Special masters on campus

Chapter 789 Taiyi Innate Sword Formation

Chapter 789 Taiyi Innate Sword Formation


Taiyizong, above the main hall square.

There was a scream accompanied by the sound of metal breaking.

But seeing the second elder of the Taiyi Sect spurt out a mouthful of blood, the whole person flew backwards.

And the water-blue long sword in his hand has already been broken into countless fragments!

"Bang Dang! Dang Dang!" Countless broken sword fragments fell on the stone floor of the square, and there was a pleasant crisp sound.

In an instant, Tai Yizong, who was still very noisy, suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked at the broken long sword and the second elder flying backwards in dumbfounded!
Before all this happened, no one would have thought that it would end like this!

This man named Chen Dong broke the second elder's water blue sword with his hand!
That is a magic weapon at the level of a high-grade spiritual weapon!

And what they didn't expect was that the Second Elder, who had reached the middle stage of Golden Core and was about to break through to the late stage of Golden Core, was vomited blood and flew backwards from Chen Dong's seemingly simple blow!

"Hiss!" Almost everyone gasped.

Now they understand that what the third elder said is completely true!This Chen Dong is too scary!

"Not good! Junior Taiyi Xiantian Sword Formation!" At this moment, Zilong Zhenren, the master of Taiyi Sect, was the first to react, and caught the second elder who was flying upside down.

"Follow the order of the sect master!" The other elders of the Taiyi Sect, including the three injured elders, rushed out of the hall at the same time, and their bodies flew into the air.

"Boo! Bash!" But hearing the continuous sound of sword cries, the six elders of the Taiyi Sect who ascended to the sky simultaneously sacrificed their magic weapons of immortal swords.

"Huh!" And the real Zilong placed the unconscious Second Elder on the main hall, and also rushed out of the main hall and flew into the air!
"噗!" A purple sword appeared in his right hand.

This big sword glowing with purple light is completely different from the water-blue long sword of the Second Elder just now.Although only six feet long, it was considerably wider.

Moreover, on the body of this purple great sword, there is still a faint purple dragon shadow constantly wandering.

This sword is called Zilong, which is named after the purple dragon soul on the blade.According to legend, Taiyizi, the founder of the Taiyi sect, killed the ancient Zilong, drew its soul and sealed it in the sword, hence the name Zilongjian.

This purple dragon sword is an ancient fairy sword named after Taiyi Sword in Taiyi Sect!

At this time, Chen Dong seemed to have not seen that these elders of the Taiyi Sect had already attacked at the same time, and walked towards the main hall of the Taiyi Sect in front of him, holding Liu Yashu with his eyes closed.

At the beginning, the speed of the two of them was not fast, but soon they were close to the Great Hall of Taiyizong.

"Junior Brothers, this person is the great enemy of our Taiyi Sect! This battle is related to the life and death of our Taiyi Sect! We must use all our strength to kill this son!" the Master Zilong shouted sharply.

"Understood!" The other six Taiyi Sect elders said at the same time.

"Good! Taiyi Innate Sword Formation!"

"噗!" As soon as the Zilong real person's voice fell, the Zilong sword Ziguang in the middle of the week made a masterpiece.

"Boom! Boom!" Immediately after him, the long swords in the hands of the other six Taiyi sect elders also flashed with various lights at the same time.

But seeing these seven old Taoists all standing in the air, arranged in the shape of a Big Dipper.

This sword formation is called Taiyi Xiantian Sword Formation, and it was created by Taiyizi, the founder of Taiyi Sect.

It is said that seven Jindan late-stage cultivators can fight against Nascent Soul early-stage powerhouses with this sword technique.

But among the seven old Taoists, except for the master Zilong Zhenren, none of them has reached the late stage of Jindan.But even this is enough to fight against all Jindan late stage powerhouses.This is also the reason why the Taiyi Sect has been able to occupy the top sect in the cultivation world without a strong Nascent Soul Stage master for thousands of years.

"Huh? Taiyi Xiantian Sword Formation?" Chen Dong smiled, "If all seven of you are late-stage Jindan, maybe it's worth my shot, but you are too weak." Leap forward to the Great Hall of Taiyi Sect!
"Hmph! Arrogance! Unless you are in the Nascent Soul stage, you will die under Taiyi's innate sword array! Take action!" The real Zilong snorted, and the Zilong sword in his hand slashed towards Chen Dong!
"Roar!" But seeing bursts of dragon chant faintly coming from above the purple dragon sword, rushing towards Chen Dong!

"Chem!" At the same time, the long swords in the hands of the other six elders also slashed at Chen Dong and the two of them at the same time!
In an instant, the seven-colored light on the Taiyizong Square was brilliant, reflecting the whole Taiyizong's sky, which is very beautiful.

But everyone knows what is behind the colorful glow that looks beautiful on the outside!
This is Tai Yizong's strongest blow!Even the strong in the later stage of Jindan can't resist it!

All this happened too fast, and the seven elders of the Taiyi Sect had the intention of killing Chen Dong!

It's just that seven long swords came to Chen Dong at the same time in an instant!

Seven high-grade spiritual weapons, fully controlled by seven Jindan stage powerhouses!
"Hmph!" But at this moment, Chen Dong was protecting Liu Yashu with one hand, and waved the other hand seemingly casually!
"Huh!" At this moment, everyone held their breath and focused on Chen Dong, for fear of missing any details.

In mid-air, the seven masters of the Taiyi School, including Master Zilong, all stared at Chen Dong.

This time, Chen Dong actually received the sword with his bare hands again!And it's seven!
"Get out!" But at this moment, Chen Dong snorted coldly!
"Crack! Crack!" almost at the same time accompanied by the sound of metal breaking!
"Boo! Bash!" The seven long swords that were all slashing at Chen Dong scattered in an instant!

"Dangdang! Dangdang!" In the sky, like a goddess scattering flowers, the colorful rays of light exploded in an instant!One by one, the broken swords were inserted into the hard ground with a whistling sound!


And at the same time that these long swords were flying and breaking, the seven old Taoists in mid-air also vomited blood and flew backwards!All fell heavily on the stone steps in front of the main hall!


"This is impossible!"

"Break the Taiyi Xiantian sword array with one hand!"

"Who is he! What kind of cultivation is he!"

All the ordinary disciples around were pale with fright!They dare not imagine that anyone in this world can do this!Just one move!With just one move, the Taiyi Innate Sword Formation of the sect master and the six elders was broken!

And when everyone was stunned, two figures had slowly landed on the stone steps above the main hall.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." At this moment, Chen Dong said to Liu Yashu in his arms.

"Hmm!" Liu Yashu never felt that she was a little girl, but at this time she really felt that she was a little girl.

"Wow! I'm not dreaming! Is this a TV show? What a beautiful hall!" Liu Yashu was deeply shocked by the magnificent hall of Tai Yizong.

"Let's go up and wait for your parents." Chen Dong smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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