Special masters on campus

Chapter 762 Is it over?

Chapter 762 Is it over?

Northwest China, deep in the desert.

"Boom!" Accompanied by an earth-shattering bang, bloody lightning and golden light shone all over the sky and the earth!

"Boom! Boom!" A wave of violent and scorching air mixed with dazzling golden light and bloody currents that kept wandering rushed towards all directions!

From a distance, it looks like red and golden waves surging in the sky!But the golden and bloody scorching air waves are obviously much more terrifying than any sea waves!
"Boom! Kacha!" But everything that the air wave passed by was instantly dyed!Even the ground below is constantly rolling and collapsing in the form of waves!
It's just that within a radius of [-] miles, it turned into hell. There is no complete land, and there is a piece of scorched fly ash everywhere!

Looking at the sky again, the golden light rising from the ground was suppressed at the moment it collided with the bloody electric ball falling from the sky!

"Boom!" A loud noise resounded through the entire earth again, and the earth that had collapsed once again trembled violently and collapsed.

And the dazzling golden light with the knife was completely blasted into the depths of the ground.But obviously the bloody light ball in the sky couldn't stop there.The moment the golden light landed, the huge ball of electricity mixed with endless current directly hit the ground!

"Boom!" This time it was as if a huge asteroid hit the ground.For a moment, the endless fragments of earth and rock were directly lifted into the sky by this terrifying impact force, and the moment these earth and rocks were just blasted out, they all burned up!
For a moment, it was as if a pile of fireworks suddenly ignited on the embankment, and countless fireballs rushed towards all directions.It's just that the fireworks are too huge and terrifying!In just a few moments, the land with a radius of ten miles was completely turned into a sea of ​​magma and flames!
"Boom!" And this is far from over!
But seeing the whole land centered on the place where the electric ball fell just now, it is constantly collapsing in all directions!Just now, the scorched land within a radius of fifty miles exploded again, and the range of the collapse and explosion continued to spread to all directions!

A radius of sixty miles!Seventy miles!Eighty miles!
In the blink of an eye, waves of tumbling dirt rushed in all directions!

"Not good! Get back immediately!" Directing south at this moment, the man in the orange robe whispered, and took the lead in rushing back.

And the man in the red robe and the man with the surname of Qin and Gao also didn't dare to neglect and followed him backwards!No matter how strong these people are, no matter how confident they are in their own strength, they dare not fight against the sky with their lives!
And just after these four people left, the ground where they were located exploded, and they were still following these four people at an alarming speed!
Ninety miles!The ground is still collapsing rapidly!

"Boom! Crack!"

One hundred miles!The terrifying impact force slowly disappeared.

But within a range of a hundred miles, the entire land was flattened several meters deep, forming a huge basin!It is conceivable that if the scene just now did not happen in the depths of the desert, but in the city, what a terrible result it would be.Tens of thousands of ordinary people will be directly torn apart by this terrifying force in an instant and then instantly reduced to ashes!

However, this scene happened in the depths of the desert, but thousands of miles away at the edge of the desert, every place where people lived felt a strong shock.Of course, they would only think that there was an earthquake, and they would never think of what was happening in the depths of the desert at this moment.

Finally, after bursts of huge roars and shocks, the whole world returned to calm again.

A series of violent bombardments just now left a huge black basin on this desolate land deep in the desert.Even though the explosion and bombardment were over, there was still a terrifyingly high temperature within this huge basin, and flames and thick black smoke emanated from the ground from time to time.

It is impossible for living things to exist in this environment, especially at the center of this bombardment, which is the center of the huge catastrophe bombardment just now!

At this moment, the ten-mile radius of the center of the bombardment of the Heavenly Tribulation just now is a huge bottomless pit.

At this moment, thick black smoke is coming out of this huge deep pit, even an ordinary person can see that no one can survive here!
And with the fall of the last catastrophe, the bloody catastrophe cloud that originally enveloped the entire sky finally slowly dispersed.Obviously this also means that this catastrophe is finally over.

Soon the clouds in the sky parted, and wisps of long-lost sunlight shone down again.Everything seemed to be back to normal.

And at this moment, four figures are flying towards here from the southern sky!

At this time, the orange-robed venerable of the Cultivation Alliance waved his hand, and the other three also stopped.

"Old Ninth, now how sure do you think you can block the last catastrophe just now?" The orange-robed man looked at the black hole below that was still emitting thick smoke and smiled.

"Hmph, even I am not [-]% sure that I can handle it. It is impossible for that junior who has just been promoted to the Nascent Soul stage! I am afraid that even his corpse has become a pile of black scum at this moment!" The man said with a sneer.

"I really admire this junior. He dared to go against the sky and challenge Tianwei, but he is still a human being after all. No matter how strong a person is, how could he possibly surpass the sky?" The man in the orange robe seemed to be somewhat regretful. shook his head.

"You two go down, the task remains the same, collect the corpse." At this moment, the man in the orange robe waved his hand downward.

"Your subordinates obey!" Although the cultivators surnamed Qin and Gao were both strong in the late stage of Jindan and considered the mainstay of the cultivation alliance, they dared not show any disrespect in front of these two beings.

"Go!" The two nodded and moved towards the deep pit below.

"Hmph! I think it's superfluous to send the two of us here to make such a big fuss. At best, it's a fireworks show." Seeing the figures of Qin Gao flying into the deep pit, the man in the red robe was cold snorted.

"Brother Master sent the two of us here with his deep meaning, but I hope there will be no accidents. We have completed the task if we successfully received the body of that junior." The orange-robed man said indifferently .



And just as the man in the orange robe finished speaking, he heard two screams coming from the deep pit.

The next moment, the figures of the two cultivation alliance masters surnamed Qin and Gao flew upside down from the deep pit!

"Boom!" Immediately afterwards, a dazzling golden light shot up from the deep pit!

(End of this chapter)

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