Special masters on campus

Chapter 837 Are You Looking For Me?

Chapter 837 Are You Looking For Me?

"Om!" The Ziwei sword flashing purple sword light came to Lin Wan in an instant.

Lin Wan didn't choose to dodge, but used her whole body to fight to the death!
However, even though Lin Wan's cultivation had increased dramatically to the late stage of Sea of ​​Qi when she was underwater, it was absolutely impossible to resist Ziweizi's sword.

At this moment, Chen Dong was healing Su Mengru's wounds and he couldn't separate himself. This is the sophistication of Ziweizi, and he seized this opportunity to launch an attack.

And just when Ziweizi was about to win, he saw Chen Dong make a move with one hand and a white glow flashed by!
bass!In an instant, Tai Yijian appeared with a sword horizontally in front of Lin Wan!
A crisp sound of "Dang!" spread in all directions, dazzling sparks splashed in all directions, and the blade of Ziwei Sword directly touched Tai Yijian's body.

At this time, Taiyi Sword was only one foot away from Lin Wan, if he took another half step at night, Lin Wan would definitely die.

"Brother!" Lin Wan's eyes lit up before she realized it, and hurriedly backed away.

"Chen Dong!" That Ziweizi stared at Chen Dong viciously.

At this time, one hand of Chen Dong continued to send true energy into the teacher's wife, while the other hand manipulated the Taiyi Sword from the air to fight against Ziweizi.

"What! He can block my attack just now with just one hand! Could it be that he has not only fully recovered from his injuries but also become stronger? How is this possible? He recovered from such a serious injury in such a short period of time. The injury is already a miracle, you must know that it was caused by the brother in charge! And he not only recovered from the injury, but also strengthened his cultivation!" The more Ziweizi thought about it, the more puzzled he became, but in this situation he did not understand. He would think too much, now he only has one goal, and that is to kill Chen Dong and the other three by any means!

"Hmph! Chen Dong, even if your strength increases, I don't believe that you can stop my attack with one hand!" Ziweizi's face was cold, and now there is Tianxuanzi, the master of the Cultivation Alliance, in the sky Looking at the two battlefields.If he couldn't even handle Chen Dong with one hand, then he would definitely be inferior in Tianxuanzi's eyes.

"Purple Qi is coming from the east! The Phantom of Purple Charm!" At this moment, the Ziwei Sword in Ziweizi's hand was constantly changing and flickering, and for a while, countless figures like Ziweizi appeared in the sky holding the Ziwei Sword !

"See how you can resist!" In an instant, countless figures rushed towards Chen Dong at the same time!

"Xiaodong, be careful, only one of them is his body!" Su Mengru said with an ugly face, Su Mengru was injured by this move just now.

"If I'm not mistaken, only the main body's attack can be lethal, and the phantom is just to confuse the opponent!" Chen Dong raised his mouth.

"Pure Yang Body Protector!" With a thought in Chen Dong's mind, the pure Yang Body Protector zhenqi instantly enveloped the three people on his side together.

"Bang bang!" Almost at the same time, the body shield's true energy shattered continuously, and it was obvious that facing a strong man like Ziweizi, the body shield's true energy alone would be unable to defend against it.

However, at the same time when Chen Dong's protective body qi disappeared, the phantom of the Ziweizi that filled the sky also disappeared instantly, and there was only one figure left!
Needless to say, this is exactly the Ziweizi's body, and this is exactly what Chen Dong wants to achieve.

"What! He was able to break my purple phantom!" Ziweizi's expression changed.

"The healing is complete, Junior Sister takes good care of Master Mistress!" At this moment, Chen Dong suddenly jumped into the air and rushed towards Ziweizi.

Lin Wan quickly helped Su Mengru up.

At this time, Su Mengru's complexion obviously improved a lot, and most of the wounds on her body were healed.The healing effect of Chen Dong's pure yang zhenqi is really excellent.

"Now is the time to get rid of this mad dog!" Chen Dong raised his mouth.

"Hmph! It's up to you!" Ziweizi sneered.

"It's up to me!" Chen Dong smiled, clasping his hands together in front of him.

"Six Yang Xuantian!"

"Hoo hoo! Hoo hoo!" In an instant, five dazzling golden lights appeared in front of him.

"This is!" Ziweizi's face turned cold, he instinctively felt the terrifying power contained in the five golden lights!

But at this moment, the two sides are already on the verge of death, so he doesn't allow him to think too much, so he can only bite the bullet and meet him with a sword!
"Blow me up!" Chen Dong said in a cold voice with cold eyes.

At the same time, he quickly retreated to Su Mengru and Lin Wan to protect them.

"Boom! Boom!" Almost at the same time, there was a silent and violent explosion in the sky above Haidong Island.

"Buzz! Buzz!" A streak of golden light shot up into the sky, heading towards the sky in all directions.

The sky above Haidong Island, which was originally dark, was completely illuminated by this golden light in an instant.

"Boom! Crack!" And under the golden light, the buildings and rocks on the island were shattered into pieces, and they were all washed into the sea.

And because Chen Dong protected Su Mengru and Lin Wan in time, only the two of them were spared the harm of this terrifying golden light.

"Ah!" At this moment, a scream came from the air.

But seeing a group of purple thick fog receding incessantly in the golden light, the scream came from this thick fog.

"Boom!" At this moment, the group of purple mist exploded and dissipated, revealing Ziweizi's figure.

At this moment, the majestic purple-robed venerable of the Cultivation Alliance is in a state of distress, and the originally magnificent purple robe is now full of holes.And his originally flowing purple long hair also became burnt at this moment.

Now Ziweizi doesn't look like a Venerable, but more like a beggar.

"Damn it! How did this kid become stronger again! In such a short period of time, he not only healed his injuries but also enhanced his cultivation! How did he do it! What happened!" Ziweizi was full of doubts. , There are 1 things in my heart that I can't understand.

If the blow just now hadn't been for his timely defense, I'm afraid it would not be as simple as being embarrassed, but would be injured.In short, although he had 1 doubts in his heart, he still accepted the fact that Chen Dong's current strength had not decreased but increased.

"The lord of the Cultivation Alliance? Claiming to be the strongest in the Cultivation World? Then start with you, and I'll get rid of them one by one!" Chen Dong smiled and made a move with one hand.

"噗!" At this moment, the Taiyi sword appeared again in Chen Dong's hand.

"Hmph! Junior Chen Dong, you are too arrogant! Even if your injuries heal and your cultivation has improved, so what! Wanting to kill this deity is just a dream!" Ziweizi sneered.

"Huh!" At this moment, Chen Dong's figure suddenly disappeared.

That Ziweizi's face became serious, and he tried his best to perceive the position of Chen Dong.

"Damn! Why is there no spiritual energy fluctuation!" At this moment, Ziweizi's face changed, and he found that he could not perceive Chen Dong's position at all.

"Are you looking for me?" At this moment, a cold voice came from his ear.

"not good!"

(End of this chapter)

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