Special masters on campus

Chapter 738 You Should Call Me Master Uncle

Chapter 738 You Should Call Me Master Uncle

"Buzz! Buzz!" Dazzling golden lights shone out from the depths of the desert. They were small at first, but soon the golden lights became wider and wider, covering an area of ​​tens of kilometers in radius.

This ray of light can be seen even hundreds of miles away, just like a fire from heaven falling into the depths of the desert.

A black off-road vehicle was parked on the next door a hundred miles away.

Standing next to the car were two girls with good figures and the same appearance, and the two were very similar in appearance and figure.It was the two sisters Feng Bingbing and Feng Shuangshuang.

At this time, a golden light suddenly lit up in the sky, illuminating the faces of the two girls.

This level of battle is no longer something the two of them can participate in. Now all they can do is pray that that important and special man can come back alive and sound.

Feng Bingbing cried, but she didn't see that Feng Shuangshuang beside her also shed tears.

At this moment, in the depths of the desert hundreds of miles away.

There is a piece of gold everywhere, and there is nothing but gold.Anyone who stares at this golden light at close range will definitely be blinded.

This situation lasted for about 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the golden light in the sky gradually dissipated, and the blue sky gradually appeared.

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound, but a embarrassed figure fell from the sky and hit the ground hard.

"Pfft!" The man suddenly protruded a mouthful of blood but stood up again.

"What the hell happened! Chen Dong, come out!" Long Tianxing's face was ferocious.If he hadn't tried his best to resist just now, he might be seriously injured even if he didn't die at this moment!Even at this moment, he is still afraid in his heart, just a few lights are so powerful!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible to be Chen Dong! Even if Chen Dong breaks through to the middle stage of Jindan, it is impossible for Chen Dong to have such a powerful strength. Could it be that there is a third person here besides me and Chen Dong? And he is an extremely strong person?" Long Tianlong clutched his chest and looked back and forth, he always had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Are you looking for me?" At this moment, the golden light completely dissipated and a figure slowly appeared.

"Chen Dong?" Long Tianlong stared at this person with cold eyes, it was none other than Chen Dong who was swallowed by the evil dragon just now.

"Exactly." Chen Dong stood there looking at Long Tianlong and smiled slightly.

"No! You've been swallowed by my dragon! Where's my dragon! Where's my dragon!" Long Tianlong's face was ferocious, and he suddenly found that his dragon had completely disappeared.Then such a colossus disappeared out of thin air in such a short period of time!

"Oh, you mean that lizard? There's a lot of meat, but the smell is a bit off-putting." Chen Dong smiled.

"You! What did you say?" Long Tianlong stared at him, and was taken aback.

"It seems that your IQ is not much higher than that of your younger brother. I said that I ate that lizard. Do you understand this time?" Chen Dong shook his head helplessly.Chen Dong's new golden elixir had completely devoured the blood, flesh and aura of that ancient evil dragon, so it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it was eaten by him.

"You fart! It's up to you? Just now you were swallowed by my dragon!" Long Tianlong was so irrational for the first time in his life, and all this was thanks to Chen Dong.

"That's right, it's up to me!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched.

"You!" Long Tian was trembling with anger, but he didn't make a move right away.

Because he failed to kill Chen Dong several times before, Chen Dong was able to survive each time, even repelling himself.This made Long Tianlong suspicious.Coupled with the golden light just now that even he couldn't sharpen it, Long Tianlong became more cautious.

"This Chen Dong is so confident, is there really a third person here? And at least this person's strength is not inferior to mine?" Long Tianlong unfolded his consciousness to constantly sense whether there were other people's true energy fluctuations around him.

"No?" But soon Long Tianlong found that he couldn't perceive other true energy fluctuations around him at all.This can only explain two possibilities. One is that there is no third cultivator around, and the other possibility is that there is not only a third cultivator around but also the realm of this person is even higher than himself!

"It seems that this may be the case! Otherwise, I can't explain everything that happened just now. If the opponent's realm is really higher than my own, then my current situation will be extremely dangerous!" Long Tianlong stared at Chen with an extremely ugly face. East.

This strong man hidden in the depths was able to kill his own ancient evil dragon and drain all his flesh and blood. Long Tianlong was extremely afraid when he thought of this.It is very likely that I have met an old monster with extreme strength in the cultivation world.This is the only and most reasonable explanation he can think of now.

If the person on the opposite side was replaced by someone else, Long Tianlong would have withdrawn long ago due to this unknown potential threat.But now standing in front of him is Chen Dong, the person who made him want to kill quickly!He is not reconciled!Not reconciled to letting Chen Dong go after losing so much!

"Humph! Chen Dong! I know why you dare to be so arrogant!" Long Tianlong snorted coldly and said, if the person behind Chen Dong can show up, maybe he still has hope of winning, he must try, otherwise he will die Not reconciled.

"Oh? I want to hear it." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"I know that there is a third person here besides you and me. This person is your helper. It should be your master or an elder or something. That's why you can be so confident, right?" Long Tianlong said, He wanted to deceive Chen Dong, to prove whether his guess was right, and if he was wrong, he would have no fear.

"Master or elder? When you say that, I really think of one thing. It is indeed about my master." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"It seems to be so..." Long Tianlong narrowed his eyes and became vigilant in his heart.

"Is your master called Long Yizi?" At this moment, Chen Dong looked at Long Tianlong and said with a smile on his face.

"What! How do you know!" When Long Tianlong heard this sentence, his face changed drastically, and he looked at Chen Dong in disbelief.

The name of his master, Long Yizi, is naturally known by many people at the level of the powerful in the cultivation world, but few people at the level below the middle stage of Jindan know.This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that very few people know that they were taught by Long Yizi, and there will be no more than three people in the whole cultivation world who know this, one is their master Long Yizi, and the other is themselves. The other is his dead brother!

And this Chen Dong is only in his early twenties, at best he can be regarded as a junior in the cultivation world, how did he know this secret?
"Don't be nervous. It's actually very simple. This matter was told to me by your master." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Master?" Long Tianlong was stunned again, why didn't he know that he had a master?

"Oh, your ancestor is also my master, so you should call me uncle." Chen Dong smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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