Chapter 851

On the broken Haidong Island.

The originally hard reef had long been turned into gravel residue, and the sea water was washed into the sea as soon as it was washed.

And the artificial facilities on the island have already changed beyond recognition.

At this moment, Haidong Island is no longer that beautiful tourist resort but more like a desolate Gobi desert.

"You don't need us to save you?" the man in black laughed.

"That's right! If you don't come to Tianxuanzi, you won't be able to achieve your goal!" Chen Dong said.

"Childish!" Heipao snorted impatiently, turned around with a wave of his sleeves, as if he no longer wanted to say anything to Chen Dong.

"Boy, don't you understand? Even if you go to the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance, not only will you not be able to replace your junior sister, but you will also be detained by Tianxuanzi. At that time, both of you will be deeply involved in the Cultivation Alliance. Do you think me and your mistress want to save you?" The old man asked Chen Dong so patiently, which was rare.

Chen Dong's face was solemn, how could he not know that even if he went to the Cultivation Alliance and exchanged his life with his junior sister, the chance of being able to exchange it was very small.

He doesn't care about his own life or death, but he can't hurt his master and wife anymore!
"Is there no other way?" Chen Dong now only hated himself for being too weak, far from being strong enough!
"There is only one way." The old man Yang Tianding looked at the man in black.

"What way?" Chen Dong asked quickly.

"Destroy the Cultivation Alliance." At this time, the man in black with his back facing Chen Dong said hoarsely.

"What? Kill the Cultivation Alliance!" Chen Dong's pupils shrank suddenly.

I'm afraid he has now truly realized how powerful the Cultivation Alliance is.

Just a clone of Tian Xuanzi is enough to seriously injure him.

And even if the three powerhouses, the black-robed man and the master and wife, could only protect themselves, let alone destroy the Cultivation Alliance.

For so many years, Master and Mistress have been hunted down by the Cultivation Alliance all over the world is the best example.

"That's right! Destroy the Cultivation Alliance! The Cultivation Alliance shouldn't exist in this world!" At this moment, the black-robed man turned around abruptly and said agitatedly.

"It shouldn't exist in this world!" Chen Dong repeated while looking at the man in black.

"The world of comprehension was prosperous back then, and people later realized that everything in front of them was an illusion! Our world is nothing but a cage kept in captivity!" Heipao said with a trembling voice, obviously he was very emotional when he said this .

"A cage in captivity!" There was a flash of light in Chen Dong's eyes, as if he understood something.

"This existence that keeps us in captivity claims to be the sky!" The man in black raised his head and looked towards the sky.

"God!" Chen Dong buzzed in his mind, what the black-robed man said caused a great uproar in his heart, it can be said that it completely overturned his original cognition.

God, it is actually alive, and it is still an existence in this world in captivity!
"Actually, he's not a genius at all! He's just a monk from outside our world, a world far stronger than ours." The black-robed man continued.

"Extraterritorial world!" Chen Dong frowned, what the black-robed man said was completely beyond his cognition, he never thought that there would be other worlds besides this world!
"The strength of this extraterritorial world is much stronger than ours, but their people cannot directly come to our world. So in order to control our world and plunder our resources, they fabricated a set of so-called sky, so-called The lie of becoming an immortal. When the strength of a cultivator reaches the stage of becoming a god, he will go through the so-called ascension to the heaven. However, these people who actually ascended to the heaven will only be slaughtered alive by those outsiders, and will kill him for life. All the spiritual energy and true essence cultivated will be taken away, and this cultivator at the transformation stage will be reincarnated and cultivated from scratch." The man in black clenched his fists and said.

"Cultivators in the transformation stage will be slaughtered!" Chen Dong thumped in his heart. The avatars of Tianxuanzi in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul are so powerful, let alone the cultivators in the stage of transformation that only exist in ancient legends!
But even the cultivators who have already ascended to the immortal stage will not be slaughtered alive and take everything away!
Then wouldn't the strength of those people from outside the domain be far more powerful than those in the Transformation Stage!
"Slaughtering alive is like slaughtering a fattened patriarch by a captive! This is the final return of a cultivator!" The black-robed man laughed at himself.

"Is there no one to resist? Could it be that the cultivators in our world are willing to be raised in captivity?" Chen Dong looked at the man in black and said.

"Of course there is!" the black-robed man continued, his thoughts seemed to have returned to the ancient era of comprehension a long time ago.

"It was a cultivator who was in the stage of becoming a god, and after he became an immortal, he saw with his own eyes that his so-called cultivation was sucked away by these so-called immortals like animals, and finally beheaded. After witnessing the strength of the other party, he escaped , In the end he escaped back by relying on his formidable strength." The man in black robe said.

"And this powerhouse who returned to the mortal world after ascending to immortality immediately caused a huge sensation. Because there has never been a cultivator after ascending to immortality for tens of thousands of years. Originally, people only thought it was Because they have already ascended to the heavens, they will not return to the mortal world. But this cultivator revealed a shocking truth! All the ascended cultivators in the past were beheaded and killed by monks outside the territory, and their life cultivation was taken away!" Black Robe People's emotions became agitated again, as if they touched the pain in his heart.

"When the cultivators knew the truth, the entire comprehension world united against the so-called heaven. But those outsiders had already sensed that something was wrong, and began to crazily bring down the heavenly catastrophe! Many strong people in the transformation stage and the nascent stage didn't even have time to resist. Killed by the Heavenly Tribulation!" At this moment, the old man Yang Tianding continued.

"Heavenly Tribulation!" Chen Dong's heart twitched, thinking of the Heavenly Tribulation that fell on him continuously in the northwest desert.

At that time, Chen Dong felt that this catastrophe was a little weird, as if it was aimed at him, and he wanted to kill him.And if it wasn't for a coincidence that he recast his golden body, he might have died in the catastrophe long ago.

This shows that this catastrophe is not a fixed rule but conscious, at least it is consciously controlled by someone!

"After this catastrophe, the elite forces in the cultivation world suffered heavy casualties. Even those who survived were mostly seriously injured and their cultivation levels were greatly reduced! The power of the entire cultivation world was greatly weakened and devastated!" the old man Yang Tianding said. Said loudly.

"At this moment of crisis, the most hateful thing is the emergence of traitors in the cultivation world!"

At this moment, the man in black said in a cold voice.

(End of this chapter)

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