Special masters on campus

Chapter 836 Die together

Chapter 836 Die Together

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, but the Ziweizi hit the ground of Haidong Island heavily, making a big hole on the island!
It can be seen how terrifying the power of this blow is!
However, this Ziweizi is a top powerhouse in the Nascent Soul stage after all, so naturally he would not be injured so easily, and he quickly rushed out of the pit again.

"Ah! Who is it! Who is so bold to attack this deity!" Ziweizi yelled frantically, and was blown away by someone, without even seeing what the opponent's face looked like. His Holiness is very shameless.

"The person who sent you on your way." At this moment, the sea water in the sky was completely poured down, and a figure appeared.

"It's you! How is that possible! You were seriously injured and dying by the brother in charge. Even if you survived, you would never have the strength to fight again!" When Ziweizi saw who the figure opposite was, he couldn't help but There was a click.

This figure was none other than Chen Dong, Chen Dong who had been seriously injured and unconscious in the sea!
Obviously, Chen Dong's reappearance greatly exceeded Ziweizi's expectation.

"Wow!" At this time, there was another wave on the sea surface, and Lin Wan also emerged from the water, hugging the seriously injured Su Mengru in her arms.

"Master, are you okay?" Lin Wan looked at Su Mengru eagerly.

"Xiao Wan? Xiao Dong? You... Mistress is fine." Apparently, the reappearance of Chen Dong and Lin Wan also surprised Su Mengru.

"Master, I'm fine with senior brother..." For some reason, when Lin Wan finished saying this sentence, a faint blush flashed across Lin Wan's face.

"Okay! Okay! Don't worry, Mrs. Madam, I'm really afraid..." Although Su Mengru's face was pale at this moment, seeing that Chen Dong and Lin Wan were both safe and sound, she was obviously relieved.

At this moment, Tian Xuanzi, who had not made a move in the sky, also naturally saw this scene, but he didn't seem to intend to make a move against Chen Dong.

"Hmph, this junior is indeed interesting..."

Over the vicinity of Haidong Island.

"Hmph! So what if you haven't died yet? Since you don't run away but choose to continue to resist, then this deity will fulfill you!" Ziweizi had a cold smile on his face.

"Just you? You have the ability to brag. Fighting wars is a man's business. It's hard to say whether you have this ability." Chen Dong smiled.

Of course Ziweizi could hear that Chen Dong was calling him male or female!A veteran powerhouse of Yang Tianding's level looked down on him and could bear it, but how could he swallow this bad breath when he was underestimated by a junior like Chen Dong over and over again?

"Boy, do you dare to insult me? Go to hell!" But Ziweizi slashed towards Chen Dong with a twisted face!
"Junior Sister, take Master Mistress to the island first!" Chen Dong's eyes were serious. Although he deliberately provoked Ziweizi, he couldn't ignore him in his heart. Although Ziweizi's strength was inferior to Tianxuanzi and Xuanbingzi , but still not to be underestimated!
"Okay!" Lin Wan nodded, and supported Su Mengru, who was covered in injuries, to swim towards Haidong Island.

"No! Xiaowan Xiaodong, Ziweizi, is very powerful. You guys go first, and I will stay behind to hold him back!" Su Mengru said hastily.

"Haha! Want to leave? None of you can leave today!" Ziweizi sneered, and the Ziwei sword in his hand had already slashed in front of Chen Dong.

From Ziweizi's point of view, even if Chen Dong is not dead, he must have been seriously injured, and it is impossible for him to fight back.

"Joke!" But Chen Dong raised the corner of his mouth, and disappeared suddenly in a flash!
"What!" Ziweizi's expression changed, and he suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

"Huh!" Almost at the same time, Chen Dong suddenly appeared behind Ziweizi, and a golden light flashed on his left fist, and he punched down!
"Not good!" The Violet wanted to dodge instinctively, but Chen Dong's speed was too fast, it was already too late!
"Boom!" But Ziweizi flew towards the sea like a shell fired!

"Pfft!" Violet spewed out a mouthful of blood mist, his face full of disbelief!

"This! How is this possible! He is obviously seriously injured! Why is he still so powerful!"

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, Ziweizi smashed into the sea heavily.

Chen Dong's gaze fell on the island coldly.

At this time, Lin Wan had already helped Su Mengru ashore from the sea.

At this time, Su Mengru was covered with wounds, and blood was continuously flowing out from the wound.

The sword energy of this Ziwei Immortal Sword is extremely domineering, and the wounds caused by it are constantly tearing, making the wounds continue to bleed.

So even if Su Mengru's cultivation is very deep, it is difficult to recover in a short time.

"Xiaodong, Xiaowan, what are you..." Su Mengru looked at Chen Dong, obviously she didn't understand why Chen Dong's injuries were fully recovered in such a short period of time, and his strength had increased, so he was able to repel Ziweizi .

"Master, let me heal your injuries first. I know what you want to ask. I will explain this matter to you later." Chen Dong said.

At this time, Lin Wan, who was supporting Su Mengru, lowered her head, her face blushing.

Su Mengru looked at Chen Dong and then at Lin Wan, then nodded, and did not continue to ask. Now that the situation is critical, it is indeed not the time to ask.

"Come on, Junior Sister helps Master Mistress to sit down." Chen Dong said to Lin Wan.

"Ah, good!" Lin Wan was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly and supported Su Mengru to sit down.

"Junior Sister, you protect the Dharma!"

"Okay!" Lin Wan nodded firmly.

Chen Dong also sat down cross-legged, golden light shone in his hands, and endless pure yang power burst out from his body.

Waves of gentle pure yang power instilled into Su Mengru's body, making her originally pale face gradually turn bloody.At the same time, the wounds on his body that were injured by Ziwei's sword energy are also healing quickly.

"Boom!" But at this moment, a sound came from the sea, and the purple-robed venerable Ziweizi rushed out of the sea again!
"Chen Dong, I want you to die!" Ziweizi rushed towards Chen Dong and the others with a ferocious face.

"Brother!" Lin Wan's face was full of nervousness, she couldn't resist Ziweizi's attack at all with her strength!
"What an annoying mad dog!" Chen Dong stared coldly at Ziweizi who was rushing straight.

"Xiaodong, take Xiaowan and leave first, don't worry about the teacher!" Su Mengru suddenly opened her eyes.

"No! Mistress, we must not leave you behind, even you and I will die with you!" Lin Wan stood in front of Chen Dong and Su Mengru, ready to fight to the death with Ziweizi!
"Haha! Since you want to die so much, then this deity will fulfill you!" Ziweizi grinned grimly.

"噗!" The Ziwei Immortal Sword entwined with Ziwu slashed at Lin Wan who was standing in the front!
(End of this chapter)

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