Chapter 754 Go!

Now Chen Dong finally knew that the person who chased and killed his master and wife was the Cultivation Alliance.

Moreover, he also learned from this cultivator surnamed Qin that his mistress might be injured, which made Chen Dong nervous.

"My wife has been kind to me in nurturing me, and I have already regarded her as my mother, but I couldn't protect her when my wife was in the most danger! You are unworthy!" Chen Dong suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Do you know how her injury is, whether it is serious or not?"

"This junior really doesn't know. The two of them are very fast and strong. We haven't been able to find them again until now." The person surnamed Qin quickly replied.

"I don't know..." At this moment, Chen Dong's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he looked in the direction of the short and fat man.

At this time, I saw the short and fat cultivator struggling to climb out of the deep pit, and was about to escape!He was terrified, he had never been so terrified like today, the opponent was able to blast himself into the ground without even moving.

"No, I have to leave! The opponent's strength is definitely not something I can compete with! I joined the Cultivation Alliance to live forever, not to die! I'm sorry, Senior Qin. It's not that I won't help you, it's that I really have no power!" Although the fat cultivator looks like a water tank, his speed is extremely fast, even surpassing the average Jindan late-stage strongman.The only thing he thinks about now is to escape for his life, and then pass the information on this matter to the upper echelons of the Cultivation Alliance.

"Did I let you go?" Just then a voice suddenly came from in front of him.

"What!" The short and fat man suddenly raised his head and saw a person standing in front of him, none other than the young man who knocked him flying just now.

"Ah! Don't you bully people too much! Do you think I'm easy to bully because I'm tall and wise?" A ruthless look flashed in the eyes of this short and fat man. It's no wonder that he can become a strong person in the late stage of Golden Core.But seeing two clusters of red flames shooting up into the sky above his fists, they struck towards Chen Dong violently.

"Are you ready to break the net?" Chen Dong smiled, "But you can't break my net!"

But seeing Chen Dong wave his hand at the short and fat man casually, the originally soaring dazzling flames on the short and fat man's fists suddenly left his fists like a long whale sucking water!

"What!" The short and fat man Gao Dezhi was taken aback for a moment, unable to react at all!When he came to his senses, he looked up, and the flames that he originally emitted were all surrounding Chen Dong's raised left hand at this moment!

"This! This is impossible!" Gao Dezhi suddenly stopped, took two steps back and shook his head in disbelief.

Even if the opponent's strength is infinitely stronger and infinitely close to the Nascent Soul stage, he can easily resist the true energy emitted by himself in the late stage of Jindan, and he can even accept it if he directly ignores it.But now he watched helplessly that his true energy surrounded Chen Dong's left hand like a king!Or more like a tame dog trying to please its master!

This kind of scene made him unacceptable no matter what!
"Boom!" And at this moment, when Chen Dong clenched his fist, the two balls of true energy dissipated instantly!

"Pfft!" And the short and fat man felt as if he had been punched hard in the chest, he spewed out a mouthful of blood mist and flew away again.

"Ah!" And just before he landed, he felt light again, and was suddenly lifted up, and then there was a howling wind in his ears!
At this very moment, hundreds of meters away from Chen Dong and Gao Dezhi.The cultivator surnamed Qin squatted on the ground and saw this scene.But when he saw his face turned pale, he quickly retreated backwards.

"If you don't retreat now, when will you wait!" His face was cold, and now that Chen Dong's attention was on Gao Dezhi, it was the best time for him to escape.

But he hadn't retreated 20 meters, but he stopped suddenly.Because he saw Chen Dong's figure appearing in front of him again, he had to stop, dare not stop!

"Ex...Senior..." The cultivator surnamed Qin said while stumbling in place.

At this moment, Chen Dong was standing two meters in front of him, holding this self-proclaimed Gao Dezhi master of the Cultivation Alliance with one hand.

"Do you want to leave in such a hurry because you want to go back and report to your master?" Chen Dong said with a smile on his face.

"No, no! Juniors don't dare! Juniors don't dare!" Chen Dong's smile was serious for the two of them, but it was much uglier than crying.

"Don't dare! Juniors don't dare!" Gao Dezhi, who was held by Chen Dong, also said loudly.

"Do you think I should let you go?" Chen Dong frowned and said.

"Let go! You must let go, senior! We have no grievances or enmities with senior. We were not rivals before, we are not enemies now, and we will definitely not be in the future!" The man surnamed Qin said quickly, he was a strong late-stage golden core man like this last time. Low-spirited begging for help was a thing hundreds of years ago.I really don't know if he knew that Chen Dong was only 20 years old, would he still be able to say "senior".

"But if I let you go, you will definitely report to the higher-ups of the Cultivation Alliance after you go back. I sabotaged your mission and caused your mission to fail, right?" Chen Dong smiled.

"This..." The cultivator surnamed Qin was stunned for a moment, he was really going to go back and say that, otherwise he would be severely punished if he couldn't hand in the task.

"It seems that I hit the spot." Chen Dong snorted.

"No, no! This junior would never dare to say that. We two came here because the person who caused the catastrophe has been chopped into ashes. There is no third person besides the two of us!" The person surnamed Qin Said quickly.

"That's right! There is no third person besides the two of us!" The person named Gao Dezhi Cultivation Alliance quickly responded.

"Really?" Chen Dong seemed to have a look of disbelief.

"How dare this junior make fun of his own life?" The person surnamed Qin said quickly, as if he was afraid that Chen Dong would not believe him.

"Okay, you can go." Chen Dong smiled and let go of Gao Dezhi.


"Can we go?"

The two of them were taken aback at the same time. As strong men in the later stage of Jindan, they knew the cruelty of the cultivation world better than anyone else.If this matter were replaced by him as the other party, he would definitely not let him go, because only the dead man's mouth is the tightest.

Seeing the unbelievable reactions of these two masters, Chen Dong smiled. Of course, he knew that those who let the two of them go and cultivate their own cultivation alliance would come to them soon, but that was exactly what he wanted!People from the Cultivation Alliance chased and killed his master and wife, and even hurt his wife. How could Chen Dong not avenge this hatred?Compared with these two small roles, Chen Dong seems to want to take the legendary high-level members of the Cultivation Alliance.Only by severely injuring the top leaders of the Cultivation Alliance can it deter the Cultivation Alliance, and it can also be regarded as revenge for his master and wife.

"And only the higher-ups will know more about why the Cultivation Alliance spends so much effort chasing down Master and Mistress!" Chen Dong snorted.

"Before I change my mind, get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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