Special masters on campus

Chapter 747 Start first is stronger!

Chapter 747 Start first is stronger!
Chen Dong raised his head and looked up at the sky. The huge swirl of black clouds in the sky was like stars randomly, even if he used teleportation, he couldn't get rid of it.

"It seems that the only way is to resist!" Chen Dong looked solemn, not to mention that he couldn't teleport continuously, even if he could, it was basically useless. The only way now is to survive this catastrophe.

"The cultivation base has directly broken through three realms from the early stage of Jindan to the early stage of Yuanying. I don't know how powerful the few moves in the Nine Suns Book are now?" Chen Dong tried his best to calm himself down, and now he can't panic anymore. You can't escape, you must be calm and calm.

The sudden and continuous promotion to the realm was beyond Chen Dong's expectations, so he didn't have time to comprehend the next level of exercises in the "Book of Nine Suns".

"The only thing I can rely on now is the physical defense of my sage, Nascent Soul, and Heavenly Fire Xuanbing Pure Yang True Fire, and only the skills I have comprehended before." Chen Dong's brain was thinking quickly.

"Before, due to the limitations of my cultivation base, neither the Nine Suns Divine Fist, Nine Suns Bodyguard nor Liuyang Xuantian were far from exerting their due power. But now that I have the Nascent Soul, I have enough true energy to The true qi needed to support these ultimate moves, I believe the power of the top-level exercises of "Nine Suns Collection" is definitely worth looking forward to!" Chen Dong frowned, this is all the guards of honor he can think of now that can fight against the catastrophe.

"Heavenly Tribulation? Why did Heavenly Tribulation happen? Could it be that there is no fairyland?" Chen Dong stared at the huge black cloud vortex in the sky with his eyes like stars.

Every strong person is not willing to control his own destiny in the hands of others, and Chen Dong is no exception.But if you want to control your own destiny, you must be strong enough, so strong that even the sky cannot control you!

"Instead of waiting here for some so-called catastrophe, it's better to strike first!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and nine rays of nine-yang body-protecting true energy instantly formed around his body!

"Buzz! Buzz!" The nine layers of almost materialized golden halo enveloped Chen Dong's whole body without any dead ends.After Chen Dong's realm skyrocketed to the early stage of the Nascent Soul, these nine protective qi were enough to resist the full attack of the strong in the early stage of the Nascent Soul!This is the top defensive skill in any giant sect in the cultivation world!
"Six Suns Xuantian!" Chen Dong really wanted to know how many "Six Suns Xuantian" light spheres could be condensed with the true energy of the Nascent Soul Stage.

"Om!" A golden light flashed, and the first ball of light instantly formed in front of Chen Dong.This ball of light far exceeds the ball of light condensed by Chen Dong in terms of brightness and size.Even if Chen Dong detonated two golden cores and extracted all the true energy to condense the light ball, it was far from comparable.The diameter of this ball of light is two meters in size, and it emits dazzling golden light, just like a small sun!
"Six Yang Xuantian!"

"Om!" As Chen Dong circulated his true energy again, a golden light flashed out, and a golden light ball of the same size appeared in front of Chen Dong.

Two golden light spheres with a diameter of two meters were suspended in midair, as if there were two suns standing in the sky.At the same time, the surrounding temperature also rose to a terrifying level. If Chen Dong's body hadn't been tempered by the pure yang fire, it would have been reduced to ashes before the catastrophe came down!

Chen Dong is confident that taking out any one of the light spheres is enough to claim the name of the late Jindan strongman.

However, although he condensed two balls of light in a row, and their power was far greater than the ones condensed before, Chen Dong knew that these two Liuyang Xuantian alone still could not resist the catastrophe.Chen Dong witnessed the scene where Long Tianlong was directly reduced to ashes by the thunder just now.

"Long Tianlong has the strength of the late stage of Jindan, but under the catastrophe, he didn't even have a chance to fight back and was directly chopped into ashes. So two are not enough!" Chen Dong stared at the sky with blood red eyes. The lower the black cloud vortex, the bigger it is. For some reason, Chen Dong always feels that there is a pair of eyes staring at him behind the black cloud vortex!

"Two are not enough, then add more! Liuyang Xuantian!" In Chen Dong's body, the endless true energy from that little Nascent Soul burst out.

"Om!" In an instant, a dazzling golden light flashed again between the sky and the earth, and the three golden light spheres looked so dazzling in this pitch-black environment!Like three suns shining in the sky!

Three Six Yang Xuantians!It is equivalent to the power of three late Jindan peak powerhouses.

But what Chen Dong didn't know was that at this very moment, outside the area covered by the dark clouds, a figure was standing quietly in the air, looking in Chen Dong's direction.

Being able to stand in the air is at least a strong person at the golden core stage, but it is not normal for a golden core stage practitioner to appear in such a desolate place.

This person was wearing a black robe, which completely covered this person, and even his face was blurred, so it was impossible to see his appearance clearly.However, if Chen Dong saw this figure, he would definitely recognize it. This person was none other than the mysterious black-robed man who appeared in the basement of Tenglong Building before. He claimed to be from the Cultivation Alliance.This person was extremely powerful, and he could have killed Chen Dong in an instant, but in the end he did not let Chen Dong go.

At this time, the man in black was quietly floating in the air, and the strong wind and sand around him seemed to be unable to blow him at all.

"Heavenly Tribulation? What shitty Heavenly Tribulation! It's just a stronger puppet..." The man's voice was as hoarse as a broken bellows, making it uncomfortable to hear.

"However, I am very interested. How will he fight against the Heavenly Tribulation next..." The black-robed man seemed to be looking at Chen Dong's direction with great interest.

But at this moment, three golden lights flashed out of the originally pitch-black clouds, and three golden balls of light rose from the ground to the sky, heading straight for the black cloud vortex!

"What! He didn't wait for the catastrophe to come, but took the initiative to attack the catastrophe!" This time, the man in black was obviously shocked by Chen Dong's crazy behavior!
Not to mention that the Heavenly Tribulation in the cash cultivation world has already become a terrible thing in legends, even in the ancient era of cultivation where the strong were like clouds, no one has ever heard of anyone who would dare to take the initiative to attack the Heavenly Tribulation!

"What a boy...haha!" The black-robed man was stunned for a moment and laughed out of joy.

And at the same time within the black cloud.

Chen Dong stood on the ground, looking up at the sky.

Just now he decided not to be beaten passively, but directly blasted three Liuyang Xuantian at Tianjie.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" At this moment, three violent roars suddenly came from the swirl of black clouds in the sky!

In an instant, the entire black cloud began to stir violently, and golden rays of light continuously flashed out of the black cloud, just like the dawn sun piercing the darkness!
(End of this chapter)

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