Special masters on campus

Chapter 745 Borrowing Your Life!

Chapter 745 Borrowing Your Life!
In the northwest of China, deep in the desert, a vast area was completely shrouded in thick black clouds.The endless black clouds formed a huge vortex in the sky, like the scene of the end of the world.

"Crack!" At this moment, a huge red lightning flashed out of the black clouds in the sky and rushed directly to the earth with a thunderous thunder!

At the same time, above the ground.

Chen Dong had just grasped the Skyfire Profound Ice he had taken from Long Tianlong and was turning it into his own use. The power of the four pieces of Skyfire Profound Ice in his body circulated simultaneously, successfully refining the quick fragments all at once.

But at the same moment when Chen Dong succeeded in refining this shard of Skyfire Profound Ice, this powerful aura instantly poured into Chen Dong's golden core.It caused the golden core, which was already about to shatter, to shatter suddenly!

And at this moment, a red light flashed in the sky, and a thick lightning struck directly at the top of Chen Dong's head!
At this moment, Long Tianlong was firmly held in place by Chen Dong, unable to move, he was already desperate to the extreme.Now that I am completely controlled by a junior like Chen Dong, I don't even have a chance to escape, and the last life-saving magic weapon I rely on, the fragments of Tianhuo Xuanbing, have been completely refined by Chen Dong in such a short period of time!

He didn't have time to be shocked, and he didn't have time to be heartbroken. He knew that this time, he might capsize in the gutter and die in Chen Dong's hands!
And at this moment, a thick red lightning struck down in the sky, the target was Chen Dong, which gave Long Tianlong the last hope in despair!

"Heavenly Tribulation! This is definitely Heavenly Tribulation! Haha! Cut him to death! Cut him to death!" In despair, Long Tianlong almost wept with joy, no longer caring about the face of any senior master!He only wants Chen Dong to die now, and himself to survive!

"The first thing has been borrowed, now I have to borrow the second thing!" At this moment, Chen Dong came to Long Tianlong's back in an instant.

"The second one!" Long Tianlong stared and seemed to understand the meaning of Chen Dong's words.

"That's right! Let me use your life!" At almost the same time, Chen Dong grabbed Long Tianlong's head with one hand and lifted it up!
"No!" Long Tianlong was thrown into the sky by Chen Dong like a cannonball!Now Chen Dong's strength is infinitely close to the Nascent Soul stage, or has reached the Nascent Soul stage, otherwise it would not trigger the catastrophe.Therefore, Long Tianlong has no ability to resist at all.



But seeing the red lightning falling from the black clouds above the sky, it just hit Long Tianlong who was thrown straight into the sky by Chen Dong!There was an earth-shattering roar and Long Tianlong's screams of death in the sky!
"I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled!"


The majestic mid-term peak of the golden core, the strong man with the late-stage strength of the golden core, the founder of the Dragon Head Association, and the evil fire monk who has survived for hundreds of years, was directly reduced to ashes by the catastrophe for no apparent reason!That's right, it was directly turned into ashes, no blood and no corpse was directly split into ashes by the red lightning!
In the depths of the empty desert, the sound of thunder spread in all directions, and could be clearly heard even hundreds of miles away.

At this moment, thousands of miles away in the south, there is a summit of a sea of ​​clouds.

Here is a rush of tall snow mountains, the magnificent and sacred snow mountains command everyone to be in awe.Ordinary people simply cannot survive in such a place, even if they want to climb it, it is impossible.

But ordinary people don't know that on the top of this snow-capped mountain where ordinary people can't live, there are groups of towers and pavilions above the sea of ​​clouds all over the sky.It's just that these towers and pavilions were enchanted by powerful cultivators with great magic power, even if someone came to the top of the mountain, they would not be able to see them at all.

At the top of these buildings at this moment, there is a huge hall with a simple but extremely majestic bust.

There are nine stone platforms made of blue spar in the main hall. If a cultivator sees this blue stone platform, he will definitely exclaim.Because each of these nine huge blue stone platforms is made of top-grade spirit stones!A top-quality spirit stone the size of a finger cap will cause a bloodbath in the cultivation world. Who has such a big hand and used so many top-quality spirit stones to build these stone platforms!

And on each stone platform sat a figure with closed eyes.But if someone looked up at the nine figures, they would find that the nine figures were as blurred as the environment, as if they were just images.

And above the nine stone platforms, there is still a group of flames floating. These flames are colorful, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple flames, and one white and one black flames.

The whole hall gave people a feeling of extreme depression, there was no movement at all, only flames of different colors were constantly beating.

But if you tell where this place is, almost every cultivator in the cultivation world will be in awe and fear.

This is the largest comprehension force in the comprehension world today, the Cultivation Alliance that claims to lead the entire comprehension world!
No one knows when the Cultivation Alliance appeared in the cultivation world. They only know that since the cultivation force known as the Cultivation Alliance appeared in the cultivation world, it has almost wiped out several old brands in the cultivation world with the attitude of an autumn wind sweeping away leaves. Comprehension power.Those cultivation giants that have been passed down for tens of thousands of years have no ability to resist even in front of the cultivation alliance.Because the strength of the few strong men in this cultivation alliance is beyond the imagination of these cultivation sects.

Almost every one of the several core powerhouses in these cultivation alliances has the strength to destroy a big cultivation faction, which is completely crushing in terms of realm.

So some people speculate that the strength of these top powerhouses in the Cultivation Alliance has all reached the peak of the Golden Core Late Stage, and some even say that their strength has already entered the Nascent Soul Stage, but for some reason they force themselves to stay in the Golden Core period only.

It can be said that in today's comprehension world, there is no one who dares not to follow the words Cultivation Alliance.

Soon the advanced and surviving Cultivation Alliances who did not submit to the Cultivation Alliance were directly wiped out, and the others basically submitted to the Cultivation Alliance. At least in name, no one dared to violate the will of the Cultivation Alliance.

But almost no one knows more about the Cultivation Alliance, no one knows when and where they appeared, no one knows what their purpose is, and no one knows where they are located.

It can be said that the words "Cultivation Alliance" have the most terrifying and mysterious meanings in the current cultivation world.

But at this moment, on the nine stone platforms in the hall, the illusory figure suddenly opened his eyes at the same time.But seeing that the eyes of each of them are the same color as the fire ball above their heads!
"Heavenly Tribulation Comes to the World! The Seal is Opened!"

Nine deep voices said the same sentence almost at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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