Special masters on campus

Chapter 753 Mistress Injured!

Chapter 753 Mistress Injured!

The black clouds in the sky gradually stopped forming, and the huge black cloud vortex also stopped spinning, and it seemed that it would dissipate soon.

The scars on the ground will soon be completely buried by the wind and sand and turn into a desert again, no different from before.It won't be long before even if someone comes here, they won't know how horrible things have happened here.

Now on the wounded ground.

Chen Dong held the cultivator surnamed Qin who claimed to be from the Cultivation Alliance with one hand.

And not far from the two of them, the short and fat man from the Cultivation Alliance was smashed into the ground one meter deep, and he hasn't come out yet.

"I want to be hunted down by the Cultivation Alliance!" At this moment, the Cultivator surnamed Qin couldn't believe it.He couldn't believe his ears, there are still people in this world who want to be hunted down by the Cultivation Alliance!

"The purpose of the Cultivation Alliance, don't make me wait too long." At this time, Chen Dong said again.

"Yes! Yes! The elders of the Cultivation Alliance will give us an order to wait for the catastrophe to end and collect the corpse within a short time. We must not let the corpse of the person who caused the catastrophe fall into the hands of other people." The Qin surname The cultivator didn't dare to hesitate any longer and said quickly.

"It seems that the Cultivation Alliance is sure that no one will successfully survive the catastrophe." Chen Dong said.

"Yes, all cultivators know that no one has successfully survived the catastrophe since the end of the ancient era of cultivators." The cultivator surnamed Qin quickly responded.

"Hmph, what is the purpose of the Cultivation Alliance for the corpse?" Chen Dong continued to ask, he always felt that there was something wrong with the Cultivation Alliance, and there was even a huge conspiracy hidden behind it.

"This junior doesn't know. This is an order from the higher-ups of the Cultivation Alliance." The Cultivator surnamed Qin said hastily.

"You don't know at all?" Chen Dong smiled.

"I don't know at all!" the cultivator surnamed Qin said hastily.

"Since you don't know anything, it seems that you have no value in living." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth raised, and a golden light flashed as he grabbed the left hand of the cultivator surnamed Qin.

"No, no! I still have something to say!" He was so frightened that he quickly exclaimed, and he clearly felt the threat of death just now.

"Say!" Chen Dong said lightly.

"Although I don't know the purpose of the higher-ups of the Cultivation Alliance to ask for the corpse. But we have privately speculated that they are likely to study how to successfully survive the catastrophe, or..."

"Or what?" Chen Dong narrowed his eyes.

"In order not to let anyone know how to successfully survive the catastrophe. There are only two possibilities! I really know these!" The person surnamed Qin never thought that he, a strong man in the late stage of Jindan, would be like a strong man today. The weak are tortured like this!But he had to accept this reality.

"Study the method of crossing the heaven? Or let no one know the method of successfully crossing the sky?" Chen Dong frowned slightly. After all, this person surnamed Qin is a strong man who can cultivate to the late stage of Jindan, so naturally Aptitude determines smart people.The two possibilities he speculated really make sense.

"If it's to study a way to survive the catastrophe, then why did they give the death order and order these two people to take the corpse before anyone else? It seems that the second possibility is more likely!" Chen Dong rolled his eyes one light.

"I don't want people to know the way to survive the catastrophe. If other cultivators who are likely to survive the catastrophe get the corpse, they might be able to research a way to avoid the catastrophe. At least they can avoid the old path of this failed person. This kind of argument should be more reasonable." Chen Dong thought to himself.

"However, if the purpose of the Cultivation Alliance is really to prevent the corpses of those who have failed to overcome the catastrophe from falling into the hands of other cultivators, so that they will never know how to fight against the catastrophe. Then the senior members of the Cultivation Alliance are Who? Why are they on the side of Tianjie?" Chen Dong frowned.

But it seems that these two people really don't know more about this matter, and there is no point in asking more.

"Very good, now the second question." Chen Dong continued.

"Senior, please ask, but if this junior knows what he knows, he must answer truthfully!" The words "Senior", a cultivator with the surname of Qin, are still spoken smoothly.

"Have you heard of the name Yang Tianding in the Cultivation Alliance?" Chen Dong now wants to find out whether the person who chased and killed Master and Mistress is from the Cultivation Alliance.The old man has always refused to say, and it was Chen Dong's own guess before, this time he has such a good opportunity to catch someone from the Cultivation Alliance, so naturally he will not let go of this opportunity.

"Yang Tianding!" The expression of the person surnamed Qin obviously changed when he heard these three words. Needless to say, he had not only heard of this name before, but also had a deep impression on him.

"Speak! Tell me everything you know!" Chen Dong frowned, it seemed that he really asked the right person today.

"Yes! Yes! Some time ago we were ordered to hunt down a man and a woman. I only know that old man's name is Yang Tianding!" The man with the surname Qin dared to say hastily.

"I was ordered to hunt down! It seems that those who chased down Master and Mistress are indeed members of the Cultivation Alliance!" Chen Dong frowned. Dangerous, no wonder Master refused to tell me who was chasing and killing them!With my own strength at the time, letting myself get involved would undoubtedly put me in a state of death.

Although this old man usually values ​​sex over friends, he still protects the calf at critical times.

"Then what's the final result?" Chen Dong continued to ask.

"The strength of these two people is the only one I have ever seen in my life, except for you, of course, senior! We eight Jindan stage masters besieged him and were wounded by him, and finally escaped by them. For this reason, the elders of the Cultivation Alliance were furious and ordered Use the power of the entire Cultivation Alliance to hunt them down.

"Hmph! Sure enough, the old guy Master has been hiding everything. At that time I asked him what state he was in, and he said that I would know when I reached the Jindan stage. It seems that the strength of Master and Mistress is conservatively estimated. The peak of Jindan Late Stage is infinitely close to Nascent Soul Stage, at least far above these two people." Chen Dong raised his lips, and he was relieved to know that Master and Mistress had successfully escaped the pursuit of Chen Dong by the Cultivation Alliance.

However, Chen Dong also confirmed that he and the Cultivation Alliance were enemies rather than friends.

"But that woman must have been injured." At this time, the cultivator surnamed Qin said again.

"What! Mistress!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, so he can't be blamed for being unreasonable, "I, Chen Dong, will definitely pay back ten times the person who hurt my mistress!"

"Do you know how the injury is?" Chen Dong frowned and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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