Special masters on campus

Chapter 818 I'm just insulting you

Chapter 818 I'm just insulting you
"Ah!" In the depths of the East China Sea, there was a scream like a pig being slaughtered above Haidong Island.

And the killer leader had long since disappeared, and his screams became weaker and weaker.

This made the killers around really doubt whether their Shangfeng was really thrown back to his hometown by this Huaxia man named Chen Dong!

At this moment, Chen Dong put his hand into his trouser pocket.



Chen Dong's move made the Japanese assassins who had already been frightened around them nervous all of a sudden, and they all backed away.

Because they thought that Chen Dong probably wanted that magic weapon!
But Chen Dong took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped his hands, then waved his hand, and the tissue instantly burned into ashes.

"Wow! Brother Chen is so handsome!" At this moment, Chu Shanshan laughed like a leader.

"Handsome." Chen Dong smiled.

"Super handsome!" Chu Shanshan almost jumped up.With Chen Dong by her side, she didn't even feel that she was in danger.

"Ah! Chen Dong! You are insulting us!" At this time, the assassins all realized what Chen Dong's actions meant just now. hand!
"Yeah, I'm just insulting you, what's the matter?" Chen Dong raised the corner of his mouth and said contemptuously.

"You!" The killers around were about to vomit blood in anger at Chen Dong's understatement!

As killers, they have always had a high self-esteem. When have they been so despised?And the other party is a Chinese!

"Let's do it together! No matter how strong he is, he still has to protect the three burdens around him! I don't believe he can still live!"


"Ah!" Accompanied by strange yells, the Japanese killers around Chen Dong were almost at the same time rushing towards the four of them with their knives!

"Chen Dong!"

"Chen Dong!"

"Brother Chen!"

The three women who had never seen such a formation screamed at the same time.

The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up, "I admire your courage to face death like home! But you are too weak!"

But seeing Chen Dong's eyes turn cold, he waved his hands lightly to both sides!

In an instant, a golden layer of true energy appeared around Chen Dong and the others.

"Go to hell, Chinese people!"

At this time, those killers had already rushed forward, and nearly a hundred long knives gleaming with cold light slashed straight down!




But when the samurai swords in their hands touched the golden infuriating layer, they all broke almost at the same time!



Then the strange screams were replaced by screams, but seeing these killers rushing forward, they just felt that they had hit an invisible wall, and all of them flew backwards!



Afterwards, these killers who were still screaming all fell to the ground like dead pigs, some were still screaming in pain, and some really passed out.


Men in black were densely packed around the viewing platform in the center of the island. Before they even got close to Chen Dong's side, they had already lost their combat power.

The huge gap in realm determined that no matter how many of these killers there were, they couldn't fight Chen Dong at all.

"Yeah! Brother Chen is the best! Kill you bad guys!" Chu Shanshan, who was originally nervous and pale, jumped up.

Xu Jiaying's complexion also looked better, but she didn't show off like Chu Shanshan, but stood behind Chen Dongwo and looked at Chen Dong silently.

Tian Meihui on the side also had an ugly face, but the reason for her ugly face was not because of those Japanese killers, but because of Chen Dong's strength.

"So strong! It seems that the deputy team leader is right! Chen Dong's strength has become stronger again!" A cold light flashed deep in Tian Meihuizi's eyes.

They didn't expect these ordinary killers to kill Chen Dong, they only hoped to delay Chen Dong and even cause a little damage to Chen Dong, but now it seems that it is impossible!
"Chen Dong, what should we do now?" Tian Meihui asked with a "panic" face.

"I'll take you away immediately!" Chen Dong turned around and said to the three girls.

"Before the masters of the Cultivation Alliance arrive, we must let the three girls leave as soon as possible. We must not let them stay with me, it will be more dangerous!" Chen Dong thought to himself.

"Okay!" The three girls all looked at Chen Dong and nodded together.

"Hmph! Chen Dong! Does the person who killed me leave like this?" At this moment, a cold snort came from the sky.

"Huh!" At this moment, a figure was seen falling from the sky on the viewing platform.

This person is none other than the leader of the Heikou group, and the strongest person in the Heikou group, Heikoujian.The strength has reached the middle stage of Jindan.

"Boom! Boom!"

And just after Heikoujian fell, the five figures also jumped from under the key tower to the viewing platform.

The strength of these five people is generally in the middle and late stages of Qi Sea, but Chen Dong noticed a person he felt very familiar with.

It was the Japanese female killer who had fought against him several times before.

"Junior Sister, is that you?" Chen Dong narrowed his eyes.

"Who are you?" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Heikoujian, Heikoujian!" Heikoujian said in a cold voice. This time, his Heikou team suffered heavy losses. If he couldn't win Chen Dong, he would lose a lot!
"Heikoujian? From Dongying? Why don't you stay in your hometown and come to Huaxia?" Chen Dong said with a curled up corner of his mouth.

"Chen Dong! Now the Cultivation Alliance has issued an order to kill you! You should know how valuable your life is!" Heikoujian said in a dark voice.

"My life is very valuable, of course I know, but if you want to take my life, you need to see if you have the strength." Chen Dong looked at the female killer and said.

"Hmph! Chen Dong, I know you are very strong, maybe I am not your opponent! But as long as you hold you back for a while, someone will come to kill you! I believe I still have this strength!" Kou Jian sneered.

"Really? But I don't think you have!" Chen Dong disappeared instantly with a smile!



Just when Heikoujian hadn't reacted at all, accompanied by two screams, the two killers standing beside him had already flew backwards.

"Huh!" And Chen Dong's figure returned to the front of the three girls again.

"Damn it!" Heikoujian clenched his fists tightly, with an angry expression on his face. Before he could even react, Chen Dong had already completed the attack!

"This! This!" Two of the remaining three killers began to retreat continuously. The strong strength Chen Dong showed twice in a row had scared them out of their wits.

"Chen Dong! You don't want to leave here!" But Heikoujian grabbed a general samurai sword in his hand.

"Crack stab!" A silver lightning flashed suddenly on the katana in the next second!

"3 minutes! You only need to hold you for 3 minutes, and several venerables of the Cultivation Alliance will arrive! The reward for the killing order is from me, Heikoujian!"

"噗!" But heikoujian charged towards Chen Dong and the others with a long knife that was shining with lightning!

(End of this chapter)

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