Special masters on campus

Chapter 755 is not over yet

Chapter 755 is not over yet
Chen Dong expected that after the two returned to the Cultivation Alliance, they would definitely inform the senior management of the Cultivation Alliance headquarters about what happened here.And with the strength of those old monsters at the top of the Cultivation Alliance, they will naturally put the object that caused the catastrophe on themselves, and it will definitely attract their attention, and they will naturally send stronger people to investigate themselves.

And this was exactly what Chen Dong wanted.There are too many questions about Chen Dong of the Cultivation Alliance, why did they hunt down Master and Mistress, and that mysterious man in black.And the traces of my parents may be related to the Cultivation Alliance, the most powerful and mysterious force in today's Cultivation World!
"Don't you hurry up and get out?" Chen Dong's voice turned cold.

When did the two masters of the Cultivation Alliance encounter this kind of thing? They are the late Jindan powerhouses, and the all-powerful cultivation monsters in the cultivation world!To be told face to face to get out!For a moment, neither of them reacted.

"Get out! Let's get out immediately!" The person surnamed Qin was the first to react, and quickly took a few steps back.

At this time, the short and fat man surnamed Gao also reacted, jumped up from the ground and stepped back.

"Go!" After taking a few steps back, the two turned around at the same time like frightened birds and rushed towards the south!

Pity the two top Jindan late-stage powerhouses, they are like two bereaved dogs at this moment.

"Hmph, is this the virtue of Jindan late stage?" Chen Dong looked at the figures of these two people and shook his head helplessly. If he wanted to chase after them, how could these two people have a chance of survival?

At this time, the two masters of the Cultivation Alliance, who had escaped thousands of meters away, were flying towards the south with nervous faces.

"Senior Qin, we should be safe now, right?" the short and fat cultivator surnamed Gao said loudly.

"Safe ass! Didn't you see the speed of that person just now? If he really wanted to chase us down, he would be able to catch up with us in a few moments!" the person surnamed Qin said in a low voice.

"This person looks young, no matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like an old monster who has been cultivating for many years. Why does he have such strong strength?" The person surnamed Gao looked puzzled. He is a genius in the sky, and he is also a hundred years old today, and he was successfully promoted to the late stage of Jindan not long ago.

"There are some old monsters in the cultivation world who have lived for hundreds or even thousands of years. Their strength is completely beyond our imagination. And these old monsters usually don't show their true colors to others." The cultivator surnamed Qin said gloomyly.

"Senior, do you mean that this person is one of those old monsters in the cultivation world who haven't been born for thousands of years? He's not some young genius?" the cultivator surnamed Gao said hastily.

"Nonsense! You and I are both once-in-a-hundred-year geniuses in the cultivation world, otherwise how could we become the late Golden Core? Didn't you feel it just now? Even if you and I attack with all our strength, we can't hurt even half of his hair!" The person surnamed Qin said with an ugly face that the short time just now was the most dangerous moment he had ever encountered in his life, and his life was not in his hands at all.

"That's right! You and I attacked with all our strength at the same time but he was repulsed continuously, and he didn't seem to make a move at all. Just relying on the true energy of body protection can shock and injure our two golden cores in the late stage!" The person surnamed Gao nodded quickly, just now That scene was also the most dangerous since he became a strong man in the golden core stage. He thought he was going to die but was let go by the other party inexplicably.

"So this person must be a thousand-year-old monster! Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a powerful strength! Don't be fooled by his appearance!" The person surnamed Qin said solemnly.

"Then what should we do next, Senior Qin? Are we really hiding this from the Alliance Elders?" the cultivator surnamed Gao then asked.

"Hmph! Conceal? How long do you think we can conceal the existence of the Presbyterian Association of the Cultivation Alliance? Once this matter is exposed, not only you and I will surely die, but even your nine clans will be wiped out!" The person surnamed Qin looked at a cold.

"What do you mean?"

"You and I act separately, and report this matter to the elders' meeting at the main altar as quickly as possible! Let's go!" The cultivator surnamed Qin said and hurried to the southwest.

"Okay!" The short and fat man surnamed Gao also nodded and headed towards the southeast.

At this time, it was in the depths of the desert tens of miles away from these two people.

Chen Dong smiled slightly.Every move of these two people just now was under his control, and at this moment, the two people moved separately because they were afraid that they would catch up.Chen Dong can also conclude that these two people will definitely report to the higher-ups of the Cultivation Alliance after they go back, and it won't be long before the stronger members of the Cultivation Alliance will come to him.

"A high-ranking member of the Cultivation Alliance? If that mysterious black-robed man who claims to be from the Cultivation Alliance is really a member of the Cultivation Alliance, he should be one of the high-level people based on his strength?" For some reason, Chen Dong has a feeling of looking forward to his next visit. It was the mysterious man in black.

"I don't know who is stronger or weaker between me and him now..." Chen Dong turned around and looked in the east direction.

"It should be time to leave now, those two sisters should be worried." Chen Dong said to himself, but he looked down at himself.I saw that there were basically no complete pieces of cloth on my body. If the two sisters saw their current appearance, they would definitely call themselves hooligans.

"There's no way to call me a hooligan and I went out too. I can't stay here forever." Chen Dong shook his head helplessly, and was about to fly to the east.

"Boom!" And just as Chen Donggang was about to leave, there was another rumbling thunder.

"Huh?" Chen Dong frowned and looked towards the sky.

But the black clouds that were about to disperse in the sky started rolling again!
"Could it be that the catastrophe is not over yet?" Chen Dong thought to himself, but Chen Dong didn't think too much, and flew towards the east with a single movement.

"Boom!" Chen Dong flew eastward for dozens of kilometers in a short while.At this time, fifty kilometers away from Chen Dong, the two sisters Feng Bingbing and Feng Shuangshuang were standing there looking forward to the discovery where Chen Dong was.

"Boom!" But Chen Dong's face became more and more serious, because he found that the black clouds in the sky not only became thicker and thicker, but also followed him closely.No matter how he changed direction or changed speed, the black cloud above his head followed him and hovered above him.

All this is exactly the same as the scene when the catastrophe came just now.

"Could there be a second wave of catastrophe?" Chen Dong paused in mid-air. If there is a catastrophe coming, then if he continues to approach Feng Bingbing sisters, it will be tantamount to harming them.

(End of this chapter)

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