Chapter 749
The black clouds in the sky stopped spinning and showed signs of slowly dissipating.There was no longer the terrifying lightning and thunder in the black cloud, and it seemed that the catastrophe had passed.

At this time, two figures in the sky were rapidly passing through the diffuse black clouds, and went straight to the direction of Chen Dong in the middle of the black clouds.

"Is this the Heavenly Tribulation? It is as terrifying as it is in the legend! If it were you and me, we would have been ashes long ago! Even if we joined forces, there would be no lack of resistance! Fortunately, we were wise and waited hundreds of miles away." Haste One of them said aloud during the flight.

This person has a round figure, but he has a baby face. The red robe on his body does not match his image, but it has an extra sense of humor.

"Hmph! Let me tell you, this isn't the first time a catastrophe has occurred in the realm of comprehension!"

The person who spoke was tall and thin, wearing a red robe, with a long and thin face, and two smiles, giving people a vitriolic feeling.But obviously this person is older than the chubby person beside him.

"Senior Qin, you are a veteran of the Cultivation Alliance. Otherwise, the elders will not let you lead the team here to find the person who caused the catastrophe." The short and fat man said flatteringly, obviously the opponent's His qualifications and strength are above him.

"Hmph! What kind of bullshit old man. Didn't this old man join the Cultivation Alliance because he was about to have no choice? Now he can only work for others." Although this tall and thin man looks like a middle-aged man, he calls himself an old man.

"That is, in the cultivation world, only the Cultivation Alliance has the strength to find out how to reach the Nascent Soul Stage. In addition, the Cultivation Alliance has inexhaustible cultivation resources, which are the best for us Jindan stage practitioners. Where to go. And I also heard that the few existences in the Alliance General Forum are all old monsters in the Nascent Soul stage, but they have a special way to avoid the catastrophe..." The short and fat man said carelessly.

"Hush! You don't want to live! If those existences hear about this, you have ten lives and it's not enough to die!" The tall and thin man's expression suddenly became serious, and he snapped.

"This!" The short and fat man quickly covered his mouth and kept looking around, as if he was afraid that what he just said would be heard.

"Phew! Fortunately, there is no one else. It would be a disaster for me if someone else heard this. Thank you, Senior Qin, for reminding me!" The short and fat man let out a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no one else around.

"Misfortune comes out of your mouth! Now that you have entered the Cultivation Alliance, you are not as unscrupulous as you were in your own sect before. You must be careful everywhere in the Cultivation Alliance, otherwise you will not live long, even if you are in the realm of the Golden Core Stage .” The tall and thin cultivator who was called Senior Qin by the short and fat man snorted coldly, as if he was teaching his junior.

"Senior Qin taught you a lesson! But this junior is curious about one more thing." The short and fat man said with a chuckle.

"Say!" The cultivator surnamed Qin said impatiently, if it wasn't for the fact that this junior who just entered the cultivation alliance is still quite interesting, he wouldn't bother to talk to him at all.

"Senior just said, isn't this the first time a catastrophe has occurred in the cultivation world? Didn't it mean that after the ancient era of cultivation suddenly ended, there has never been a catastrophe in the current cultivation world?" asked with a puzzled face.

"What I thought it was, so it was this. I told you that you just reached the late stage of Golden Core and know too little about the secrets of the top level of the cultivation world." The practitioner surnamed Qin sneered.

"I would like to listen to the teachings of the seniors, and the juniors are all ears!" The short and fat man quickly put on a very respectful look.

"Hmph. It's just kidding to say that there will be no catastrophe after the end of the ancient cultivation era. In fact, there have been several times over thousands of years when someone's strength was infinitely close to the Nascent Soul stage, trying to condense the Nascent Soul, and finally attracted the catastrophe. However, they all happened in very remote places, such as deserts, seas or mountain tops, so few people saw them. Even if they saw most of them were cleared up by the Cultivation Alliance." The practitioner surnamed Qin said with a cold snort, obviously this incident There are not many people who know something, and everyone who knows is an absolute powerhouse.

"Clean it up!" The short, fat cultivator obviously understood the meaning of these three words, and his expression changed.

"But don't worry, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and this matter is not a secret in our cultivation alliance, but everyone doesn't tell it." The person surnamed Qin said with a smile.

"It's the best, it's the best. According to what you said, there are still Nascent Soul stage strongmen in today's cultivation world?" said the short and fat practitioner.

"Who said that? I didn't say that." The person surnamed Qin snorted.

"Didn't you just say that there was a strong man who condensed the Nascent Soul and caused the catastrophe?" The short and fat man frowned, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"That's right, I did say that someone once caused a catastrophe, just like this person today, but I didn't say that someone successfully survived the catastrophe!" The cultivator surnamed Qin said with a sneer.

"You mean all of them!" The dumpy man stared.

"That's right, they're all dead. If you're lucky, you can still leave a whole body. If you're unlucky, you'll just be wiped out and never be reborn forever." The cultivator surnamed Qin said in a cold voice.

"So it is!"

"Hey, so you should know what our mission is today, right?" the cultivator surnamed Qin said with a strange smile.

"You mean..." The short and fat man rolled his eyes.

"That's right, we're here to collect the corpses. These corpses hacked to death by the Heavenly Tribulation are more important to those members of the Cultivation Alliance than any fairy treasures. Haha!" the cultivator surnamed Qin laughed loudly.

"Collect the body! But..."

"Don't worry, there is nothing to worry about. No matter how strong the person who crossed the catastrophe was before, he is now a burnt corpse. If he is unlucky, he may not even have the corpse." The cultivator surnamed Qin smiled, The figure fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"Boom." Immediately afterwards, the short and fat man also fell to the ground.

At this moment, I can only see a mess on the ground, there is almost no complete ground, there are huge cracks and deep pits everywhere, and the ground is burnt, one can imagine how powerful the thunder tribulation was just now. horrible!
But apart from the ground full of scars, there were no figures, not even corpses.

"Senior Qin, there is no one and no corpses, so it can't really be wiped out?" The short and fat man looked around and said in a low voice.

"Hmph, another arrogant and ignorant unjust dead ghost. He doesn't have to think about it. Since ancient times, why hasn't there been a Nascent Soul Stage strongman? Just because he wants to survive the catastrophe? It seems that our trip today is in vain. , it's time to go back to the main altar." The cultivator surnamed Qin smiled disdainfully.

"Are you looking for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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