Special masters on campus

Chapter 751 Can I ask now?

Chapter 751 Can I ask now?
The short and fat cultivator's face suddenly changed, because he thought of a thought that made even a late-stage Jindan strongman like him shudder.

"Could this person be the one who caused the catastrophe! He survived the catastrophe, so there will be no corpses! So the two of us can't see through his cultivation and perceive his existence!"

The face of the cultivator surnamed Qin also changed, "Impossible! Don't scare yourself! It is impossible for anyone in this world to survive the catastrophe!"

"Is it really not possible at all?" The face of the short and fat cultivator obviously became ugly.

"Impossible! If someone really survives the catastrophe, he will be a strong man in the Nascent Soul Stage. This will break the rules since the end of the ancient era of cultivation!" said the spiritual consciousness of the practitioner surnamed Qin.

But at this moment, the two of them did not see Chen Dong's mouth tapped slightly at this moment.Both of these people are in the late stage of Jindan, and in any major cultivation sect, they are all at the level of the head of the Supreme Elder.The two of them have been communicating with each other just now, ordinary people or those who are not cultivated enough will think that the two of them have not spoken.

But Chen Dong is now a genuine Nascent Soul stage strongman, and what the two of them exchanged with their spiritual consciousness naturally cannot escape Chen Dong's eyes.

"Oh, it seems that my answer is satisfactory to both of you, so now it's my turn to ask you questions." Chen Dong said with a smile on his face.

"What? Ask us a question? Don't you know who we are?" The cultivator surnamed Qin said in a cold voice. Jie also successfully survived the Nascent Soul Stage powerhouse of the Heavenly Tribulation.If it is true, then this young man is now the strongest person in the entire cultivation world, isn't this a joke?
"It is only the Cultivation Alliance that can send two late-stage Jindan masters to such a place where nothing shit happens at the same time," Chen Dong said.

"Hmph! Now that you know who we are, how dare you be so presumptuous?" The real energy in the man surnamed Qin secretly swirled.

At the same time, the chunky cultivators on the side were also ready to attack Chen Dong at any time, and people whose cultivation had reached their level would naturally not lose their inch due to shock.

"I just know that you are members of the Cultivation Alliance, so I asked you a question. If you are not members of the Cultivation Alliance, do you think you are qualified to talk to me?" Chen Dong raised his mouth. He was originally a strong man like a god, but in Chen Dong's eyes, he was just like a mortal.



The faces of these two Golden Core Stage masters changed at the same time. Since they entered the Cultivation Alliance, no one has ever dared to talk to them like this.Today, a young man of unknown origin actually despised them in front of the two of them!
"It's still the same sentence just now. Answer honestly and you can leave here alive. If you answer dishonestly, this is your last home." Chen Dong's voice suddenly turned cold, and he took a step towards these two people.

"What!" The Jindan stage masters of the two major cultivation alliances almost didn't react for a while, and it took a while before they came back to their senses. Isn't this what they said to this young man just now?Could it be that when he said it, he meant to tell the two of them, and if he didn't answer honestly, he would die?

"Xiao Gao, since this person is so arrogant, we can't dishonor the prestige of the Cultivation Alliance. We must first teach this junior how to behave!"

"Hmph! I was thinking too much just now. How can it be possible to break the rules that no one has broken for thousands of years?" The short and fat man also had a cold look on his face.

Those who can reach the Golden Core Late Stage and have joined the Cultivation Alliance, whoever is the strongest in the Cultivation World, naturally won't be scared off by Chen Dong's few words.

"Hmph! Rules? Rules are set by the strong for the weak. As long as you are strong enough, the rules can not only be broken, but you can also make the rules." Chen Dong said with a twitch of his mouth.

"Haha! Where did you come from this arrogant junior! Today I will let you know what a strong man is! Do it!" The cultivator surnamed Qin sneered and disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, the figure of the short and fat cultivator beside him disappeared instantly.

"Give me death!"

"Hoo! Hoo!"

And almost at the same moment, the figures of these two people appeared in Chen Dong's front and rear directions.The cultivator surnamed Qin grabbed Chen Dong's chest with his claws. There was a green light shining on the tip of each of his fingers, which was obviously not good!

At the same time, the figure of the short and fat man appeared behind Chen Dong, and he punched Chen Dong in the back of the heart, with red fire shining on the fist.

The two masters of the Cultivation Alliance's late stage Jindan were obviously not only extremely strong, but also cooperated very well. As soon as they made a move, they sealed Chen Dong's two directions and two dead spots.

But Chen Dong still stood there motionless as if he didn't react at all!
"Hmph! Just because you are a junior who dare not even reveal your realm, you still want to change the rules? Haha, you are looking for death!" Seeing that Chen Dong didn't even react instinctively, the cultivator surnamed Qin was still a little worried. put the child down.

Indeed, if this situation is replaced by an ordinary Jindan late-stage powerhouse, it should be considered good to have a chance to escape when facing these two people.

But it's a pity that the person these two met was Chen Dong, not a late Jindan stage, but a Nascent Soul stage!

"Buzz! Buzz!" At this moment, seeing that the powerful blows of these two masters were about to hit Chen Dong's chest and back of the heart at the same time, golden light suddenly flashed around Chen Dong's body, and nine golden lights condensed instantly. !



And at this moment, the attacks of the two hit Chen Dong's protective zhenqi layer at the same time.



But seeing the two spurt out a mouthful of blood almost at the same time, they flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.And you can see that the faces of these two people are all full of unbelievable expressions!
The opponent didn't even move at all, just relying on the true energy to protect the body, he knocked his two late-stage Jindan powerhouses into the air!What kind of cultivation is he, and what kind of sacredness is he!

And looking at Chen Dong again, from the beginning to the end, Chen Dong didn't even move, just smiling all the time.But the smile on Chen Dong's face has become a nightmare for these two Jindan stage powerhouses at this moment!

"Boom! Boom!"

There were two muffled sounds in succession, but the two late Jindan powerhouses fell to the ground heavily like dead pigs.

And at the same time as the two fell to the ground, Chen Dong's figure instantly appeared in front of the tall and thin cultivator surnamed Qin!
"Can I ask now?"

(End of this chapter)

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