Special masters on campus

Chapter 847 Cut through the void

Chapter 847 Cut through the void
"Hoo hoo!" Accompanied by the sound of howling, the originally huge mass of sword lights in the sky shrunk three times in an instant!
The range from the original nine feet in radius has been reduced to one foot!

Each of these black blade glows was cut out by the black long knife in Tianxuanzi's hand, and this black long knife has reached the terrifying middle-grade fairy artifact rank!

There will never be more than three middle-grade immortal artifacts in today's comprehension world!

Each of these black sword glows can severely damage the strong in the early Yuanying period.If they are hit by two sword lights in a row, even the strong in the early Yuanying period will be either killed or injured!

But at this moment, the man in black was shrouded in death by hundreds of sword glows at the same time!
He has no room to dodge at all, and if he wants to survive, he must resist these terrifying sword lights.

"The black robe has lost the space to dodge, let's see how you can fight against my Heaven's Punishment Saber! Haha!" Tian Xuanzi stared sullenly at the shrinking blade light in front of him.

"A middle-grade immortal weapon plus a realm above the mid-stage Nascent Soul, Tianxuanzi is really too strong this time. I wonder if the black robe can withstand Tianxuanzi's attack this time!" Chen Dong stared at the sky with serious eyes.

Chen Dong knew that if the black-robed man was killed by Tianxuanzi, he would surely die today even if his master and wife took action.

But from the moment he decided to come to Haidong Island, he was already ready for this!
At least now he has fulfilled the purpose of coming to Donghai City, he has found his junior sister Lin Wan.

"Is it really over like this?" Chen Dong thought to himself, he always had a feeling that the aesthetic black-robed man not only had an extraordinary relationship with him, but also his strength was definitely not inferior to Tianxuanzi!
"It's over!" Tian Xuanzi's indifferent voice came from the sky, as if the gods were giving the final judgment to the mortal beings.

You are weak, but he represents the sky!
You can't resist the will of God, that's what He wants to express!
"噗!" But seeing Xuanzi clenched the black long knife in his hands that day, he called it the Heaven's Punishment Sword.

"What is heaven? What is immortal! It's just some stronger people pretending to be a ghost!" But at this moment, a hoarse voice came from the sword light!
"What!" The expression on Tian Xuanzi's indifferent face changed!
The three people on the island also all looked at the black blade light.

"You haven't died yet? How is this possible? How can you block the Heaven's Punishment Saber!" Tian Xuanzi's expression turned extremely ugly.

"The deity will give you another ride!" Tian Xuanzi clasped his hands together in front of him with a cold face.

"Boom!" The sword glow in the sky that had shrunk to a range of ten feet shrank again!
Two meters five!
Two meters!

The range covered by the black sword light is still shrinking!

"Haha! This deity makes your soul fly away, and your body and spirit are destroyed!" Tian Xuanzi clasped his hands together and controlled those terrifying black blade lights to spin rapidly.

At this time, I saw that there was a black ball in the sky that was constantly rolling and rotating.

"Hoo hoo!" The ear-piercing sound of piercing the air continued to spread in all directions.

These all-conquering blade lights cut through the air!

Not to mention the people inside!
"Huh!" And at this moment, a trace of black flame suddenly ignited on the rapidly spinning black light!

"This!" Tian Xuanzi frowned, apparently he did not expect this to happen.

"Hoo hoo!" But soon the flame on the black blade light was burning faster and faster, and the fire was getting bigger and bigger!
In the blink of an eye, it seemed like a black fireball was burning in the sky!
"Huh!" Before Tian Xuanzi attacked again, he saw that this black fireball was flying directly towards Tian Xuanzi!

"What!" Xuanzi's expression changed that day, but he is the master of the Cultivation Alliance after all, so he wouldn't just panic like this.

"Chess!" But Jian Tianxuanzi quickly cut out the black long knife in his hand without retreating.

"噗噗!咒噗!" In an instant, the endless black blade light swarmed towards the black fireball that was flying at extreme speed.

"Boom!" But seeing these black blade lights continuously chopping on the black fireball.

But these blade lights that can cut through everything in this world disappeared as silently as a mud cow sinking into the water after cutting on the black fireball, but did not cut through the black fireball.

Soon the blade light that was originally like a wave was completely submerged into the black fireball, without causing any destructive power without sound.

On the contrary, the black fireball, which was originally only the size of a sheet, grew bigger and bigger. In just a short moment, the black fireball soared to three feet!
"Boom!" The huge black fireball crashed towards Tian Xuanzi!
At this time, the distance between the two sides was less than one meter away, and Tian Xuanzi had no time to dodge, so he could only bite the bullet and slash the black long knife in front of him.

"Boom!" Almost at the same time, the huge black fireball directly hit the black long knife in Tian Xuanzi's hand!

"Ah!" Xuanzi snorted that day, and his whole body was hit backwards by the huge fireball.

Not to mention that, countless tongues of black flames sprang out from the black fireball and rushed towards Tian Xuanzi's body in an instant.

"No!" But when Tian Xuanzi felt that something was wrong, his whole body was completely entangled on the fireball by these black tongues of flame!
And this day Xuanzi obviously had no way to deal with the black flame, it couldn't be extinguished at all!
"Damn it! It's been tricked! Everything before this black robe is to control my body now!" Tian Xuanzi frowned, thinking to himself.

He is now fully circulating the majestic zhenqi in his body, tightly protecting every part of his body, so that these strange and scorching black fires cannot cause damage to his body.

"Hmph! Hei Pao, I know you want to use your black fire to entangle me, but I have the Nine Heavens Star Robe to protect my body. Even if your black fire technique is stronger, you can't even think about hurting me!" The human voice said in a cold voice.

"A magic robe and a knife that your master gave are good, but it's a pity that a dog is enough after all, wearing human clothes is still a dog!" At this time, a figure flew backwards from the black fireball !

It was the man in the black robe who was trapped by the black sword light just now, and he was unscathed!
"What! He can resist the Sky Punishment Knife!" Tian Xuanzi was secretly startled.

"If your master came in person, I might still be a little bit afraid, but you, a dog, want to kill me?" The black-robed man's hoarse voice came again.

"Hmph! What kind of skill is it to talk? Do you dare to fight with me in an upright manner?" Tian Xuanzi looked at the man in black while resisting the black flames on his body with all his strength.

"Okay! Then I'll make you understand! Blow me up!" At this moment, the man in black's voice suddenly turned cold, and he waved his sleeve.

"Boom!" The black fireball in the sky exploded instantly!

(End of this chapter)

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