Special masters on campus

Chapter 776 The Reason for Chasing and Killing Yang Zending

Chapter 776 The Reason for Chasing and Killing Yang Zending
"Impossible! This is my natal fairy weapon! It's impossible not to take it back!" Cheng Pao couldn't believe it, and forcibly retracted the sword again, but no matter how hard he tried, Ling Tianjian couldn't move even half a cent!
"Buzz! Buzz!" But seeing the Lingtian Sword in Chen Dong's hand trembling and whining, he just couldn't break free from Chen Dong's palm.

"This sword is not bad. Do you want to throw it out and take it back?" Chen Dong smiled slightly and looked at the orange-robed venerable.

"Impossible! Come back to me!" The orange-robed venerable shouted sharply, trying to withdraw Ling Tianjian with all his energy.

"Buzz! Buzz!" But this time, the Ling Tian sword trembled more violently, and the sword whistles were louder.

But no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't break free from Chen Dong's grasp!

"This!" The orange-robed venerable was stunned, since he got this fairy weapon, he has never encountered such a situation!

"What is the origin of this junior! What realm is he now! Why can't even I see through his realm! Could it be that his realm is already above mine!" The more the Venerable Orange Robe thought about it, the more afraid he became.

"Besides, since he reshaped his golden body, he has never used his true energy at all. He was able to kill Lao Jiu's clone by relying on physical attacks! Who the hell is he!"

"Thump!" The orange-robed venerable not only took two steps back, but now he regarded Chen Dong as a strong man on the same level as the black-robed man, not the junior before!
"I said, if you want to survive, you still have a chance if you want this sword, but it depends on yourself why you don't cooperate." Chen Dong said coldly.

"You're dreaming! Haha! Even if I can't stand it, so what? The Lingtian sword is my natal fairy weapon, and it's a fairy weapon from the ancient era of cultivation! How can you bear it!" One of the Great Venerables, even if he knew that Chen Dong was extremely powerful, he would not lose face and bow his head to Chen Dong.

"It seems that you are still unwilling to cooperate honestly?" Chen Dong held the huge lightsaber in his left hand, and the struggling Ling Tianjian in his right hand.

"Hmph! Junior, do you really think that you can live until tomorrow when your strength is soaring now? You will kneel down and beg me to spare you in a short time!" The Orange Robe Venerable sneered, he is now waiting, waiting for others The arrival of seven senior members of the Cultivation Alliance.

"Chen Dong, make a quick decision. After a while, the Cultivation Alliance will cause trouble when the other mad dogs come." The black-robed man standing behind Chen Dong said in a low voice.

"It won't take long." Chen Dong smiled, and suddenly a golden light burst out on his left hand, like a dazzling sun burning!
"Crack! Boom!" In the next second, there was a crisp cracking sound, as if glass had suddenly shattered.

But seeing that huge orange key was actually crushed into pieces!
"What!" The orange-robed venerable almost screamed, he knew better than anyone else how powerful his lightsaber was!
Even a strong man in the early stage of Nascent Soul would be injured if he tried to resist this lightsaber, let alone be crushed alive!

"This sword is indeed a good amount of money. I really can't break the soul seal on it." At this time, Chen Dong's figure slowly fell to the ground, and he looked at the orange long sword in his right hand. .

"Hmph! You still have some self-knowledge! It's still too late for you to leave..." But the orange-robed Venerable said in a sinister voice.

"But although I can't refine it or take it away, I can still destroy it!" Chen Dong sneered, and a white flame suddenly spread out in his hand!

"Huh!" The white flame enveloped the entire long sword in an instant.

"This is!" The orange-robed venerable felt a chill in his heart, he naturally recognized this white flame, this is the pure Yang fire that the red robe tried so hard to grab before!
"Pure Yang True Fire? Hmph! Do you think this fire can destroy the fairy artifact!" the orange-robed venerable said in a dark voice.

"I think it's okay! Burn it for me!" Chen Dong let go with a smile!

"Huh! Huh!" In an instant, the white flame suddenly grew larger, illuminating the surrounding sky brightly.

"Hmph! Just come back now!" Seeing that Chen Dong had let go of his Ling Tianjian, the Orange Robe Venerable would naturally not let this opportunity go, so he quickly wanted to take back Ling Tianjian.

This kind of fairy-level magic weapon is connected with the master's consciousness, and it can be collected at will with only a thought of the magic weapon owner.

"No! Ah!" But at this moment, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his brain!

This pain is like being burned by fire!
At this moment, Ling Tianjian, who was completely surrounded by the pure Yang True Fire in midair, uttered painful wailing sounds, and began to struggle crazily.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

But no matter how hard it struggles, it can't get rid of the burning of the pure Yang fire!

"Ah!" On the Lingtian sword was the imprint of the divine consciousness of the orange-robed venerable. Now that Lingtianjian was severely injured, the owner of the Lingtian sword, Orange Robe, also felt an unbearable pain.

"Do you believe it now?" Chen Dong asked in a cold voice.

"Haha! You're dreaming! Even if the deity doesn't want this avatar, you don't want the deity to bow to such a junior!" The orange-robed venerable held his head in both hands, and at this moment his consciousness was also enduring the pain of being burned by the true fire of pure yang pain.

"Looks like it's not enough!" But seeing Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, he moved and grabbed Ling Tianjian who was still struggling crazily.

"What do you want to do?" The Orange Robe Venerable couldn't help taking a step back.

"Do you think it's a low-grade fairy weapon or pure Yang fire combined with the power of sky fire and black ice?" Chen Dong stood in the air with the long sword of fire in his hand.

"What! The power of sky fire and black ice! Who are you!" the orange-robed venerable exclaimed.

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know that I am your enemy!" Chen Dong said coldly.

"Haha! What a joke! Junior, I don't know where you know about Tianhuo Xuanbing, but do you think I will believe you when you say you use Tianhuo Xuanbing? Tianhuo Xuanbing is a rare treasure in the ancient cultivation world. How could it be possible in such a place?" On the unknown junior!" Venerable Orange Robe sneered.

"Then you chased and killed Yang Tianding and his wife for the sake of Tianhuo Xuanbing?" Chen Dong wanted to confirm this conjecture. He wanted to know why the Cultivation Alliance wanted to kill his master and wife, and whether all this was related to himself. The fragments of Tianhuo Xuanbing on his body are related, or related to a greater secret.

"Yang Tianding! How do you know Yang Tianding! Who are you?" The voice of the Orange Robe Venerable changed obviously. Chasing and killing Yang Tianding is related to the secret of the highest level of the Cultivation Alliance, and Chen Dong knew it He had to be surprised.

"You don't need to know anymore!"

"Huh!" At this moment, Chen Dong's whole body turned into a white phantom and disappeared instantly.

"噗!" And when Chen Dong's figure reappeared, it was already behind the orange-robed venerable me!

(End of this chapter)

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