Dong.

It was Long Tianlong who recruited his last hole card, the remnant of the ancient prehistoric wilderness. Originally, he wanted to get rid of Chen Dong as soon as possible, but he didn't expect to help Chen Dong again.

It turns out that the ability of this brand-new strongest golden elixir to successfully condense is too great. Even with the two great cultivation treasures of Tianhuo Xuanbing and Chunyang Zhenhuo, the spiritual energy released in a short period of time is still not enough.

But at this moment, Long Tianlong recruited his own evil dragon.Naturally, this evil dragon with limited intelligence would not look down on such a weak-looking human as Chen Dong, so he swallowed Chen Dong into his stomach.

But neither the evil dragon nor Long Tianlong would have thought that on the surface, it seemed that Chen Dong was swallowed, but in fact, what the evil dragon swallowed was the condensed form of the two great cultivation treasures of Tianhuo Xuanbing and Chunyang Zhenhuo. The strongest golden elixir!
The last part of spiritual energy that was missing from the complete condensing of the golden core was naturally provided by this ancient evil dragon.This ancient evil dragon should have died at the end of the ancient era of comprehension, but by chance, he has survived until now.Although the aura contained in its body is the most evil and violent, it is also extremely huge.

The most important thing is that the two cultivation treasures of Tianhuo Xuanbing and Chunyang Zhenhuo are the natural nemesis of this evil and violent aura!
That's why the scene in front of me happened. This powerful ancient evil dragon was actually emptied of its essence, blood and aura by Chen Dong's brand new golden core!

"No!" Long Tianlong was still attacking crazily, he hated, he was not willing to spend hundreds of years of hard work to cultivate the ancient evil dragon, but in the end he made a wedding dress for Chen Dong!

But at this moment, Long Tianlong only felt the golden light flashing in front of her eyes, which made her unable to open her eyes at all.

"I also think it's time to end..." At the same time, a flat voice came.

This is Chen Dong's voice!
(End of this chapter)

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