Special masters on campus

Chapter 850 1 life for 1 life

Chapter 850 One life for another

Standing on Haidong Island, Chen Dong looked at the direction where Tianxuanzi and Junior Sister Lin Wan disappeared, his eyes were full of blood!
He knew that the reason why junior sister Lin Wan was taken away by Tianxuanzi was entirely because of himself!
What Tianxuanzi came was just a clone. After knowing that his clone could not fight against the man in black, his purpose became very clear.

That is to lure the man in black to the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance!

And the premise of wanting to lure the man in black to the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance is that Chen Dong has to forcibly break into the Cultivation Alliance!
Now Chen Dong can completely conclude that not only the deities of the other eight venerables of the Cultivation Alliance cannot leave the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance, but even the deity of Tianxuanzi cannot leave the Cultivation Alliance.

"Junior Sister! Even if it's a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​flames, I must go!" Chen Dong's eyes were red, and his fists were clenched.

"Forcibly breaking into the Cultivation Alliance? With your strength, you can only go to the door of someone's house at most, and you don't even have the chance to enter the main door." At this time, the man in black snorted coldly.

"I know the purpose of Xuanzi's actions that day. But I will go back to save people no matter what. As for you, I don't care, let alone take such risks for me." Chen Dong raised the corner of his mouth, his eyes were cold.

"Haha!" At this time, the man in black suddenly laughed, as if he had encountered something ridiculous.

"What are you laughing at!" Chen Dong stared at the man in black.

"What am I laughing at?" The man in black snorted, "Even if I really want to save people, I'm also going to save the girl of the Lin family. I will go to the Cultivation Alliance for you? I think you are overthinking."

"I understand." Chen Dong nodded, then looked at the black robe, "One day I will definitely surpass you!"

"Beyond me? Haha! I've heard a lot of Re say this so swearingly many years ago, but no one did it." The black robe laughed wildly.

"That's because you didn't meet me." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched.

The man in black was taken aback, and looked at Chen Dong.

He was wearing a black cloak, and his face was so dark that it was impossible to see his appearance clearly.

"Okay, young man, I'll wait for you to surpass. But it's easy to say big things, but it's not so simple to do." The man in black said hoarsely.

"I, Chen Dong, always do what I say." Chen Dong also looked at the man in black.

"Haha! Good! But now, boy, the first thing you need to do is to heal your wounds, otherwise you will die before you reach the gate of the Cultivation Alliance." The man in black laughed.

Su Mengru, who was standing at the side, was full of worry. She just thought that Tianxuanzi would capture Chen Donglai to threaten the black robe, so her whole attention was on Chen Dong.But I forgot that Tianxuanzi would attack Lin Wan!
"Xiao Wan! It's all my fault for being too careless!" Su Mengru blamed herself.

"You don't have to blame yourself too much. Although Xuanzi's clone didn't have the strength to defeat me that day, it's hard to stop a female doll who wants to go through a sea of ​​energy." The man in black said.

"Huh!" At this moment, a figure from the depths of the sea was heading towards Haidong Island.

This person was wearing a white coat, with gray hair and a goatee. He was the old man Yang Tianding.

"Huh!" The old man landed on the island.

"Zending, Xiaowan, she...Xiaowan was taken away by Tianxuanzi!" Su Mengru rushed forward when she saw Yang Tianding come back.

"Xiao Wan!" The old man's face was full of anger, "The members of the Cultivation Alliance are really getting more and more shameless, and they will do something to a little girl!"

"Hmph, when are the dogs from the Cultivation Alliance going to show their faces?" the man in black snorted coldly.

"I said why did Xuan Bingzi's mad dog quit all of a sudden? It turned out that he had to quit under the old dog's order!" the old man said through gritted teeth.

"Xiaodong, are you okay?" The old man looked at Chen Dong.

"I'm fine, master. I'm responsible for my junior sister. I have to save people first." Chen Dong looked at the old man and said.

"Save people first? With your half-disabled body now?" The black-robed man beside him snorted.

"That's right, Xiaodong, we must save her, but not now. The purpose of Xuanzi's capture of Xiaowan that day was definitely not to take her life. Compared with just using Xiaowan as a bait, let's take the bait." The old man wrinkled Said with a frown.

"So Tianxuanzi will never hurt the life of that girl of the Lin family, because he knows that this is the only card in his hand. Once he is gone, there is absolutely no way to lead us to the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance." The man in black said .

"Well, that's right. The headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance is not only full of masters, but also the bodies of the nine venerables of the Cultivation Alliance, including Tianxuanzi. .” The old man nodded and said.

"I know all of this!" Chen Dong looked at the old man Yang Tianding and said.

"You know? Do you think that if you kill a few clones of the powerful members of the Cultivation Alliance, you will have the strength to fight against their deity? With your current strength, even if you don't get injured, you can at most beat the weakest of the nine of them." A draw." Hei said fearfully.

"Well, not only that, although these people cannot do without the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance, their strength in the Cultivation Alliance will be strengthened, and they will be somewhat stronger than their own strength." Yang Tianding and the black-robed man People obviously know the Cultivation Alliance very well, no wonder they are regarded as serious troubles by the Cultivation Alliance.

"I'll know all of this if you don't tell me, otherwise Xuanzi wouldn't have spent so much effort trying to lure us to the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance that day." Chen Dong said with a serious face.

"Then you are going to die to make up for the regret that you failed to protect your junior sister? If you really think so, I don't think there is any need for us to stop you, just let you die." The man in black snorted One sound.

"Hey! You can't say that! This is my apprentice!" The old man was obviously not happy, he was the most protective in his life, and no one would bully his apprentice!
"You!" The man in black robe was speechless for a long time after being choked by the old man.

"The purpose of Tianxuanzi's arresting junior sister is to lure me into a trap. Alright! Then I will exchange my life for another life!" Chen Dong said.

"Bullshit! What are you talking about like a child?" This time the old man scolded with an ugly face.

"You and Xiaowan are both Master and Mistress' apprentices, do we care about Xiaowan, and just watch you die just to save Xiaowan's life?" the old man scolded.

"Yes, Xiaodong, calm down." Su Mengru also said beside her.

"Hmph! Childish! Even if you are willing to trade your life for another, do you think Tianxuanzi will really let him go?" Hei's hoarse voice came again.

"I understand that his ultimate goal is to lure you and Master and Mistress, and I'm just a bait." Chen Dong said.

"It's good to understand!" Hei was afraid of people snorting.

"So after the junior sister is replaced, you don't need to come and save me!"

(End of this chapter)

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