Special masters on campus

Chapter 848 Burning Fire

Chapter 848 Burning Fire
"Boom!" Deep in the East China Sea.

Suddenly a dazzling light appeared in the sky.

Within a radius of fifty miles in the sky, all the clouds were instantly dispersed.

"Crash! Crash!" There were waves of monstrous waves on the surface of the sea, like a hurricane approaching.

On Haidong Island.

Su Mengru used all her zhenqi to cover Chen Dong and Lin Wan behind her, even so, there were still cracks in the zhenqi layer.

And this is just the impact, one can imagine what kind of bombardment Tianxuanzi, who was deep in the center of the fireball explosion, experienced.

"Is this the strength of a real strong man!" Chen Dong stared at the sky with bloodshot eyes.

At this time, he deeply realized how big the gap was between himself and a top powerhouse like Heipao!If the black robe wanted to kill him, he would have died more than once or twice.

"Ah!" And at this moment, there was a scream in the sky.

"Tianxuanzi?" Chen Dong could hear the voice, it wasn't the black robe, but Tianxuanzi!
"Huh!" At this moment, a figure in the sky flew upside down from the exploding fireball.

The whole body of this person was completely covered by black flames, and he quickly fell towards the sea.

It was none other than Xuanzi Tiantian!

"Damn it!" Tian Xuanzi yelled frantically at this moment, but the black flames on his body could not be extinguished but burned more and more!
Although he has the Nine Heavens Star Robe body shield that can resist the attack of the black robe man, but it can't resist the high temperature of the black flame!
At this moment, it was because of this great robe that the flames on his body burned more violently, and the temperature was terribly high!

"Then let the flames burn more violently!" At this time, the hoarse voice of the black robed man in the sky who was completely integrated into the darkness came again.

"Fire that burns the sky!"

"Huh!" Hei was afraid that the blackness on Xuanzi's body instantly increased immediately before he finished speaking!
"Ah!" For a moment, Xuanzi seemed to be on fire.

The black flames are pervasive, and even the Nine Heavens Star Robe Body Protector with Immortal Artifact Level cannot stop the burning of the black flames.

"What a strong flame! This black flame should be comparable to my own Pure Yang True Fire. It's just that the black robe man can control far more black flames than his own Pure Yang True Fire. It's not in the same order of magnitude at all. .” Chen Dong thought to himself while looking at the sky.

Moreover, the man in black seemed to know Tian Xuanzi very well, knowing the two strongest magic weapons of Tian Xuanzi.

One is the black long sword of the middle-grade fairy weapon, which is very powerful. With Chen Dong's strength, he still can't see how the black robe can withstand hundreds of sword attacks just now.

This medium-grade fairy weapon can be said to be Tian Xuanzi's strongest attack method, and its power is far higher than his ten-foot magic body and Xuantian finger.

And Tianxuanzi's other fairy-level magic weapon is the nine-day star robe he wears.

This Nine Heavens Star Robe is not only the standard of the Master of the Cultivation Alliance, it is also a middle-grade immortal weapon!The difference between this magic robe and the Heaven's Punishment Knife is that this magic weapon is a magic weapon with extremely strong defense.

Randomly, the black-robed man took advantage of his speed to hit Tianxuanzi several times before and did not hurt him because of the magic robe on him.

Therefore, if he wanted to really hurt Tianxuanzi, he had to break through the defense of the Nine Heavens Star Robe.And the best way is to let him take off the Nine Heavens Star Robe by himself!

But now Tianxuanzi's body was completely engulfed by the black fire, the only thing he could do to save his life was to take back the Nine Heavens Star Robe!Otherwise, even if he was not burned to death, he would be roasted to death.

"Damn it!" Tian Xuanzi roared angrily, and made a move with one hand.

"Phew!" In an instant, the black robe on his body disappeared, and the black fire that originally enveloped him also disappeared.

Obviously, the Nine Heavens Star Robe was taken back by him.

"Black robe! If this deity is not destroyed today, you swear that you will not be a human being!" Tianxuanzi's face was sullen. He was completely ashamed by the black robe just now.As the leader of the Cultivation Alliance and No. 1 in the current Cultivation World, he couldn't swallow this breath!
"It's just a dog in clothes, why are you talking about not being human?" The black robe laughed wildly, Tian Xuanzi took back the nine-day star robe and temporarily escaped the burning of the black fire, but this was obviously the result that the man in the black robe wanted.

"I don't believe that your black fire is endless!" Xuanzi snorted coldly that day, and suddenly a black light flashed on the black long knife in his hand!

Under the bright moonlight, this Heavenly Punishment Saber cut through the sky like a streak, changing from a length of one foot to a sword of three feet in an instant!

"I want to see how you can resist the Heaven's Punishment Sword!" Tian Xuanzi sneered, his body turned into a phantom, and in the next second he appeared in front of the man in black.

"噗!" The three-foot-long black sword fell from the sky as if it shattered the void, with piercing sounds!

This knife can cut through the void!

Even if it is an old monster in the early stage of Nascent Soul, if he is cut by this knife, he will die physically and mentally!

"Hmph! Without the tortoise shell, what can you do!" The black-robed man disappeared instantly with a smile.

"Boom!" The three-zhang broadsword slashed down immediately, but it slashed empty again.

"Boom!" A monstrous huge wave was pulled up on the surface of the sea.

"Do you think you are the only one with the knife?" At this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly came from behind him.

"What!" Tian Xuanzi suddenly turned around and stabbed him.

And almost at the same time, the man in the black robe had an extra broad epee in his hand, and the swords intersected!
"Dang!" For a moment, the light splashed, and a piercing sound of metal collision spread throughout the sky!

"Buzz!" A series of sharp sound waves rushed in all directions like invisible waves in the sky.

above the island.

Su Mengru's eyes were serious, and when she saw this situation, she immediately shouted, "Xiaodong, Xiaowan! You all try your best to seal your hearing!"

"En!" Chen Dong and Lin Wan understood what Su Mengru meant, if they didn't seal off their hearing in time, the sonic boom might be enough to deafen their ears!

"Clatter clatter!" At this time, there was a burst of whiteness between Chen Dong and the three of them.

At this time, it was caused by the rapid vibration and shattering of the sea water by the impact of the sound waves.

If Chen Dong and the others hadn't sealed their hearing, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Even watching a battle of this level from a distance is in danger of death at any time.

"Dangdang! Boom!" At this time, there were bursts of roaring sounds in the sky again.

But I saw Xuanzi slashing wildly with a three-zhang black knife that day, while the man in black on the other side also slashed out with a frontless epee in one hand!

The flames and black lights in the sky flickered non-stop, playing strangely and terrifyingly in the bright night sky.

The air is full of invisible shock waves, any living thing will be ruthlessly shaken to pieces!
"Crash! Crash!" The white waves that were originally smiling on the sea surface were rolling more and more violently, and the range was more than three times larger than the original ten-mile radius!
"It's over!" And at this moment, the black-robed man slashed at Tianxuanzi with a sword, and a black flame suddenly ignited on the originally pitch-black heavy sword!

"Not good!" After all, Tian Xuanzi's speed was half a beat slower!

(End of this chapter)

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