Special masters on campus

Chapter 775 Fist vs. Sword

Chapter 775 Fist vs. Sword
"You! What are you talking about!" The orange-robed venerable was taken aback.

"I asked you if you want to live?" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"A joke! It's up to you! Do you know who I am? Do you think you have the strength to say such things in front of me?" The Orange Robe Venerable said with a cold snort.

"I think I have the qualifications." Chen Dong smiled and pointed to the body of the red-robed venerable.

"You!" The orange-robed venerable was momentarily at a loss for words, although only a clone of the red robe died, he was one of the nine great venerables of the Cultivation Alliance after all.And his own identity is also one of the nine great venerables just like him.

What Chen Dong meant was obvious. If he had the ability to kill the red robe's clone, he would also be able to kill his own clone.What direct contempt!

"Hmph! If I want to leave, do you think you can keep me?" The orange-robed venerable said in a cold voice.

"I think it's okay, you can try..." Chen Dong smiled.

"Haha! What a joke! Just because you are a junior?" Cheng Pao sneered, although he admitted that Chen Dong's strength after reshaping his golden body far exceeded his expectations, but as one of the nine venerables of the Cultivation Alliance, he still has the confidence to leave here.

"I think I might not be able to leave..." But at this moment, the black-robed man smiled, and his figure instantly turned into a phantom, appearing behind the orange-robed venerable.

In this way, the orange-robed venerable was sealed to death by Chen Dong and the black-robed man at the same time.

"What!" Venerable Orange Robe's voice became cautious.

He knew how strong the man in black was, and it was only when the nine masters of them joined forces to repel him.

And Chen Dong's strength after reshaping the golden body also made him no longer underestimate Chen Dong.

"Hmph! It seems that you are trying to bully the few with more?" The Orange Robe Venerable said in a low voice.

"Isn't this what your Cultivation Alliance is best at?" The black robe chuckled, and his hoarse voice made the laughter worse than crying.

"You!" Venerable Orange Robe's chest heaved violently.

Before that, he thought that even if he teamed up with the red robe, he couldn't do anything to the black robe, but killing a junior like Chen Dong was enough.But as the clone of the red robe was killed, the whole situation was completely reversed.

Now it's his turn to face the two powerful opponents!

"Huh? Let me bow my head to such an arrogant junior, you are dreaming!" But seeing the orange-robed venerable snorted coldly and waved the long sword in his hand.

"噗!" An orange sword light soared into the sky.

"Ling Tian Sword Body!" Before he finished speaking, he was surrounded by a huge orange lightsaber surrounding his body.

Man and sword unite!This is a state where kendo has been cultivated to the extreme!
Now the orange-robed venerable is the sword, and the sword is him!If you want to defeat him, you must smash the long sword in his hand.

And this long sword is also an immortal artifact from the ancient era of comprehension.Moreover, this Lingtian sword is far different from the red robe's magic robe.

Although the magic robe of the red robe is also a low-grade fairy weapon, it is a magic weapon that is biased towards defense.However, the Ling Tian Sword in the hands of the Orange Robe Venerable is a fairy-level magic weapon with extremely strong attack power.

More than half of the reason why the orange-robed venerable got the title of kendo slayer is due to this Lingtian sword!
"Hmph! I'm going to take a look today, why did you keep me!" The orange-robed venerable snorted coldly, and rushed towards Chen Dong in a flash!

"噗!" A huge sword light in the sky suddenly cut through the sky!

A huge sword that was ten feet long and one foot wide cut through the sky and cut off Chen Dong's head!
"Hmph! I want to see if your reshaped body is stronger or my Ling Tian Sword is sharper!"

"Om!" And just when the huge lightsaber was about to cut in front of Chen Dong, a black shadow flashed, and the figure of the man in black appeared in front of Chen Dong.

"Damn it! It's this black robe again!" The orange-robed venerable cursed secretly.

"No need!" But just when the black-robed man stood in front of Chen Dong, Chen Dong bypassed the black-robed man one step at a time, and punched the giant sword directly at him!
"Haha! Boy! Originally, you couldn't die with the black robe around you, but now you must die!" Cheng Pao was overjoyed.He is confident that his Ling Tian Sword will be stronger than Chen Dong's flesh and blood!
At this moment, Chen Dong's fist collided with the huge orange lightsaber!

A dazzling golden light burst out from Chen Dong's fist, and the endless pure yang power condensed into a golden fist that enveloped Chen Dong's fist.

"Haha! The Ling Tian Sword of this deity is the famous sword of the immortal family even in the ancient cultivation era! Just rely on your punch..." The orange-robed venerable laughed wildly, but he stopped short before he finished speaking. The child stopped.

"No!" Venerable Orange Robe thumped in his heart.

Because normally, Chen Dong directly met his own Ling Tianjian with his fist, even if Chen Dong didn't die, his arm would be cut off by Ling Tianjian!

But now Ling Tianjian and Chen Dong are still facing each other in mid-air!
In other words, Ling Tianjian, a low-grade immortal artifact, could not cut through Chen Dong's body, let alone cut it off without even breaking the skin!

"This! This is impossible! The Lingtian sword is sharp enough to smash a mountain! Even a steel plate tens of meters thick will be like paper under the Lingtian sword!"

"Looks like one sword is not enough! Let's use another sword! Lingtian Sword!" But this time, what the Orange-robed Venerable swung was no longer a lightsaber, but the real Lingtian Sword!

The Ling Tian sword drew a dazzling light in the sky, rushing towards Chen Dong like a bolt of lightning.

"Hmph! Let's see how you resist this time!" The Orange-robed Venerable was determined to kill Chen Dong.

"Dang!" But just when Ling Tianjian was about to hit Chen Dong's head, a hand was directly on the sword and firmly held Ling Tianjian!
This hand was Chen Dong's hand, and it could be seen that there was a layer of soft white light emitting from Chen Dong's hand, like a layer of white flame.

"What!" The orange-robed venerable stepped back several steps in a row, he couldn't believe that his low-grade celestial weapon Ling Tianjian was actually taken by Chen Dong with both hands!

"Impossible! This is impossible! It is impossible for the strength of the physical body to directly resist the magic weapon of the fairy level. Even if he reshaped the golden body, it is impossible!" The orange-robed venerable kept shaking his head and stepped back. .

He has practiced for nearly a thousand years, and he never knew what the word fear meant.Especially after becoming a senior member of the Cultivation Alliance, he has never been defeated!

But this time he was scared, he couldn't believe that someone in today's comprehension world can directly hold his Ling Tian Sword with his hand!That is an immortal weapon from the ancient era of comprehension!It was the natal magic weapon bestowed on him by that existence himself!

"No! This junior's strength is too weird, and I can't take advantage of him. And once the black-robed man strikes again, it will be very difficult for me to get away! I must get out immediately and fight with the senior brother!" the orange-robed venerable thought in his heart. After making up his mind, he will take back Ling Tianjian and leave immediately.

"Receive Ling Tian Sword!"

"Huh?" But when he was about to take back Ling Tianjian, he found a stronger force holding Ling Tianjian firmly!
Ling Tianjian can't be taken back!

(End of this chapter)

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