Special masters on campus

Chapter 763 Reshaping the Golden Body

Chapter 763 Reshaping the Golden Body
"Ah!" However, Qin and Gao, who had just flown into the deep pit, spit blood and flew out at the same time.

And following them was a dazzling golden light that shot straight into the sky.

"Huh?" The man in the orange robe snorted, as if this sudden scene was beyond his expectation.

At this time, the figures of the two top executives of the Cultivation Alliance suddenly flickered, and in the next second they appeared behind the two people surnamed Qin and Gao who flew upside down.



The two people who were flying backwards were like chickens and ducklings, but the man in the orange robe and the man in the red robe grabbed their collars with one hand.

"What's going on? What did you see?" The red-robed venerable asked coldly.

"I don't know! As soon as we entered, a dazzling golden light suddenly came from the bottom of the deep pit, and our protective qi was instantly broken. Before we could react, a terrifying force swept us away. It flew out all of a sudden!" the person surnamed Qin said quickly.

"It's terrible! We can't resist at all!" The person surnamed Gao said tremblingly.

"Hmph! Trash! I don't know what the Cultivation Alliance wants you trash to do!" The red-robed man snorted coldly and threw the cultivator surnamed Qin back casually, and he had already entered the deep pit in a blink of an eye. .

"Hmph!" The man in the orange robe also snorted, and pushed the cultivator surnamed Gao back in his hand, and followed the man in the red robe in a flash.

No one really knows the strength of the top leaders of the two major cultivation alliances, but they are by no means comparable to the Qin and Gao surnames, that is to say, they are far above Jindan Late Stage.The Jindan late stage can only be the Nascent Soul stage, but as the Nascent Soul stage, they did not cause the catastrophe, which is the strangest thing.

In an instant, the highest levels of the two major cultivation alliances appeared in the deep pit.And the golden light emerging from the bottom of the deep pit didn't seem to pose any threat to them, all the golden light bounced off in front of them automatically.

"Old Nine, be careful, this incident is quite strange. According to common sense, no matter how strong the junior is, it is impossible to survive the catastrophe of that level just now, so I am afraid there will be a change." The man in the orange robe whispered Said.

"Hmph, don't worry, even if that kid doesn't die, I will send him on his last journey!" The man in the red robe seemed extremely disdainful. Most people are lowly and weak.

Before the words were finished, the figure of the man in the red robe had disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already tens of meters below.

In just a short moment, these two peerless powerhouses were close to the pit.

And as the two of them reached the deep pit, the golden light shot from below became more and more dazzling.

"Om!" At this moment, the golden light below suddenly shone, and a golden beam of light shot towards the red-robed man who was flying in front!

"Hmph! It's a small trick!" The man in the red robe snorted coldly, but he stretched out his left hand and grabbed the golden beam of light below!
"Hum!" But seeing his hand directly grasping the beam of light, the originally dazzling beam of light suddenly dimmed down!Not only this beam of light, but also the golden light in the entire deep pit quickly dimmed as if suppressed.

As the golden light in the deep pit rapidly dimmed, the scene of the deep pit appeared before the eyes of these two peerless powerhouses.

But at this moment, there is a transparent ball of light at the bottom of the deep pit, and the golden lights are emanating from this ball of light.

And within this ball of light, a group of white flames are dazzling, which is as big as a human head.

Under this white flame is a corpse, or to be precise, it is not a corpse but a pile of rotten flesh.But at this moment, wisps of soft white light are emitting from this pile of rotten meat, which complements the diffuse golden light.

"Could it be this!" Seeing this scene, the voice of the man in orange changed for the first time, it was an exclamation.

"This is?" The red-robed venerable who had been extremely arrogant at the side also became cautious. This scene was too weird, even he had never seen it before.To be able to become a strong man of his level, although he is born with arrogance, he will be more cautious than anyone else at critical times.

"Reshaping the golden body! This is reshaping the golden body!" At this moment, the man in the orange robe who had been in a stagnant state suddenly became excited.

"What! Reshape the golden body?" The man in the red robe beside him couldn't help but exclaimed.

Both of them are old monsters who have lived for thousands of years, and they are even inextricably linked to the ancient era of cultivation.It can be said that they have seen too many big scenes, even the bloody catastrophe in the sky just now did not allow the two of them to have such a big reaction.

But when the word "reshaping the golden body" was mentioned, the two of them became nervous, because they had only heard of this kind of thing in ancient legends, and had never seen it before!
Reshaping the golden body, as the name suggests, means that the body of the cultivator is reshaped by a powerful force after it is damaged.After reshaping the golden body, both the appearance and the mind are still the original person, that is to say, the person whose soul is immortal but the body is destroyed has come back to life.And the person who came back to life will definitely become stronger than before!

However, it is extremely difficult to reshape the golden body, because reshaping the golden body not only requires the soul of the practitioner to be strong enough to survive the destruction of the body, but more importantly, the power to reshape the golden body.

It is impossible for a cultivator to achieve the level of strength needed to reshape the golden body with the true energy of a cultivator. Even the peerless powerhouses of the Nascent Soul Stage or even higher Transformation Stage cannot have this level of strength.To achieve the power to reshape the golden body, one must have a rare treasure of cultivation or even a rare treasure.Only when the power of several cultivation treasures are fused together and perfectly integrated with the soul of the practitioner can it be possible to successfully reshape the golden body.

And once the golden body is successfully reshaped, the cultivator is equivalent to integrating several rare treasures of cultivation into his body.This is more perfect than any fusion of refinement and forbearance, and it has truly reached the realm of the unity of man and nature!Therefore, anyone who can successfully reshape the golden body will become extremely powerful, and he is also a person who is not tolerated by the law of heaven.

However, it is precisely because these conditions are extremely difficult to achieve, so even in the ancient era of self-cultivation, there are very few people who can reshape the golden body.It is recorded in the ancient legends and classics that there are only three people who can successfully reshape the golden body, and all three of them have become peerless powerhouses without exception.

However, those who reshape the golden body are not tolerated by the Dao of Heaven, so these three people quickly disappeared in the cultivation world. Some people rumored that all three of them were killed by Dao of Heaven, and some people said that all three of them ascended to the fairy world and traveled to the universe.

"Whether he is reshaping the golden body or not, we must stop him! Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!" At this moment, the red-robed Venerable of the Cultivation Alliance shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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