Special masters on campus

Chapter 764 The Black Robe Reappears

Chapter 764 The Black Robe Reappears

Inside the deep pit, streaks of golden light shone from the depths of the deep pit.

"The process of reshaping the golden body is when he is weakest, and he must not be allowed to complete it!" The man in the red robe said coldly.

"Okay, if you and I work together, he will never have a chance to complete the reshaping!" The man in orange snorted coldly, and in a flash he appeared at the bottom of the deep pit beyond the golden ball of light!
"Huh!" Almost at the same time, a figure appeared beside him, it was the eighth venerable of the Cultivation Alliance, the Orange Clothes venerable.

At the same time, under the golden light, Chen Dong's body was constantly recondensing, and soon the parts below the chest were intact again, only the head remained.The head is also the most critical part of a person, where the soul is, and it is also the most critical, difficult and dangerous moment in the process of reshaping the golden body.

At this time, once external forces intervene or the reshaping power is insufficient, the success will fall short, and the cultivator who reshaped the golden body will be wiped out physically and mentally!
"It seems that we came at the right time! Let's do it!" The orange-robed venerable sneered and waved his left hand.

"噗!" A long sword appeared in an instant.

But seeing this long sword is nine feet long, the simple and simple atmosphere exudes a kind of majesty invisibly.The entire body of the sword also emits a dazzling orange light, which is not ordinary at first glance!

"Haha, if the eighth brother has taken out his natal magic weapon, the Lingtian sword, then my ninth one can't be vague!" At this moment, the man in the red robe beside him laughed loudly and raised his hands violently.

"Hoo hoo! Hoo hoo!" Accompanied by a series of whistling sounds, nine fireballs laughing like washbasins appeared in front of him in an instant.

"Go to hell!" Before he finished speaking, the long sword emitting dazzling orange light and the nine burning red fireballs blasted toward the golden light outside Chen Dong's body almost simultaneously!

At this time, Chen Dong in Jin Guang Nei was at the most critical moment of reshaping his golden body, it was impossible to fight back, even impossible to escape!And the strength of each of the top executives of the two major cultivation alliances is at the Nascent Soul Stage, and the golden light protecting Chen Dong's body is impossible to withstand the joint attack of these two!

"Boom!" Sure enough, the moment the long sword and fireball fell, the golden light outside Chen Dong's body instantly turned into countless golden fragments like broken glass!



A dazzling sword light and nine fireballs blasted towards Chen Dong in an instant!

If he was hit, Chen Dong would not only die, but also be wiped out forever!

"Buzz!" But just when the long sword and a series of fireballs were about to hit Chen Dong's body, a figure appeared out of thin air and blocked Chen Dong's face!
But seeing that this person stretched out his hand directly to grab the stabbing orange long sword, and the other hand grabbed the roaring fireball!
"Boom! Boom!" At almost the same moment, there was a roaring sound, and the incomparably hot fireballs exploded continuously, and violent heat waves filled the entire deep pit.For a while, the entire huge pit became a sea of ​​hell fire again!
The power of this blow is enough to turn any cultivation below the Nascent Soul stage into ashes!Not to mention Chen Dong who is at his weakest moment and has no defenses!
"Hmph! This time, this junior will definitely be wiped out!" The man in the red robe floated in mid-air, and the flames and heat waves all around couldn't get close to his body at all.

"Don't relax your vigilance now, I always feel that this is weird." The man in orange said in a low voice, obviously the appearance of the figure just now was too sudden, so fast that even the two strong men didn't notice it.

"Old Ba, you are too cautious. If you and I fight together, even a person in the early stage of Yuanying will surely die! And even if he is not burned to death by my fire, he will be cut into pieces by your Ling Tian sword!" Two pieces..."

"Buzz!" But just before the red-robed venerable finished speaking, he heard the sound of swords ringing continuously from below.

"What?" The two strong men looked down at the same time.

At this time, the flames and air waves below gradually dissipated, and a black figure gradually appeared.

But seeing this person was wearing a black robe, and his face was as blurred as the two high-ranking members of the Cultivation Alliance, making it impossible to see his true face.

And what he held in his left hand was the orange long sword of the man in the orange robe, Ling Tian Sword, which was also his favorite talisman.This sword came from the ancient era of self-cultivation. It has a history of tens of thousands of years, and it was refined by the orange-robed venerable for nearly a thousand years, and its rank has reached a low-grade fairy weapon!
Don't look at it as a low-grade immortal weapon, but from the word "immortal", you can see how extraordinary this sword is.In today's world of comprehension, the magic weapons that those masters of comprehension groups or grand elders, that is, late Jindan, can possess are top-grade spiritual weapons at best.And this low-grade fairy weapon is still above the top-grade spiritual weapon, and its power can be seen.

And since the ancient era of comprehension came to an abrupt end, the powerhouses at the Nascent Soul Stage and above have disappeared one after another.With the disappearance of these powerhouses, most of the magic weapons of the fairy level disappeared from the cultivation world.

There are probably less than twenty fairy-level magic weapons in the current comprehension world, and most of them are concentrated in the hands of the senior members of the Cultivation Alliance.The Ling Tian Sword of Venerable Orange Clothes is one of them. Although it is only a low-grade fairy weapon, it is powerful enough to destroy the world!
But it is such a fairy-level magic weapon that can smash mountains with a single sword, but it is directly held by this black-robed man at this moment, and he cannot move forward half a step!

This person was none other than the mysterious man in black who had met Chen Dong in the basement of Tenglong Building last time.No one knew his identity, and no one knew why he appeared here, and why he suddenly rescued Chen Dong.If this person hadn't appeared in time just now, Chen Dong would surely have died!

"You guys have nothing to do here, go away..." At this moment, the man in black looked up, as if he was looking at the two people from the Cultivation Alliance above, but he couldn't see his face clearly.

"It's you! Are you still alive?" And when the man in the orange robe saw him, he almost blurted out.

"It seems that he was recognized. Now that he knows who I am, do I still have to wait for me to do it myself?" The man in black laughed and said in a hoarse voice.

"I didn't expect you to survive the first battle back then!" At this time, the red-robed venerable also said in a dignified voice, obviously he also recognized the black-robed man.

"What should I do about the old man? Although he was seriously injured back then, he should have healed after so many years. It is very difficult for us to stop him from saving people." His Holiness asked.

"This person has been hiding for so many years, and he showed up today for a junior who has crossed the tribulation. Obviously, this person is very important to him! The person who is important to him is the confidant of our cultivation alliance and must be eradicated!" The orange-robed venerable said firmly Staring at the man in black robe.

"Understood, you and I may not have a chance together!" The red-robed man nodded.

"It seems that I'm going to drive them away myself... Ahem..." The black-robed man suddenly laughed, but his laughter was much worse than crying.

(End of this chapter)

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