Special masters on campus

Chapter 746 Yuan Ying!

Chapter 746 Yuan Ying!

In the depths of the desert, endless black clouds completely covered the sky, as if the sky was suddenly swallowed by a big mouth.

Just now, within the black cloud, a flash of red lightning suddenly descended, and there was a burst of terrifying thunder.

Both the ground and the sky trembled violently at the same time, and the huge thunder echoed for a full 10 minutes before it gradually spread to the distance.

"Huh! Huh!" Chen Dong squatted on the ground and his chest heaved violently. The moment he got the red thunder tribulation just now, Chen Dong used Long Tianlong as his shield.

Although Long Tianlong possessed the strength of the later stage of Jindan, he could not survive under this thunder disaster at all, and was burned to ashes.From then on, there will no longer be the names Long Tianlong and Long Tianxing in this world.And Chen Dong believed that the dragon head meeting that was scattered in the sand would soon collapse to the outside world.

However, although Long Tianlong was used as a spear for him, the power of this thunder disaster still exceeded Chen Dong's expectations.Lei Jie's Yu Wei still said that Chen Dong's whole body was blasted into the ground a foot deep. At this moment, almost half of Chen Dong's legs were buried in the soil below the knees.

"It's true that a cultivator at the late Jindan stage can't completely resist the power of this lightning calamity." Chen Dong touched the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked up at the sky.

I saw that above the sky at this moment, the swirling black cloud vortex didn't seem to stop or dissipate after the first red lightning flashed, but was still spinning, as if it was still accumulating strength.

"It seems that if this catastrophe doesn't strike me, it's impossible to let it go!" Chen Dong's mouth curled up. The catastrophe that hasn't happened in thousands of years is indeed amazingly powerful, and it seems to have spirituality.

At the same time, drastic changes were also taking place in Chen Dong's dantian.But seeing that the huge golden core that originally occupied most of the space in the dantian has been completely shattered.At this time, the dantian is full of golden light, and I don't know the specific situation inside.

But obviously this time the golden core was broken and Chen Dong detonated the golden core himself, otherwise Chen Dong would have died long ago.

As time went by, the golden light in the dantian gradually gathered towards the center, and Chen Dong's consciousness could gradually perceive the situation inside the dantian.

I saw that where the golden core originally existed, at this moment, two fragments shining with white light were continuing to revolve around something.And a group of white flames floated there quietly, needless to say it was Chen Dong's Pure Yang True Fire.

"It can make two pieces of Heavenly Fire Profound Ice revolve around it, and the Pure Yang True Fire seems to be attracted by it, could it be!" Chen Dong's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of something. Obviously, this idea made him feel Some can't believe it.

At this moment, the originally dazzling light in the center of the dantian suddenly softened.If the scene in front of me is seen by other cultivators, they will definitely not be able to help but exclaim, and it will definitely shock the entire cultivation world!

But there is a Nascent Soul in the center of Chen Dong's dantian!Just like a shrunken version of Chen Dong!At this moment, the Nascent Soul closed his eyes tightly, and the pure Yang fire was floating between his brows, and the two pieces of sky fire black ice were constantly rotating around his body!

Nascent Soul!This is a sign that a cultivator has reached the Nascent Soul Stage!Jindan infinitely condenses spiritual energy, and when these spiritual energy accumulates to a certain level, it will change from qualitative to quantitative.At this time, if the comprehension is high enough, you can try to condense the Nascent Soul!When the golden core condenses into the Nascent Soul, it means that the cultivator has entered another realm on the road to the realm of cultivation, the Nascent Soul Stage!

Even in the ancient era of comprehension where there were many strong people and the cultivation was prosperous, the practitioners of the Nascent Soul stage were considered to be strong.Moreover, when the realm of cultivation reaches the Nascent Soul stage, it is a complete qualitative leap. The cognition of the origin of various auras in the world and the comprehension of the essence of cultivation are definitely not comparable to those of the golden core stage.

And the process of this leap sounds simple, but in fact it is far more difficult than condensing golden core.Most of the cultivators at the golden core stage will stop at the golden core stage throughout their lives, and they don't even have the chance to try to condense the Nascent Soul.

Even those cultivators who have reached the peak of the Golden Core Late Stage are mostly unable to condense the Nascent Soul, and eventually die from the exhaustion of Yangshou.If one of a thousand Qihai stage cultivators can successfully condense a golden core to become a golden core stage cultivator, then only one of a thousand golden core stage cultivators may become a Nascent Soul stage master or even not a single one!That is to say, there is no one in a million!And this is still the probability of the ancient era of comprehension when the big bang happened.

It can be seen how powerful a Nascent Soul is.In ancient times, if a cultivation sect had an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage, it meant that the cultivation sect had a certain status.And the more Nascent Soul stage old monsters in the sect, the stronger the sect of comprehension.

However, Jindan stage cultivators have absolutely no chance of winning against Nascent Soul stage powerhouses. Even ten Jindan late stage cultivators can only escape for their lives when facing an early Nascent Soul stage monster. Most didn't even have a chance to escape.

This is the power of the Nascent Soul Stage!After the ancient era of comprehension suddenly faded away, there has never been a strong person in the Nascent Soul stage in the entire cultivation world for thousands of years.Who would have thought that such an unknown junior like Chen Dong could become the No.1 in today's comprehension world, at least the No.1 on the bright side!
At this time, Chen Dong only felt that his body was full of inexhaustible power, and he was extremely clear about the surrounding senses.He could even clearly feel the wandering of various auras around him, and he could extract a kind of fire-attribute aura for his own use.This is the horror of the monster in the Nascent Soul Stage, who can draw the power of the world for his own use.

"National Infant Stage? Is this what it feels like in the Nascent Soul Stage?" Chen Dongchang took a breath, feeling the fire-attribute aura from the entire world gathering towards him.

Chen Dong is confident, now as long as he is willing, he can blast the peak Long Tianlong into a pulp with just one punch.

"I'm promoted to Nascent Soul Stage, so my speed should be even faster!" Chen Dong thought, and his figure disappeared instantly.

And almost at the same time, Chen Dong's figure had appeared thousands of meters away.

"Integrate into the world and achieve real teleportation! The Nascent Soul stage is really extraordinary!" Chen Dong thought to himself.Although the speed of Jindan late-stage practitioners is very fast and infinitely close to teleportation, it is not teleportation after all, but fast in a simple sense.But when it reaches the Nascent Soul stage, it is truly integrated into the world and realizes real teleportation.

"It's a pity that I can only teleport so much at the most when I just reached the Nascent Soul stage, otherwise I might get lost in the chaotic time and space and never get out." Chen Dong thought to himself, these things that he saw in the ancient books of cultivation in the past, today unexpectedly Really used by him.

"Boom!" There was a sudden roar above his head.

Chen Dong suddenly raised his head to look around, and saw that huge black vortex in the sky teleported over with Chen Dong!
(End of this chapter)

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