Special masters on campus

Chapter 739 Still Too Slow!

Chapter 739 Still Too Slow!

"Master... Uncle Master?" Long Tianlong was stunned again, today he, a mid-Golden core powerhouse, was so popular that he was about to go crazy for the first time in his life.

"Hey!" Chen Dong nodded with a smile on his face.

"Huh?" Long Tianlong was stunned for a moment, and then immediately reacted, "Shit! Shit uncle!"

"Whether you believe it or not, I'm telling the truth. Of course, your master is a traitor. He's a traitor at best." Chen Dong still had a smile on his face.

"I want you to die! There is no place to bury you!" Long Tianlong's face turned grim. He was completely enraged by Chen Dong, and he didn't even care about that so-called strong man anymore!Now he has only one thought to kill Chen Dong!
"It must be killed with one blow in the shortest possible time! You can't give time to the master behind Chen Dong!" Long Tianlong's eyes were cold, and his whole body turned into phantoms moving rapidly around Chen Dong. Can't even see his figure clearly.

Looking at Chen Dong still standing there calmly, he didn't even seem to have the intention of resisting, but his iconic smile still hung on his face.

disdain!That's right, a disdainful smile.

"It's now! Kill with one blow!" But at this moment, Long Tianlong's figure suddenly appeared behind Chen Dong, and punched Chen Dong's heart!
"Huhu!" Black flames burst out from Long Tianlong's fist, and a pungent burnt smell immediately appeared in the air.

"I see who else can help you this time!" Long Tianlong's eyes were blood red.

"Bang!" And almost at the same moment a muffled sound came.Long Tianlong's originally ferocious face suddenly froze.

"What!" Long Tianlong looked straight at his fist with both eyes.

But seeing that his fist was tightly held by one hand!And the black fire on his fist was extinguished all of a sudden!

And this Long Tianlong's eyes slowly raised up again, and he saw that the hand holding his full blow was not the hand of some mysterious strong man, but Chen Dong's hand!

"It's too slow..." Chen Dong shook his head with a smile on his face, as if an elder was talking to a junior who didn't make progress.

"Too...too slow!" Long Tianlong's eyes were bloodshot, and he didn't seem to react at all for a while.

"Impossible! This is impossible! How could Chen Dong have such a fast speed, how could it be faster than mine!" Long Tianlong shook his head, his face darkened, and the other punched Chen Dong in the face again Come.

"Such a short distance, how do you hide in the early stage of Jindan..."


"Still too slow!"

And just as Long Tianlong swung his fist, his hand was also grabbed!

It's still Chen Dong!

And he didn't even see Chen Dong's speed clearly!

"Why on earth! His speed is so much faster than before!" Long Tianlong felt a chill in his heart, the speed of the master duel almost determined the outcome of the battle to a large extent.Now that he was completely suppressed by Chen Dong in terms of speed, he was already at an absolute disadvantage.

"Hmph! Even if your speed is faster than mine, so what? My combat strength is equivalent to the late stage of Golden Core! You can't hurt me at the early stage of Golden Core, and no matter how fast you are, it will have no effect!" Long Tianlong's eyes were cold. , let him admit that he lost to Chen Dong unless he killed him.

"Early Golden Core? Are you sure?" Chen Dong smiled.

"Isn't it? I can easily get rid of your control!" Long Tianlong snorted coldly, the evil fire in his body was running wildly, and then he pulled his hands back violently to get rid of Chen Dong's control.

Originally, he thought that with his own strength, he could easily get rid of Chen Dong's control, but the next moment his expression changed.

I saw that Long Tianlong broke free with all his strength, but his hands were still firmly grasped by Chen Dong.

"Impossible! This is impossible! Ah! The evil flames are overwhelming!"

"Boom!" The continuous blows made Long Tianlong completely lose his mind, and in an instant, a black evil fire shot up from his body to the sky!

"Haha! I'm going to burn you to death! Burn you to death!" Long Tianlong laughed crazily. He couldn't introduce himself as the result of being crushed by Chen Dong in terms of speed and combat power!
"Your anger is also very ordinary, not as angry as yours." And just as Long Tianlong was laughing crazily, a voice that he was familiar with and that made him extremely bored came again in front of him.

"Impossible! Impossible!" Long Tianlong stopped laughing all of a sudden, and stared blankly at his eyes. Even he himself didn't know that this was the first time he said it was impossible today.

"Huh..." But seeing the black evil fire that had completely devoured Long Tianlong and Chen Dong, it became smaller rapidly at this moment, as if it had been sucked away by something.

Soon the black fire all over the sky disappeared, and Chen Dong's figure reappeared, but Chen Dong did not change at all. Obviously, the evil fire that Long Tianlong was proud of did not cause any harm to Chen Dong.

"You! How could you... You are clearly only at the early stage of Golden Core, only at the early stage of Golden Core!" Long Tianlong's eyes were almost bleeding, and his whole body was trembling violently.

"Open your eyes and take a good look. Who among us is the weak? Who is the strong!" Chen Dong looked at Long Tianlong and said word by word.

"What?" Long Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and it was pitiful that a strong man like him would be taken aback by Chen Dong's shock today.

"Huh! Huh!" At this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed from Chen Dong's body, and at the same time, the spiritual pressure on Chen Dong's body suddenly increased!

"Om!" The spiritual pressure on Chen Dong's body has rapidly increased from the initial stage of Golden Core!

In just a few breaths, he has already broken through the early stage of Jindan!
Golden core middle stage!This level of spiritual pressure has entered the realm of the middle stage of Jindan!

"Huh!" An invisible shock wave was suddenly stirred up in the air with Chen Dong as the center, and some sand and dust on the ground were violently blown away.

"Humph! It's only in the mid-stage of Golden Core! I thought you..." Long Tianlong snorted coldly just now, but before he finished speaking, he stopped talking.

"Boom!" Because the spiritual pressure on Chen Dong's body did not stabilize after reaching the middle stage of Golden Core, but continued to climb upwards, and the speed of strengthening was getting faster and faster!

"This!" Long Tianlong's eyes were about to pop out.

"Buzz! Buzz!" A streak of golden light erupted from Chen Dong's body, like golden waves continuously spreading around in the desert!

"Crack! Crack!" In the blink of an eye, the spiritual pressure on Chen Dong's body increased sharply, and cracks began to appear on the ground where the two of them were standing!

"Crack! Crack!" Soon the cracks on the ground were opening faster and faster, and the cracks were getting bigger and bigger!

"This... this..." Long Tianlong opened his mouth wide open, he could only say this but he couldn't say a complete sentence.


And at this moment, the ground where Chen Dong and Long Tianlong were standing completely exploded!
"Golden core late stage!"

(End of this chapter)

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