Special masters on campus

Chapter 788 You Are Also Called A Sword?

Chapter 788 You Are Also Called A Sword?
Within the Taiyi sect.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense again.

As soon as Chen Dong made a move, he completely wiped out the long-established Taiyi sword formation of Taiyi Sect, which shocked everyone in Taiyi Sect.

The real Zilong's eyes turned cold.

"You are Chen Dong?"

"That's right, it seems that you are the head of the Taiyi Sect, but your Taiyi Sect's way of hospitality is not at all semblance of a famous family's righteous way. I think it looks like an evil way of doing everything for the benefit!" Chen Dong Said with a relaxed face.

"You! Hmph! Chen Dong, you have repeatedly seriously injured my disciples, and even mutilated my younger brother. How dare you come to the Taiyi Sect by yourself!" The real Zilong's voice turned cold.

"If someone wanted to kill you, would you stick your neck out?" Chen Dong smiled.

"You!" That real Zilong's face turned blue.

"If others kill you but let others kill you, it only shows that you are stupid!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched.

"Puff!" Liu Yashu beside Chen Dong couldn't hold back a burst of laughter.

"You!" The real Zilong clenched his fists in anger.

When had the head of the Taiyi Sect, the majestic thousand-year-old sect of his own, been teased like this?And it was in front of all the disciples of the Taiyi Sect!
"Oh right! I'm here today to ask for two people. I think you should know what I'm referring to?" Chen Dong touched his forehead and said as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Important person? Haha! That depends on whether you can come to this hall alive!" Master Zilong said with a big laugh.

"It's as simple as that? Good! Righteous people are the most honest. If I can go to the hall alive, you must hand it over! If you don't hand it over, I will destroy your Taiyi Sect!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold .

"Mie Tai Yizong!"

"Who does he think he is!"

"Our Taiyi Sect is a great sect of cultivation that has been passed down for thousands of years!"

"It's really overreaching, asking for a dead end!"

As soon as Chen Dong's words came out, there was an uproar among the disciples of the Taiyi School.

The Taiyi School has been passed down for thousands of years, and no one has ever dared to say that!
From their point of view, the Taiyi Sect has eight elders of the Jindan stage and hundreds of disciples, how can the two of them destroy it?

This is a joke!

"Brother sect master, this son is so rampant that he must be eliminated, otherwise, what face will I have on my Taiyi sect!" said the second elder in the blue Taoist robe with a livid face.

"Second senior brother must be careful! This person's strength is by no means trivial!" said the third elder.

"Hmph! If the third junior brother is afraid, back off! See how I deal with this arrogant junior!" The second elder snorted coldly.


But before the third elder and old Taoist finished speaking, he saw that the second elder had already jumped out.

The second elder of the Taiyi Sect was dressed in a blue robe, standing in the air and looking down at the square, Chen Dong and the two looked quite fairy-like.

"噗!" A ray of water flashed out just after hearing the sound of the sword.

I saw a long sword gleaming with water in the right hand of the second elder.

This sword is nine feet long, and it seems to be wrapped with a layer of blue water light, which is extraordinary at first glance.

"What? You want to use force because you're wrong?" Chen Dong snorted.

"Hmph! Junior Chen Dong! Is Tai Yizong a place for you, a junior, to run wild? I advise you to catch him without a fight, or don't blame me for being rude." The second elder of Taiyi Sect shouted in a cold voice.

"Is it up to you? A joke!" Chen Dong smiled and ignored the second elder of the Taiyi Sect, but looked down at Liu Yashu.

"Close your eyes, and I will take you up to the main hall." Chen Dong said.

"Okay." Liu Yashu nodded, she would not hesitate at this time, even if she died with Chen Dong, she would be willing.

"Hmph! You are arrogant, kid!" The second elder saw that Chen Dong was too lazy to answer his own livid face.

But seeing his figure, he swung the water-blue long sword in his hand violently, and slashed towards Chen Dong!
"Hmph! Chen Dong! You're looking for death! As long as I kill you, I'll be the leader in front of the Cultivation Alliance! It's not impossible to replace the leader!" The second elder sneered .

He believed that with his strength in the mid-stage Golden Core, infinitely close to the late-stage Golden Core, he would definitely be able to kill Chen Dong!

And Chen Dongfei didn't intend to dodge, but walked towards the hall ahead with Liu Yashu in his arms.It seemed that he didn't pay attention to the second elder who was rushing upright at all.

"Is this kid looking for death? The second elder's water blue sword is the best of the top-grade spiritual weapons, comparable to the purple dragon sword of the master master!"

"Hmph! Extremely arrogant, asking for death!"

The disciples of the Taiyi Sect outside the main hall sneered.

"Hmph! Let's see how long you can be arrogant!" The second elder also snorted coldly.

"噗!" At this moment, the water-blue long sword in his hand was less than one meter away from Chen Dong!

But at this moment, Chen Dong moved!
But seeing Chen Dong suddenly raised his right hand, instead of attacking the second elder of the Taiyi Sect, he directly grabbed the water-blue long sword with his bare hands!
"What! Is he crazy? He went to pick up the blue water sword empty-handed!"

"This is to send yourself to death! And you will die without a whole body!"

Outside the main hall, there was another exclamation from the Taiyi Sect disciples on the stone steps on both sides.

This is the first time they have seen someone dare to pick up a high-grade spiritual weapon directly with bare hands!
"Hmph! Junior! You can't blame anyone else for looking for death!" The second elder laughed when he saw Chen Dong stretching out his hand to grab the sword.

"Dang!" At this moment, accompanied by a crisp sword cry, Chen Dong's hand directly grasped the blade.

"Haha! Go to hell! The execution order of the Cultivation Alliance is mine!" The second elder was overjoyed and almost cried out.

But in the next second, the second elder was also taken aback for a moment, and then his expression changed immediately!
"How...how could it be!" The second elder's eyes were wide open, his face was pale and colorless, because he found that the water blue sword in his hand could not move forward at all!
"No! This is impossible! The blue water is soaring to the sky!" But seeing the second elder of the Taiyi Sect kept shaking his head, at the same time, he was fully exerting the true energy in his body!

"Buzz! Buzz!" There was a sound of sword whining, but the water-blue long sword held by Chen Dong was full of water!It rises into the sky like a set of waterfalls!

"Huh!" All the people present held their breath and stared at the two men intently.

Above the main hall, even the real Zilong and several other elders were also staring at Chen Dong.

"Hoo hoo!" For a moment, blue light splashed all over Taiyizong Square, which was really beautiful.

But the second elder's face became more and more ugly!

An invisible terror could not help but arise from his heart!

"You're also called a sword?" At this moment, Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and he swung his hand holding the long sword to the side!
"Crack!" A crisp sound of metal breaking spread throughout the square!


But seeing the water-blue long sword break in response!

(End of this chapter)

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