Chapter 817 Sending You Back Home
"Brother Chen?" Chu Shanshan was taken aback for a moment, then her big eyes lit up suddenly, and she turned around quickly.

When she turned around, she saw Chen Dong standing in front of her.

"Brother Chen is really you!" Chu Shanshan jumped up like a cheerful little magpie.

"It's my girl." Chen Dong smiled.

"Great! I seem to be dreaming!" Chu Shanshan threw herself into Chen Dong's arms.

"You're not dreaming, I'm really back." Chen Dong patted Chu Shanshan's head and said.

At this time, Xu Jiaying and Tian Mihuizi also turned around.

"Chen Dong!"

"Chen Dong?"

Xu Jiaying had a surprised expression, while Tian Meikezi had a puzzled expression.

"It's me." Chen Dong nodded to the two girls.

"Chen Dong..." Seeing Chen Dong looking at her, Xu Jiaying, who had always been introverted, blushed and quickly lowered her head.

"Student Chen did you appear here?" Xu Jiaying asked with a puzzled expression.

"I will explain this matter to you later, we must leave here now, there is danger here!" Chen Dong said with a serious expression.

"Dangerous? Brother Chen, why is there danger here? We were looking at the scenery just now, look at how beautiful the sunset is on the sea!" Chu Shanshan, who was in Chen Dong's arms, stood up, her big watery eyes Wide open.

"Yes, Chen Dong, why is there danger here? The organizer of this event is a world-renowned travel company, and we are all safe along the way." Tian Meihuizi said.

"There is a problem with this company! I will take you out of here first, and I will explain to you later." Chen Dong said firmly.

"I believe in Brother Chen, let's leave first!" Although Chu Shanshan looked puzzled, she absolutely believed what Chen Dong said.

" too..." Xu Jiaying, who hadn't spoken much, nodded her head.

"Okay, classmate Chen Dong, let's leave here first." At this time, Tian Meihuizi also nodded and said.

"Okay." Chen Dong nodded. His purpose of coming here was not to fight anyone but to rescue the three girls.

"Crack! Crack!" But just as Chen Dong was about to take the three girls away from the high ground in the center of the island, there was a burst of clapping.

"Hoo hoo! Hoo hoo!" Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of whistling sounds, and around the four of them suddenly appeared nearly a hundred killers in black night clothes with samurai swords in hand.

These nearly a hundred killers surrounded Chen Dong and the others as if they had suddenly appeared!


"You... who are you!"

The appearance of this group of black-clothed killers immediately panicked other tourists around, and when they looked at the shining samurai swords in their hands, some people kept screaming.

"Brother Chen and them!" Chu Shanshan yelled out, holding Chen Dong's arm tightly with both hands.

The other two girls also paled.

"Don't panic, I'm here!" Chen Dong stood in front of the three girls with a relaxed expression.

In fact, Chen Dong had already seen that these killers were disguised by the employees of the so-called travel companies and some tourists. They just took off their disguises at the same time just now, apparently realizing that they had appeared.

"It was discovered quite quickly, it seems that I still laughed at you?" Chen Dong snorted coldly, but he didn't pay attention to these things alone.

"All those who don't want to die leave here and go back to the cruise ship!" Someone shouted in broken Chinese at this moment.

"Go! Let's go!"

"Please don't kill us!"

"We're back on the cruise ship!"

Who would dare to be disobedient when these tourists saw real swords and guns? They all walked towards the shore pier with their heads in their hands.

Soon, only Chen Dong and the group of men in black holding samurai swords were left on the highland sightseeing platform in the middle of the island.

"People from Dongying?" Chen Dong frowned slightly.

Judging from the costumes of these people, this time they used the lucky two-day trip to the East China Sea to lure the three girls to Haidong Island in the East China Sea, and it was the Japanese killer organization that led them to show up.

"The one who sent me the note should be a female killer who can hide her cultivation. What is your hidden secret, Junior Sister, that keeps you refusing to see me with your true colors?" Chen Dong looked around at the Japanese killers, With inference.

"Chen Dong! You finally appeared!" At this moment, a black-clothed killer said in broken Huaxia dialect.

"Chen Dong..."

The three girls behind Chen Dong all said with ugly faces.

Chen Dong smiled to signal them not to panic, then turned around and said with a relaxed expression.

"If you stop now, I can still give you a way to live with a smile."

"What are you talking about! Chen Dong, I know you are very powerful, but now you have three burdens by your side! If you don't want these three chicks to die because of you, I advise you to be obedient!" The killer leader said in a cold voice .

"Are you threatening me?" Chen Dong raised the corner of his mouth.

"Haha! What can I do if I threaten you? Obediently abolish your cultivation, I'm still thinking about letting these three chicks die!" The killer leader said with a sneer.

"Do you know what I hate the most?" Chen Dong said with a smile on his face.

"What do you hate?" The killer leader was taken aback. "How dare you say this when you are about to die? What do you hate? What does it matter to me?"

"No, it's very important. It's about your life." Chen Dong raised his mouth.

"Is it related to my life? Chen Dong, I think you are scared and start talking nonsense, right? Cowardly Chinese people are really ridiculous haha!" The killer leader laughed wildly, because in his opinion, Chen Dong has no way out this time can escape.

"Haha! The Chinese people who are scared out of their wits!" The nearly [-] Japanese killers around them also laughed wildly.Many of them are masters of the black mouth group carefully selected by the leader of the black mouth group, Heikoujian. The weakest ones are also in the late stage of Qi refining, so they can be said to be the elite of the entire black mouth group.

Chen Dong shook his head, then suddenly his eyes turned cold, and he stretched out his hand to grab the killer leader from the air!
"Ha... ah!" The killer leader who was still laughing wildly, his voice changed, and he felt that he was suddenly pulled forward by an irresistible force!

When he came to his senses, Chen Dong grabbed his neck and lifted him up in the air!

"You..." The killer leader's eyes were wide open, full of fear and disbelief!
He knew that Chen Dong's strength was very strong, but he never dreamed that Chen Dong's strength was so strong!Let alone fight back, I don't even have a chance to react!



The killers around came back to their senses at this time, but none of them dared to act rashly.

"I'll tell you what I hate now. First, I hate people threatening me. Second, I hate people insulting me as a Chinese!" Chen Dong said with a smile on his face.


"Unfortunately, I hate both of you, so you only have one way." Chen Dong smiled.

"no no!"

"I'll take you back to your hometown!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and he grabbed the killer's neck with his right hand and swung towards the east!

(End of this chapter)

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