Special masters on campus

Chapter 750 Members of the Cultivation Alliance

Chapter 750 Members of the Cultivation Alliance
Just when the short and fat man was about to agree to the cultivator surnamed Qin, a faint voice suddenly came from behind the two of them.

"You two, are you looking for me?"

"Who!" The two were about to leave the place when they were jumped by the voice behind them and turned around quickly.

At this time, a young man with no clothes on his upper body and short hair was standing in front of them and looking at them with a smile on his face.

"How is it possible! This place has experienced a catastrophe just now! Even a strong man in the Nascent Soul stage cannot survive unscathed. Who is this young man? Why did he appear here?" The tall and thin Xiuzhen surnamed Qin The audience stared at Chen Dong firmly.

"Who are you?" At this moment, the short and fat cultivator looked at Chen Dong and said.

"I'm just an ordinary person, I happened to pass by here." Chen Dong said with a smile, these two people came here just after the end of the Heavenly Tribulation, and both of them are strong in the late stage of Jindan, so the origin must be not simple, Chen Dong wanted to figure out whether they were enemies or friends.

"An ordinary person?" The cultivator surnamed Qin and the short and fat man glanced at each other, obviously they didn't believe Chen Dong's words.Being able to appear here just after the Heavenly Tribulation ended must not be ordinary people, but they naturally didn't think about it, and they wouldn't even think about it, Chen Dong was the one who caused the Heavenly Tribulation.

"Senior Qin, I can't see through this person's cultivation. It seems that this person is not kind." The short and fat man used his spiritual sense to communicate with the cultivator surnamed Qin.

"You and I are both in the late stage of Jindan. If even we can't see through each other's realm, there is only one possibility. He has a magic weapon that can hide his cultivation." The person surnamed Qin said coldly, but he didn't dare to take it lightly. Look at this young man.

"Then who are you two? Why do you appear here?" At this moment, Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Hmph! It's not for you to ask who we are. But you have to answer one of my questions." At this time, the person surnamed Qin snorted coldly.

"Oh? What if I don't answer?" Chen Dong smiled, as long as he wanted to, he could kill both of them in one move, but now is not the time.

"Hmph! I know you have a magic weapon that hides your cultivation, and there must be a strong sect behind you who can afford this magic weapon. But believe me, no matter how strong the sect behind you is, you won't be able to offend me." Remember me, you know?" the man surnamed Qin said with a cold snort.

"Oh? No matter how powerful the sect is, you can't afford to offend it? The sect behind me is the top sect in the cultivation world!" Chen Dong pretended to be disdainful, but now he basically has the answer in his heart. A strong Jindan stage is likely to be a member of the Cultivation Alliance!

"Ha ha!"

"Humph! It's too much!"

When Chen Dong said this, the two suddenly burst into laughter, as if they had heard some funny joke.

"Boy! Don't say that both of us are strong in the late stage of Jindan, no matter how strong you are, you can't be the opponent of the two of us. And no matter how strong your sect is, you have to obey us! Now that we know Who is it?" The short, fat cultivator said with a look of disdain.

"Hmph!" And the people surnamed Qin on the side didn't even look at Chen Dong. As members of the Cultivation Alliance, they naturally felt superior to others.

"Cultivation Alliance?" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Hmph! Since you know, answer our questions obediently. If you answer honestly, you can still leave here alive. If you are dishonest..." Chen Dong suddenly interrupted the short and fat cultivator's words.

"If you don't answer honestly, you will die here." Chen Dong said lightly.

"You're still smart!" the dumpy cultivator said with a sneer.

"Okay, what questions do you want to ask?" Chen Dong said with a smile on his face. Now that he knew that the two were from the Cultivation Alliance, Chen Dong became even more curious about why they came here suddenly.

This is not the first time Chen Dong has heard of the name of the Cultivation Alliance. The last time at the headquarters of the Tenglong Building, the mysterious man in black claimed to be from the Cultivation Alliance.And Chen Dong also checked later, the sudden disappearance of his master and wife was probably related to the Cultivation Alliance.Because it is only the Cultivation Alliance that can mobilize several Golden Core stage powerhouses at once in this cultivation world.

"Cultivation Alliance? It seems that we are destined to be rivals!" Chen Dong thought to himself.Chen Dong can despise the Dragon Head Association and even ignore Tai Yizong, but Chen Dong has to be cautious about the Cultivation Alliance.

"Master and wife, how are you doing now?" Before Chen Dong's strength was too weak, his master Yang Tianding did not let him participate in this matter in order to protect him. It's time for Dong to make a move.

"The Cultivation Alliance claims to lead the entire cultivation world. That mysterious black-robed man claims to be from the Cultivation Alliance. I don't know if I am stronger or weaker than him now?"

"Listen to me, have you ever seen a corpse?" The short and fat cultivator looked at Chen Dong and said.

"Before you answer, I hope you think clearly before you speak. If you see it, or if the corpse is in your hands, I advise you to hand it over yourself, lest we hurt your sect by doing it." The voice of the person surnamed Qin Said coldly.

"A corpse? I didn't see it, so the purpose of your coming here is to find a corpse?" Chen Dong frowned slightly, pretending to be puzzled.

"You shouldn't ask, you don't ask!" The short and fat man scolded, and turned to look at the tall and thin middle-aged man surnamed Qin beside him.

"Senior Qin, this person didn't see the corpse either. Could it be that the person who caused the catastrophe was really chopped into ashes?" The short and fat cultivator said to the person surnamed Qin with his spiritual sense.

"Don't worry! The person who can trigger the catastrophe is very important to us even if it is just a corpse. And there is something wrong with this person." The cultivator surnamed Qin raised his head and looked at Chen Dong. For some reason, he always felt that this young man was not Simple.

"Is there a problem? What's the problem?" The short and fat cultivator also looked at Chen Dong, with the true energy in his body circulating and ready to strike at any time.

"Have you noticed that this person has always had a relaxed expression from the beginning, and even after knowing that we are members of the Cultivation Alliance, he still has this expression." The Cultivator surnamed Qin narrowed his eyes.

"That's right! He's been smiling all the time!" The short and fat man looked at Chen Dong, and saw that Chen Dong was also looking at the two of them with a smile on his face. It's a bit intrusive to say so.

"And did you find out that neither of us had any perception when he appeared just now. If the other party wanted to attack us, we would have been in danger at that time!" Superficially cold, but never really let down his vigilance.

"Is it possible that he is the one who caused the catastrophe!"

(End of this chapter)

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